On my way out I was even going to shake his hand, but I remembered just in time that I'd killed a man.

Prose talent depends on having something to say and an interesting, highly developed way of saying it.

Everyone has obstacles to overcome, but those with great faith can conquer whatever stands in the way.

You know that sadness and rage you feel about your money? That's the way some of us feel about people.

There is no better way to get to know someone than to have an affair ... it can save years of lunches.

George Bush Junior [George W Bush] was a religious fanatic, and Tony Blair wasn't far behind in a way.

Jamal Crawford reminds me the most of myself, the way he goes to the basket. But they need leadership.

There won't be anything we won't say to people to try and convince them that our way is the way to go.

The way you look on the outside has a definite bearing on how you feel and see yourself on the inside.

I hope more people will ask diamond companies to continue changing the way they do business in Africa.

She's got a way about her, And everywhere she goes, a million dreams of love surround her, everywhere.

You have touched my heart in so many ways with your gentle tenderness, I am lost forever in your love.

Do not give way to lowness while you are young. Rise up on the strength of God and resolve to conquer.

A gasline will help shape our economic future - the same way that oil has shaped our economic present.

Science is about exploring, and the only way to uncover the secrets of the universe is to go and look.

The way to keep weeds from overwhelming you is to deal with them constantly and in their early stages.

We deserved to lose and it was a good result for us, considering the way we played in the second half.

I've always believed in the old-fashioned way: When you've got scoundrels in office, you vote 'em out.

There is no better way of elevating the novel than by making it into a construct which contains ideas.

If your opponent praises you: beware! But if he gets stuck into you, you are usually on the right way.

We get our rights from our Creator as individuals. So every individual should be treated the same way.

Be tough in the way a blade of grass is: rooted, willing to lean, and at peace with what is around it.

Major labels just lost their way. It's like the housing bubble. They lost a sense of the fundamentals.

I just want to make sure I could tell my story the way I want to tell it. I just want to own my truth.

There are two ways to read Scripture - the way a lawyer reads a will and the way an heir reads a will.

But how can I give to God what is rightfully His? There is only one way; that is in service to others.

There's nothing wrong with having a 9-to-5 job, but figure out a way to have another stream of income.

Oft in my way have I stood still, though but a casual passenger, so much I felt the awfulness of life.

When you put your mind to it, you usually find that there is a way to achieve what you want after all.

Death is for many of us the gate of hell; but we are inside on the way out, not outside on the way in.

To me and my kind life itself is a story and we have to tell it in stories - that is the way it falls.

What a joy it is that the road ahead is an uphill climb. For where it leads is all the way to the top.

The first World War in so many ways shaped the 20th century and really remade our world for the worse.

In contrast to the path of selfishness, there is no room for road rage on the straight and narrow way.

The best way of learning to be an independent sovereign state is to be an independent sovereign state.

Jesus is not one of many ways to approach God, nor is He the best of several ways; He is the only way.

In the first place, you’re way off when you start railing at things and people instead of at yourself.

Direct not him whose way himself will choose; 'Tis breath not lack'st, and that breath wilt thou lose.

When you see something bad happening out in the world, you should try to help in whatever way you can.

Painting several comparative images is a profitable way to begin to understand the concept of content.

I find that the only way to get through life is to picture myself in an entirely disconnected reality.

Artists rarely do the same thing over and over again. Art is about the new, doing things in a new way.

I'm used to working really hard to get a role. I was always auditioning and talking my way into roles.

I don't ever feel like I've had a moment where I am like, "There it is; perfect and holy in all ways."

My first undertaking in the way of scientific experiment was in the field of economics and psychology.

I've occasionally been wrong about certain things, which is in a way more delightful than being right.

Solitude is a breeding ground for idiosyncrasy, and I relish that about it, the way it liberates whim.

Well, I have my immortal soul. At least, I'm pretty sure I didn't misplace it somewhere along the way.

If I want to dress myself a certain way, I don't want to have to rely on someone else to do it for me.

Any people whose lives are about the way they look, whether it's fat or thin, are in a dangerous area.

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