World War I broke out largely because of an arms race, and World War II because of the lack of an arms race.

As America celebrates Memorial Day, we pay tribute to those who have given their lives in our nation's wars.

More than a code of manners in war and love, Chivalry was a moral system, governing the whole of noble life.

I had done a lot of reading, relative for a kid, about World War Two, and I thought about Chamberlain a lot.

Each particular society begins to feel its strength, whence arises a state of war between different nations.

In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad

Who is the descendant of the slavemasters a descendant of slaves to fight other people in thier own country?

Every war is its own excuse. That's why they're all surrounded with ideals. That's why they're all crusades.

Churchill says the Government had to choose between war and shame. They chose shame. They will get war, too.

There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending.

I've always dreamed that George Lucas would call me one day and ask me to be in one of the 'Star Wars' films.

Priorities like winning the War on Terror and providing tax relief that will keep our economy growing strong.

As a Korean War veteran, I know firsthand and understand the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform.

Stop viewing China like it's the Cold War. Start viewing them as a modern member of the industrialized world.

One of my favorite vampire movies is 'Nosferatu,' which has a palpable sense of dread that's a pre-war dread.

Hence the saying: The enlightened ruler lays his plans well ahead; the good general cultivates his resources.

Fate has terrible power. You cannot escape it by wealth or war. No fort will keep it out, no ships outrun it.

If the Southeast represents the new battlefield in the war on meth, then Tennessee clearly is at ground zero.

Come on soldiers! Guardians and agents of the supreme law! Here is a sacrifice of dogs ready for your swords!

You have to be willing to sacrifice as much to prevent war, as soldiers are willing to sacrifice to wage war.

Peace, which costs nothing, is attended with infinitely more advantage than any victory with all its expence.

During the Cold War, we lived in coded times when it wasn't easy and there were shades of grey and ambiguity.

I had just turned 10-years-old when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and plunged America into World War II.

I didn't get much peace, but I heard in Norway that Russia might well become a huge market for tractors soon.

If civilization has an opposite, it is war. Of these two things, you have either one, or the other. Not both.

Soldiers! Here is the battle you have so long desired! Henceforth victory depends on you; we have need of it.

Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle.

I see lots of cycles, for sure. There's the whole post-Star Wars era, but I don't think it's the whole story.

I had a nice childhood. War and all the experiences affected me as a person and helped me to grow, to change.

What if someone gave a war & Nobody came? / Life would ring the bells of Ecstasy and Forever be Itself again.

I am in favor of a national favor of the internal improvements system and a high protective tariff.

Our pre-9/11 gun laws allow our enemies in the War on Terror to arm themselves right here in our own country.

Serbia will neither allow a revision of history, nor will it forget who are the main culprits in World War I.

The world does not need a war against 'terrorism', it needs a culture of peace based on human rights for all.

A general and a bit of shooting makes you forget your troubles ... it takes your mind off the cost of living.

Our top-down pyramid style of management is a very old concept borrowed from centuries of war and monarchies.

It was rather a cessation of war than a beginning of peace. [Lat., Bellum magis desierat, quam pax coeperat.]

When the sex war is won prostitutes should be shot as collaborators for their terrible betrayal of all women.

No more war, war never again! Peace, it is peace which must guide the destinies of people and of all mankind.

Like the sun and moon, they end but to begin anew; like the four seasons, they pass away to return once more.

With all the arguments and discussions about the Vietnam War, what did the visual image do? It ended the war.

Nobody should claim that the war [in Iraq] is over. But certainly it can be said that the regime is finished.

As almost anyone with war experience knows, you're never supposed to show the enemy what you won't do to win.

I hate war for its consequences, for the lies it lives on and propagates, for the undying hatreds it arouses.

War has been with us ever since the dawn of civilization. Nothing has been more constant in history than war.

We shall never be able to effect physical disarmament until we have succeeded in effecting moral disarmament.

The attack on Dresden, which was overflowing with refugees, on February 13th 1945 caused around 250,000 dead.

Mother, whose heart hung humble as a button the bright splendid shroud of your son, Do not weep. War is kind.

I personally feel like, if you're watching a film about war, you should get a sense of what it's really like.

War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.

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