Anyone who believes that the eternal question of war and peace in Europe is no longer there risks being deeply mistaken.

Mick Jagger and I just really liked each other a lot. We talked all night. We had the same views on nuclear disarmament.

For whoever conquers a free Town, and does not demolish it, commits a great Error, and may expect to be ruin 'd himself.

Really, when it comes to gay rights, there's two wars going on. The first war is political. But the culture war is over.

Before now poetry has taken notice Of wars, and what are wars but politics Transformed from chronic to acute and bloody?

The arts can do more to sustain the peace than all the wars, the armaments, and the threats and warnings of politicians.

The possession of unnecessary implements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to foment uprisings.

Peace, like war, can succeed only where there is a will to enforce it, and where there is available power to enforce it.

War should be carried on like a monsoon; one changeless determination of every particle towards the one unalterable aim.

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

More people have been killed by totalitarian regimes, during times of peace, than in all the wars in the world combined.

It is impossible to tell whether prohibition is a good thing or a bad thing. It has never been enforced in this country.

The utter helplessness of a conquered people is perhaps the most tragic feature of a civil war or any other sort of war.

I learned so much about the making of Star Wars and that became a real drive for me, right from the time I was 12 or 13.

As Justice Sandra Day O'Connor stated, even a state of war is not a blank check for a president to do whatever he wants.

The peace movement didn't stop the Iraq but I think that Blair would not be able to go along and support an Iranian war.

My ancestors came over from Germany about the time of the Civil War and one of them lost a leg and went back to Germany.

The large banking interests were deeply interested in the World War because of the wide opportunities for large profits.

The world was all mud and wire. The war in the heavens was only a faint imitation of the horror men had learned to make.

He must be able to mystify his officers and men by false reports and appearances, and thus keep them in total ignorance.

True power comes when others offer it to you and you merely accept it as a gift, not as the spoils of some personal war.

Guns and tanks and planes are nothing unless there is a solid spirit, a solid heart, and great productiveness behind it.

My attitude toward peace does not depend on which war we are discussing. I think that words should do the work of bombs.

These are six ways of courting defeat, which must be carefully noted by the general who has attained a responsible post.

In war, as it is waged now, with the enormous losses on both sides, both sides will lose. It is a form of mutual suicide.

All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.

Unless we establish some form of world government, it will not be possible for us to avert a World War III in the future.

War is the mass murder of workers. When workers refuse to obey the calls of their governments, there will be no more war.

The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).

I ... have another cup of coffee with my mother. We get along very well, veterans of a guerrilla war we never understood.

New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.

It is your attitude, and the suspicion that you are maturing the boldest designs against him, that imposes on your enemy.

The most sacred duty, the supreme and urgent work, is to deliver humanity from the malediction of Cain - fratricidal war.

Our losses have reached an intolerable level. The enemy air force played a decisive role in inflicting these high losses.

When you recognize this, you also realize that you are now free to give up this futile conflict, this inner state of war.

Back in the day, when the emperor or the king or whatever waged war, they went to war, too. But that's been lost in time.

Baseball is only a game, a game of inches and a lot of luck. During a time of all-out war, sports are very insignificant.

GPS not only played a large and delocalizing role in the war in Kosovo but is increasingly playing a role in social life.

War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.

I've made peace with myself. Good for you. That's the hardest war of all to win. Didn't say I won. Just stopped fighting.

Apathy is the same as war, it all kills you, she says. Slow like cancer in the breast or fast like a machete in the neck.

Nowadays, of course, just about our only solvent industry is the merchandising of death, bankrolled by our grandchildren.

You cannot be on one hand dedicated to peace and on the other dedicated to violence. Those two things are irreconcilable.

I think the Chinese will say the hell with you and pull their money out of the United States. That's the end of our wars.

America's drug war is so stupid that if you pay close attention to just how stupid it is -- it'll drive you to use drugs.

Moreover, if the territorial state is to continue as the last word in the development of society, then war is inevitable.

In the present civil war it is quite possible that God's purpose is something different from the purpose of either party.

War has been more common than peace, and extended periods of peace have been rare in a world divided into multiple states

The meanest, most contemptible kind of praise is that which first speaks well of a man, and then qualifies it with a But.

Every politician in the world is all for revolution, reason, and disarmament-but only in enemy countries, not in his own.

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