The best way of fulfilling your own interest is to take care of others.

In some ways I would like to be like Tyler, my char­ac­ter in the film.

Because God is better than we think we have to change the way we think.

It is O. K. for me to feel angry and to express it in responsible ways.

If you have just one person believe in you, you'll always find your way

A permanent path That, once illuminated, Goes ever onward - a way home.

Best way to find the weakness of the enemy is to understand their ways.

Journaling is a way to be a good steward of the Spirit's illuminations.

Great companies with the way they work, first start with great leaders.

How can you do anything extraordinary by doing things the ordinary way?

The taste for glory can make ordinary men behave in extraordinary ways.

Those who think they know it all have no way of finding out they don't.

The past always sort of haunts us and perhaps inspires us in some ways.

In Democracy, man exploits man; in Communism, it's the other way round.

Setting people to spy on one another is not the way to protect freedom.

Management is nature's way of removing idiots from the productive flow.

The Free Market is Mother Nature's way of organizing economic activity.

Poets, in their way, are practical men; they are interested in results.

Sometimes on the way to your dream, you get lost and find a better one.

The present enables us to understand the past, not the other way round.

War subjects itself to transportation in a way that we find acceptable.

People comment, and that's where we are now. It's the way the world is.

Watching fish, like listening to music, can distract you in a good way.

All children accomplish milestones in their own way, in their own time.

I do not suffer from Autism, but I do suffer from the way you treat me.

The only way to handle big business is to delegate, delegate, delegate.

The best way to make every one poor is to insist on equality of wealth.

Music is a wonderful way of getting in touch with the stillness within.

The most basic way to get someone's attention is this: Break a pattern.

We don't have ways of resolving the arguments in idea meritocratic way.

[Bob Fosse] was a temperamental fellow - it was his way or the highway.

There are many ways to salvation, and one of them is to follow a river.

Let's let people live their lives and do it the way they want to do it.

I am in no way interested in immortality, but only in the taste of tea.

Uncertain ways unsafest are, and doubt a greater mischief than despair.

The economy is not removed from the way you live out your private life.

The best way to make your audience laugh is to start laughing yourself.

I’ve got...ways of tricking my brain into getting what I need out of it

It's hubris to think that the way we see things is everything there is.

You should try to do something if you think you can see your way clear.

There was no way in hell I was going to jeopardize my baby for my show.

Life is full of opportunities to feel exactly the way you want to feel.

The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.

Sometimes a clearly defined error is the only way to discover the truth

The way to be anxious about nothing is to be prayerful about everything.

People in New Zealand go out of their way to not be impressed by things.

We are all punished for the lives we have chosen, in one way or another.

I desire you in friendship, and I will one way or other make you amends.

Every life is different because you passed this way and touched history.

I had to try and find a way to express happiness without sounding corny.

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