The best way to make room for both life and career is to make choices deliberately-to set limits and stick to them.

In some ways, you could argue, television is doing far more interesting work than the movies. It's more fulfilling.

In some ways, if you make mistakes with your own money, you don't feel as bad about it as if it was someone else's.

I always keep my guard up with guys and I guess that can get in the way sometimes. I can make them go through hell.

Managing your problems can only make you good, whereas building your opportunities is the only way to become great.

I trust in God, and His ways are not our ways. So we have to go with that, and there's nothing I can do about that.

Do you know what it's like to like someone so much you can't stand it and know that they'll never feel the same way

One of the things you realize with a lot of high achievers: You have to figure out a way to make things their idea.

This is exactly why the Electoral College is set up the way it is, so that one state would not elect the president.

Nothing is harder than working with an actor who doesn't take it seriously or show up in the same way that you are.

There's no way to learn how to write a hit song. There's no formula for it. You just have to have it inside of you.

I really appreciate the way you don't appreciate me, said my subconscious as I agreed to go out with her yet again.

She was my destination. I was always on the way to Lena, even when I wasn't. Even when she wasn't on her way to me.

The way an actor is trained doesn't ultimately have much bearing on my work. I'm interested in the actor as artist.

We should never change our minds about where we are going, but always be curious about different ways to get there.

Nobody was interested in playing Bob Marley on the radio. We had to tour him - that was the only way it could work.

I'm a fan of making things that I've seen but couldn't purchase, or things I bought that didn't fit the way I like.

There's no way to have a peace agreement unless the mediator or negotiator looks at both sides from an equal basis.

Even if our own troubles are great, we should still serve. Jesus washed His disciples feet on the way to the cross.

Causes have a way of tainting your reason until a person takes much bigger risks than sanity would otherwise allow.

The aborigines in Australia, the way they dress is very honest; it's not about: "Oh, you wear a skirt, you're gay."

If you really love something, you never try to keep it the way it is forever. You have to let it be free to change.

People have different reasons for the way they live their lives. You cannot put everyone's reasons in the same box.

When you don't behave the way liberals think you should, their effort and their intention to control you compounds.

There's always tons of crap music people are trying to sell us - [it's] the same way with publishers and galleries.

Negotiation talks are the best way to solve anything. We must replace wars and weapons with negotiations and talks.

The first demand any work of art makes upon us is to surrender. Look. Listen. Receive. Get yourself out of the way.

The pyramids are one of those things that live up to the hype. They're elemental in ways that are hard to describe.

There is a difference between finding trouble in your path and going out of your way searching for it.” -Jacen Solo

In a way that somebody else converts to Judaism or becomes a Hare Krishna, I belong to the church of fried chicken.

There is not a man in power at our Bethlehem steel works today who did not begin at the bottom and work his way up.

I have always been fascinated by paranoid people imagining conspiracies. I am fascinated by this in a critical way.

In many ways I'm an experimental and new music composer that comes from a rural tradition rather than an urban one.

In every sort of danger there are various ways of winning through, if one is ready to do and say anything whatever.

It's not controversial to say that human activity is contributing in some way. The question is how serious that is.

Why carve? It's a better sculpture that way. I'll never improve the block. So I just started using uncarved blocks.

There are many different ways to be poor in the world but increasingly there seems to be one single way to be rich.

Personally I don't like it when writers become excessively proscriptive about the way that people read their books.

It's a surer way to a woman's heart to be interested in what she's thinking than what she's wearing or not wearing.

Things are finally starting to calm down and be the way they're supposed to be. I think things happen for a reason.

We're so saturated with propaganda every way you look that we don't notice it. But when it isn't there, you notice.

I'm always very interested in playing in front of different kinds of audiences. It always affects the way you play.

Anything worth doing is worth doing twice, the first time quick and dirty and the second time the best way you can.

I'm horrified to admit that I just love Salinger. I was devastated to find out that other people feel the same way.

The bedfellows politics made are never strange. It only seems that way to those who have not watched the courtship.

We have a harder way to succeed in life as Serbs because of the past that we had and because of the history we had.

I'm very good at living out of a suitcase. I love dressing up every morning. It feels like a costume, in some ways.

What has interested me all along is not the pronouncement of meaning but pointing toward the way meaning is formed.

Take life slowly and deliberately, making sure to acknowledge the people who have helped you succeed along the way.

Disordered love always leads to misery and breakdown. The only way to 'reorder' our loves is to love God supremely.

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