War: A wretched debasement of all the pretenses of civilization.

I went to the front, but I never participated in the war itself.

Our armies were in as much chaos in victory as theirs in defeat.

Let's face it, war in its essence is another form of capitalism.

The tragedy of war is that it uses man's best to do man's worst.

War is very sad and small life is pathetically fragile at times.

Winning Democracy for the Negro is winning the war for Democracy

How quickly revolutions grow old; and, worse still, respectable.

It's an irony of our times that men seeking peace must make war.

I grew up acutely aware of the exile and distance caused by war.

War and preparations for war have acquired a kind of legitimacy.

I am at war with the living, I have come to terms with the dead.

First gain the victory and then make the best use of it you can.

A war is a horrible thing, but it's also a unifier of countries.

The desire of any war photographer is to be put out of business.

One should make his decisions within the space of seven breaths.

In war, as in love, we must come into contact before we triumph.

The most ultimately righteous of all wars is a war with savages.

In the name of peace They waged the wars ain't they got no shame

Choosing love or war: both are brave choices, in their own ways.

When a man's making love, the last thing he thinks about is war.

Peace is more than the absence of war. Peace is accord. Harmony.

How can you be a survivor, when you can't even remember the war?

You cannot stop big wars if you carry on little wars yourselves.

War doesn't need more participants. It needs fewer participants.

All the people have gone to war leaving no interrogator to mind.

To know that one has a secret is to know half the secret itself.

I think there are worse things than war. For example, injustice.

I didn't want to say anything. I liked Star Wars when I was ten.

It is interesting ... how weapons reflect the soul of the maker.

World War II was the last government program that really worked.

Peace need not be impracticable, and war need not be inevitable.

Germany must either be a world power or there will be no Germany

The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts.

I shall strive to inculculate in my men the spirit of the chase.

It is good that war is so horrible, or we might grow to like it.

Writing a picture book is like writing 'War and Peace' in Haiku.

All are born to observe order, but few are born to establish it.

The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility.

Even a war zone looks peaceful in most places, most of the time.

The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war.

I'm a purist: I start to wrinkle my nose when the Cold War ends.

Peace has its price: your head and heart; less than that is war.

If any Question why We Died Tell them because our Father's Lied.

Uncle fought in Vietnam and then he fought a war all by himself.

Revenge is never the best driver for a battle, but a common one.

I want you to make love, not war, I know you've heard it before.

War vies with magic in its efforts to get something for nothing.

Bring me Longstreet's head on a platter and the war will be over

A restitution of the Union has been rendered forever impossible.

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