Just because it's true, I say as often as I can in as many ways as I can form, "I sure love you."

It is one of the mysterious ways of Allah to make women troublesome when he makes them beautiful.

I don't know what my friends do. Generally they become producers. That way they can stop writing!

People with a lot of theological study and no prayer life are dangerous... and not in a good way.

There's no tragedy in life like the death of a child. Things never get back to the way they were.

You can't control the things that happen to you, but you can control the way you feel about them.

I'm a very anxious, nervy kind of loser in many ways, and I get very stressed and a little tense.

Ya know, if you treat every comic the way you treated me tonight, you would never see a bad show.

I call myself a Possibilian: I'm open to...ideas that we don't have any way of testing right now.

We do not mind our not arriving anywhere nearly so much as our not having any company on the way.

Lord, help me to remember that there are many ways to rejoice in any kind of day you make for us.

Don't apologize for all the tears you've cried, you've been way too strong now for all your life.

You can't let yourself be pushed around. You can't live in fear. That's no way to live your life.

The way to procure insults is to submit to them. A man meets with no more respect than he exacts.

Loving myself and thinking joyful, happy thoughts is the quickest way to create a wonderful life.

'Course the world of sports takes itself way too serious. Sports writers are all high and mighty.

I'll be needing a bridesmaid',she said.'A tall one. That way, I'll look more petite and feminine.

I know he [Prince] is up there saying to me, "This is not the way I wanted it to happen, Stevie."

I just try to get out of my own way because if anyone is their own worst enemy, it's usually you.

Daniel Lowe. My savior. My perfect guy. The boy who would never love me the way that I loved him.

God is the only one who truly gets it because He knows the intimate ways of our minds and hearts.

I'm very proud of the way that I was raised, I'm very proud of the way that my parents raised me.

There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.

Mere fact has no chance of being formally perfect. It will get in the way, it will be all elbows.

I am officially Jewish, but I’m Jewish in the same way the Olive Garden is an Italian restaurant.

Bion used to say that the way to the shades below was easy; he could go there with his eyes shut.

Every book for me is an exorcism in some way or another, working through my feelings at the time.

Everything's a risk, by the way, these days. Every film you make is a risk. There's no guarantee.

Actions are the doors and windows of being. Unless we act, we have no way of knowing what we are.

I can only see it going one way, that's my way. How it's actually going to go I can't really say.

Poets have to keep pushing, pushing, against the darkness, and write their way out of it as well.

A lot of people are living their lives online in much more public ways with Facebook and Twitter.

The only way of learning the method of science is the long and bitter way of personal experience.

You have your own culture and your own ways of doing things. I hope Japan continues on this path.

I'll not! The gents are impressed with the way that I'm dressed. I wouldn't change even one spot.

There is no single right answer or path forward, but there is one right way to frame the problem.

I like writing in an illustrative, descriptive way. I prefer describing to rather than explaining.

I challenge you to be the best you can be! I challenge you to behave in ways you've never behaved.

I hate writing. I will do anything to avoid it. The only way I could write less was if I was dead.

I believe in poetic discourse, in the value of speech in a non-naturalistic way; it's speculative.

The world is such-and-such or so-and-so only because we tell ourselves that that is the way it is.

Well, I suppose I'm interested in ways of storytelling and in stories that are about storytelling.

You don't think your way into a new kind of living. You live your way into a new kind of thinking.

The best way to change it is to do it. Right? And then after a while you become it, and it's easy.

Let me have my own way in exactly everything and a sunnier and pleasanter creature does not exist.

One age misunderstands another; and a petty age misunderstands all the others in its own ugly way.

Nobody will ever love you quite the way you want them to. You just have to let them do their best.

Scouts have always been surprised by the way I'm able to move at my size. How fast and agile I am.

I only am in this business because I enjoy it. I think that is the only way to be in the business.

I've never been one to get up on a soapbox and preach. I just live my life the way I live my life.

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