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According to the letter of the Gita, it is possible to say that warfare is consistent with renunciation of fruit.
Warfare ... is just an invention, older and more widespread than the jury system, but none the less an invention.
Every time a congressman or pundit says its 'class warfare' to increase taxes on the wealthy, it's a massive lie.
Modern warfare is increasingly expeditionary and requires platforms with extended range, flexibility and endurance.
The characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity, and the characteristic result is religious warfare.
Competition is what keeps me playing the psychological warfare of matching skill against skill and wit against wit.
Any time Uncle Sam, with all his machinery for warfare, is held to a draw by some rice eaters, he's lost the battle.
Unconventional warfare needs to remain the heart and soul of U.S. Special Operations Command and component commands.
Treachery has existed as long as there's been warfare, and there's always been a few people that you couldn't trust.
The partisan warfare fueled by modern technology does not fairly reflect the grace and dignity of the American people.
Gnostic politics is self-defeating in so far as its disregard for the structure of reality leads to continuous warfare.
Alexander Hamilton realized that warfare was part and parcel of human nature, and it's something we had to prepare for.
Communism teaches and seeks two objectives: unrelenting class warfare and the complete eradication of private ownership.
Counter-insurgency warfare is not a simple thing... it's not as simple as, like, good guys versus bad guys. It is a mess.
One does not make wars less likely by formulationg rules of warfare... war cannot be humanized. It can only be eliminated.
Love is like trench warfare - you cannot see the enemy, but you know he is there and that it is wiser to keep your head down.
Asymmetrical warfare is a euphemism for terrorism, just like collateral damage is a euphemism for killing innocent civilians.
The primary aim of modern warfare ... is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living.
If night raids and detentions are an unavoidable part of modern counterinsurgency warfare, then so is the resentment they breed.
We have the right of revolution. Revolution does not always have to be weapons and warfare; it's also about revolutionary ideas.
We're living, it seems, in the culmination of a long warfare - warfare against human beings, other creatures and the Earth itself.
You're not going to win mental warfare with me. I am one of the mentally toughest guys, if not the mentally toughest guy in the UFC.
In modern warfare, journalists are among the first responders, seeking out truth in the turmoil and wreckage, wherever it takes them.
Corporate competition is fierce, viewed by many as economic warfare where all is fair. But politics... now, this is something unique.
Whatever may be true of the other modes of warfare, insatyagraha it has been held that the causes for failure are to be sought within.
Anti-submarine warfare is the military version of chess. You must work out what the enemy is going to do before they even think of it.
When you have warfare, things happen; people suffer; the noncombatants suffer as well as the combatants. And so it happens in civil war.
Let us have the candor to acknowledge that what we call "the economy" or "the free market" is less and less distinguishable from warfare.
The usages and methods of warfare are thus determined by changing circumstances and, therefore, they themselves can in nowise be eternal.
Democrats single out glaring examples of tax preferences or spending priorities that favor the wealthy and Republicans cry 'class warfare!'
There is such a thing as legitimate warfare: war has its laws; there are things which may fairly be done, and things which may not be done.
A military leader should always understand, of all human endeavors... the one that's the most unpredictable and the most costly is warfare.
While the nature of warfare is changing and wars are moving into cities, they are also becoming longer and their consequences more impactful.
To speak of 'limits to growth' under a capitalistic market economy is as meaningless as to speak of limits of warfare under a warrior society.
Doves oppose war on the grounds that the risks exceed the gains. War with Iraq could be very costly, possibly degenerating into urban warfare.
How can I shave in the midst of guerrilla warfare? On battlefields, we have no facilities for shaving, and that was why I first grew my beard.
The battle for the mind of Ronald Reagan was like the trench warfare of World War I: never have so many fought so hard for such barren terrain.
Can we fight against and subdue ourselves? That is the greatest difficulty we ever encountered, and the most arduous warfare we ever engaged in.
I have learned some things. Modern life is warfare without end: take no prisoners, leave no wounded, eat the dead--that's environmentally sound.
For a time during the early settlement of this country peace and goodwill prevailed, only to be followed later by violent and relentless warfare.
I was a fan of 'Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2,' and I got into 'Call Of Duty: Black Ops,' which was my favorite 'Call Of Duty' game of all time.
I hear all this, you know, 'Well, this is class warfare, this is whatever.' No. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own - nobody.
Meditation practice is regarded as a good and in fact excellent way to overcome warfare in the world; our own warfare as well as greater warfare.
Treyarch contributed so significantly to the multiplayer technology that's in 'Modern Warfare 2,' and they didn't really get the credit for that.
You cannot tell the enemy you're going to leave and expect the enemy to not - and expect to succeed. I mean, that's just a fundamental of warfare.
Shakespeare wrote about love. I write about love. Shakespeare wrote about gang warfare, family feuds and revenge. I write about all the same things.
Terrorism is a psychological warfare. Terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behavior by creating fear, uncertainty, and division in society.
It is a rule of international law that weapons and methods of warfare which do not discriminate between combatants and civilians should never be used.
A pacifism which can see the cruelties only of occasional military warfare and is blind to the continuous cruelties of our social system is worthless.
You don't torture people. You don't indiscriminately attack civilians. You protect as good as you can the impact of your warfare on women and children.