What does it matter if, by chance, a little vile blood be spilled?

It's time that we recognized that ours was in truth a noble cause.

We need not risk our national honor to prevail in this or any war.

War is progressive because all instruments of war are progressive.

The 1860 election became a referendum on the southern way of life.

War? The one war I'd be happy to join is the war against officers.

In every war at some point in time, you do sit down and negotiate.

If we lose the war in the air we lose the war and lose it quickly.

Human war has been the most successful of our cultural traditions.

Peace is not merely an absence of war. It is also a state of mind.

If there is a God, the phrase that must disgust him is - holy war.


War... is harmful, not only to the conquered but to the conqueror.

If war's first victim is truth, its second is clerical efficiency.

Do not needlessly endanger your lives until I give you the signal.

Small wars are always teetering on the brink of becoming big ones.

Workers in industry are the partners in war of the fighting forces.

No one has ever succeeded in keeping nations at war except by lies.

Peace is not achievable as a direct object of purposeful behaviour.

In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.

War is not an exercise of the will directed at an inanimate matter.

The bullet is a mad thing; only the bayonet knows what it is about.

Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.

War and Authority are companions; Peace and Liberty are companions.

If everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war.

The Class war will find me on the side of the educated bourgeoisie.

Democracies do not go to war. War is not our expression of thought.

Other men's sins are before our eyes; our own are behind our backs.

Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.

Don't go to war no more. Steady peace because peace is all we need.

War don't ennoble men, it turns 'em into dogs. It poisons the soul.

In the 80s, we were still living in a kind of Cold War environment.

Wars usually have the effect of speeding up the process of history.

There are plenty of cases of war being begun before it is declared.

Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.

The Bomb will never go off, and I speak as an expert in explosives.

If we had these rockets in 1939, we should never have had this war.

War is war and Hell is hell, and if you ask me, War is a lot worse.

To make a war, sometimes it is necessary that everyone guess wrong.

You can certainly go to war about it, but to me it seems pointless.

The man who hates war more than he hates the Nazis is a wicked man.

He that makes war without many mistakes has not made war very long.

There is no need for propaganda to be rich in intellectual content.

Only people who haven't lived through a war advocate it so eagerly.

If you are strong, appear weak. But if you are weak, appear strong.

If life be a war, it seemed my destiny to conduct it single-handed.

He that would govern others, first should be the master of himself.

Peace is a certain resistance to the terrible satisfactions of war.

History is too much about wars; biography too much about great men.

This soldiering thing sadly deadens that very good thing, humanity.

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