You need to think, when you get involved in wars, how you're going to get out of them.

A whole new career opened up for me when I was in 'Lord Of The Rings' and 'Star Wars.'

I had to forget a lot of 'Star Wars' when I was making 'Dune.' It wasn't hard, though.

We don't need holy wars. What we need is tolerance and brotherhood and simple humanity.

We are going to hire a woman who's going to direct a 'Star Wars' movie. I have no doubt.

Wars have ever been but another aristocratic mode of plundering and oppressing commerce.

Things move very slowly in politics. We seem to fight the same wars over and over again.

Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change.

The most emotionally connected I've ever been to a character is Natsuki in 'Summer Wars.'

I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars.

Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, armored troops will play the decisive role.

The original 'Star Wars' that I was a part of really was the beginning of my working life.

For ultimately, the only way to win wars, is to prevent them occurring in the first place.

I have lost count of how many wars I have actively and largely ineffectively tried to stop.

I think it's always wise to be concerned about any of the characters in 'Star Wars,' right?

I love the place 'Clone Wars' has on Netflix; it's very accessible, and I think it's great.

Something I grew up with is John Williams, of course, with 'Indiana Jones' and 'Star Wars.'

I think it's important that 'Star Wars' characters speak universally, to kids and to people.

'Star Wars' is a galaxy a long time ago, far, far away. 'Star Wars' is not about our future.

May the Force be with J.J. I think he'll reinvent 'Star Wars,' like he did with 'Star Trek.'

Frankly, 'Bride Wars' got made because movies with women need to be about weddings and love.

No one can give me advice on 'Star Wars' because nobody knows what I'm doing in 'Star Wars.'

I haven't been to a movie since somebody gave me free tickets to Star Wars, which I went to.

Time and distance from the first and second world wars doesn't seem to lessen their horrors.

Immigrants do more than help us win our wars, or set up cleaning shops or ethnic restaurants.

I had some issues. When I first had to deal with being in 'Star Wars,' you know, who wouldn't?

I don't comment on the physics errors of 'Star Wars,' all right. I just - you let that one go.

I learned firsthand that there would simply be no wars if people engaged in real conversation.

Smallpox was the worst disease in history. It killed more people than all the wars in history.

I've covered a couple wars and a lot of breaking news and a lot of cops-and-robbers situations.

Goals are ever-changing. I didn't set out to be in a 'Star Wars' film but now I've been in one.

Watched Star Wars in 77 and that's when I got into watching films. I was just blown away by it.

I was never interested in writing novelizations. I'm still not. Especially not for 'Star Wars.'

If we think of what's up ahead, with climate change and wars over water, it's very frightening.

It is true we have won all our wars, but we have paid for them. We don't want victories anymore.

With Star Wars fans, there's so much enthusiasm, and it's a completely different generation now.

You can't tell me that all the wars we are fighting are in America's national security interest.

I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war.

The media bring our wars home, but only rarely have they been able to do it in complete freedom.

I felt that the Star Wars series became very pretentious as time went on. Just heavy and leaden.

For some reason, I skipped the original 'Star Wars.' I don't know why, and I'm very embarrassed.

Most of wars or military coups or invasions are done in the name of democracy against democracy.

I don't go to war for the adrenaline rush. I cover wars because that's what I've ended up doing.

I agree that mommy wars are not good for any mothers: that such wars are time and effort wasted.

History is cyclical, and it would be foolhardy to assume that the culture wars will never return.

'Star Wars' is populated by so many great types; who wouldn't want to be a Han Solo kind of dude?

If an original piece of wardrobe came up from Star Wars, I'd probably spend a lot of money on it.

I never got into 'Star Wars.' Maybe because they made no attempt to portray real physics. At all.

Virtually all of Africa's civil wars were started by politically marginalized or excluded groups.

None of us really understood exactly how much Star Wars would affect us for the rest of our lives.

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