Whoever wants peace among nations must seek to limit the state and its influence most strictly.

I am not in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office.

If we do not abolish war on this earth, then surely one day war will abolish us from the earth.

Gays are now allowed to serve openly in the military. So maybe our next war could be a musical.

I have much to teach you. Come and learn the art of war from the one who invented it. (Takeshi)

To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.

Music is magic. Music does s**t that money could never do. Music unites nations and stops wars.

Good tactics can save even the worst strategy. Bad tactics will destroy even the best strategy.

Berlin is the testicles of the West, every time I want the West to scream, I squeeze on Berlin.

Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army without battle .... They conquer by strategy.

War being the greatest of evils, all its accessories necessarily partake of the same character.

Watched Star Wars in 77 and that's when I got into watching films. I was just blown away by it.

Playing music in the wake of the Blink thing was like finding love in the middle of a war zone.

The time has come to put an end to the fratricidal war and to recover at last peace and accord.

Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.

In a life and death struggle, we cannot afford to leave our destinies in the hands of failures.

...a private who loses a rifle suffers far greater consequences than a general who loses a war.

The Army of Northern Virginia was never defeated. It merely wore itself out whipping the enemy.

My dear Excellency! I have not gone to war to collect cheese and eggs, but for another purpose.

If we think of what's up ahead, with climate change and wars over water, it's very frightening.

When the President decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from congress.

The entire world will be in nuclear war, and only the Swiss will be going, 'what's that noise?'

I watch a lot of astronaut movies....Mostly Star Wars. And even Han and Chewie use a checklist.

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.

England has been offered a choice between war and shame. She has chosen shame and will get war.

The worst thing for an effective war on terror is the suspicion of states about the objectives.

There's so much more to tell about Africa than the usual stories about war, famine and disease.

It was good fortune to be a child during the Depression years and a youth during the war years.

If there was ever a just war since the world began, it is this in which America is now engaged.

Forgetfulness of God's grace is one of the greatest tools in the enemy's war against our souls.

I learned a lot from Vietnam veterans, especially as some of them turned against their own war.

I have no further interest in the Czecho-Slovakian State, that is guaranteed. We want no Czechs

Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or seldom has a face.

I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.

True, permanent peace can never be restored, until slavery, the occasion of the war, has ceased.

I have to admit that I only read War and Peace when I was 40. But I knew the basics before then.

Emancipation is the demand of civilization. That is a principle; everything else is an intrigue.

We are proud to say we are racist and hate to see Whites fighting each other. I oppose the Wars.

In a world of inhumanity, war and terrorism, American citizenship is a very precious possession.

When the rich [and politically powerful] make war, it's the poor [and politically weak] who die.

If we have a thousand bamboo spears, there's nothing to worry about a war with the Soviet Union.

It's alright if you lose a few battles, but as long as you win the war, that's all that matters.

Just as war is the natural consequence of monopoly, peace is the natural consequence of liberty.

It is true we have won all our wars, but we have paid for them. We don't want victories anymore.

The awareness that we are all human beings together has become lost in war and through politics.

Patriotism for the sake of is like choosing sides in a war based on the color of their uniforms.

An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it.

One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans (1888).

With Star Wars fans, there's so much enthusiasm, and it's a completely different generation now.

Perhaps if all the peoples of the world understand what war really means, we would eliminate it.

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