This war on terror is bogus.

Artillery is the god of war.

Every bullet has its billet.

War is failure of diplomacy.

Councils of War never fight.

**** it, holler them across.

My sentence is for open war.

World War II was a must win.

War is out of date, obsolete.

I am at war with the obvious.

War is not a thing one wants.

Do not press an enemy at bay.

Killing is the payoff of war.

War is a bankruptcy of policy

Don't go looking for trouble.

War, the World's Only Hygiene

Mars is not an aesthetic God.

Tyrants seldom want pretexts.

War makes strange bedfellows.

You want one civil war, brah?

Violence is sometimes a duty.

God is always at war with sin

The dog is the god of frolic.

Tony Blair is a war criminal.

War is a defeat for humanity.

Art should be waged like war.

All war is based on deception.

It is not a war. It is murder.

Law is always better than war.

To hold a pen is to be at war.

Luck is the residue of design.

Thank God I have done my duty.

War ought to be no man's wish.

I was against the war in Iraq.

It was not war, it was murder.

War? War is an organized bore.

War,--the trade of barbarians!

War is science of destruction.

War is the province of danger.

A poet must learn to wage war.

Fair is fair; all love is war.

Morality is contraband in war.

I think war should be illegal.

To live is to war with trolls.

Without ships, we cannot live.

I have not yet begun to fight!

None of us wants any more war.

War is an admission of failure

What is more immoral than war?

A wanton waste of projectiles.

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