Not watching TV gets me in a lot of trouble in my household because my wife and daughter have a lot of shows they like to watch.

I'm not opposed to the consumption of alcohol. I'm opposed to my kids watching TV at seven o'clock and being told to bet and drink.

I'm one of those guys that spins through the clicker when I'm watching TV. When one of my movies comes on, I'll watch a scene or two.

I guess my perfect day would be relaxing with my wife somewhere peaceful and secluded, or just lounging on the couch and watching TV.

I really enjoy watching TV; it offers an amazing window, and its an incredible way of presenting history to young people in particular.

I thought, from watching TV and stuff, that America was one place. They only show you L.A. and New York. They don't warn you about Iowa.

I watch a lot of TV. That's how I spend most of my time outside of work. If I had more time, I would fill it 100 percent with watching TV.

I don't think there is a national pasttime. Watching TV is a national pasttime. Really. If there is a national pasttime, it is watching TV.

I stopped watching TV because of 'The Wire.' Like, 'The Wire' ruined everything for me because I don't even want to watch anything else now.

If you ask me what I'd rather be doing, well, I'd rather be home in California, watching TV, polishing my tools and working around the ranch.

For me, a very chilled out day would be me on my couch or cooking, sitting with one or two friends watching TV or films over a glass of wine.

For me as a young kid, my parents took me to random cities. I stayed at my relatives and the biggest trouble I had was watching TV on my own.

The civil rights movement is something I've looked into a lot. When I was about 23, I started reading up on it all and watching TV programmes.

Every day, I tell myself, 'It will be better if I spend more time on thinking about good ideas and working instead of watching TV or shopping.'

People are on their computers more than watching TV, because you can only watch voyeur TV, which is basically what reality shows are, for so long.

I find that you learn from others. It's very much about watching TV and watching movies for me and grasping that way and watching other people act.

I remember when I was young, I was watching TV, and my father came into the room, agitated, and told me to start a business. I was eight years old.

Digital presentation is just television in public; we're all just getting together and watching TV without pointing the remote control at the screen.

Just watching TV as a kid, for a long time I thought, as a young kid, obviously when I was, like, 4 or 5, I thought that people lived in the television.

I think it turned the whole sport around. It got everybody's attention. People who were watching TV live were jumping up and down in their living rooms.

When you go to the mountains, you really have to accept that there is always a risk. It's more dangerous than sitting at home watching TV. It's really sad.

Reagan didn't socialize with the press. He spent his evenings with Nancy, watching TV with dinner trays. But he knew that to transcend, you can't condescend.

I didn't grow up watching TV or going to McDonald's or listening to mainstream music. Like, the casting agents are looking elsewhere for the cheerleader role.

I like things that are funny - in everyday conversation, in incidents that you see, in watching TV or watching film. Comedy has always had an impact on my life.

I don't really find a problem with technology or television or anything. I'm a product of it. I grew up watching TV, and I don't think I'm too dumb or too crazy.

I watch like, Steve Jobs interviews, I don't really watch TV. I stopped watching TV when I turned like ten because my parents were like, 'TV's really bad for you.'

Push-ups are seriously the best way to tone your arms - and they tone your abs at the same time! I like to do them when I'm home watching TV or listening to music.

Growing up, I remember watching TV, and I didn't see a lot of people who looked like me, especially someone who passed as a glamorous model on a mainstream TV show.

Broadcasters and production companies often don't appreciate the complexities of viewing habits, but Gogglebox has highlighted how in-depth people go when watching TV.

What does good in bed mean to me? When I'm sick and I stay home from school propped up with lots of pillows watching TV and my mom brings me soup - that's good in bed.

I was watching TV and saw people with masks, weapons, and grenades. I thought, Is that really possible? Could we be here yet again? And go into civil war one more time?

This almost never happens, but what is really relaxing is just being in this house all by myself, sitting quietly and watching TV. But I basically never get that chance.

There are plenty of skills I've learned from playing video games. It's more interactive than watching TV, because there are problems to solve as you're using your brain.

I was watching TV one day, and I'm like, 'How did those people get on TV? I'm gonna try that. Hey, mom, I want to be on TV!' And she's like, 'OK, let's get you an agent.'

There is no such thing as national advertising. All advertising is local and personal. It's one man or woman reading one newspaper in the kitchen or watching TV in the den.

I used to practice cello while watching TV and films. I watched several complete TV series this way, including 'Lost' and 'The Wire.' As a kid, I'd read books while playing.

I left Disney in 2000 because I thought that the process of watching TV was really going to change, and the process of creating it and the business model had to change, too.

I remember when I was in my late teens just getting rid of lots of records, realizing I only ever listened to them when I was reading, or watching TV, or doing something else.

I found out a long time ago that if I indulged by stuffing my face with great food, lying about reading books and watching TV or talking on the phone, I was not a happy camper.

But, if you read science journals or the inside of Snapple caps, you might already know that watching TV is the closest you can get to being dead, which is why it's so relaxing.

I was more of the kind of babysitter that liked holding the baby, sort of playing Mom, and then putting the baby to bed and watching TV while eating everything in their kitchen.

When you finish work, practically everybody in that place is going to watch a movie at night anyway. They're tired. They have dinner. They go up to their room. They're watching TV.

There were times I should have been completely emotionally available to my kids and I wasn't there, even for reading a book with them or watching TV or tucking my daughter into bed.

I have a problem with the strip that runs along the bottom of the news programs. Don't these idiots who run the news programs know we don't want to read? That's why we're watching TV.

The television set's on while the family's sitting around having dinner or talking. Nobody's watching TV; it's there; they're aware of it, but they're not participating. That's passive.

I was once chillin in my room, watching TV, just in a regular place.. And now I'm in this big world, living my dream and, you know, doing what I love. It's just crazy how it all came around.

In my family, there was no celebration of ignorance. They'd come and see Chekhov or Shakespeare. I've got a sister who got a first in her degree. We don't sit around watching TV all the time.

My upbringing was very un-Hollywood... I was born in New York and grew up on a ranch. I was never really smitten by the business in those days, never a fan type - just a basic kid watching TV.

The competitive landscape for us is very broad. We see ourselves in the entertainment space. We compete with listening to the radio. We compete with watching TV. We compete with social networks.

I want to find those stories that we may talk about at the barbecue or when we're playing bid whist or with our cousins watching TV, but you don't see it on television. Certainly it's perspective.

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