If you want to get ahead in this world get a lawyer -- not a book.

When one does not have what one wants, one must want what one has.

I never want to be just one thing - I want to be multidimensional.

I want you to admit that there is such a thing as white privilege.

I just think you should get married if you want to have some kids.

We can’t survive alone, but even if we could, we wouldn't want to.

Honk if you love Jesus, text while driving if you want to meet up.

Art is certainly not a pursuit for anyone who wants to make money.

I'm no cook. When I want lemon on chicken, I spray it with Pledge.

I do not always know what I want, but I do know what I don't want.

But dreams change. Fate has a way showing you paths you want more.

You really want to know your cofounders for a while, ideally years.

What we want to tell, we wish our friend to have curiosity to hear.

When I buy a stock, I have kind of an idea where I want to sell it.

Judge if you want, we are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me.

I want to enjoy life and I can't if I'm not eating and miserable...

If you really want to know something about solitude, become famous.

My easiest judgment for a script is 'do I want to keep reading it?'

If you want to cut your own throat, don't come to me for a bandage.

You can't want to be happy, because that's too easy and too boring.

Evaluate what you want - because what gets measured, gets produced.

I want to travel. Maybe I'll end up living in Norway, making cakes.

I don't want to pass a punitive law, or use politics as a vendetta.

American writers want to be not good but great; and so are neither.

If you really want to make a lot of money, start your own religion.

You can only lead if the people that you're leading want to be led.

Whenever a toddler sees a pile of blocks, he wants to tear it down.

I just want to make my mark, leave something musically good behind.

If you want to do something, Go for it you've got nothing to loose.

I want to sing simple things for the simple lives of simple people.

If you want to be rich, don’t allow yourself the luxury of excuses.

Style is whatever you want to do, if you can do it with confidence.

If you want ACTION, don’t write. Go and tell the guy what you want.

Bring on the fruitcakes, we want a fruitcake for an unlovable seat.

I want all of my songs to do well whether I've written them or not.

No one wants a domain with their name on it owned by somebody else.

I want what everybody wants, that's how I know I'm still breathing.

Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.

If you want to know why Lisp doesn't win around you, find a mirror.

The only thing worse than not getting what you want, is getting it.

The only thing I want to be defined by is my music and personality.

"What do women want?" "They eat green salad and drink human blood."

I want doctors to treat toward health and not treat toward disease.

If you want others to follow, learn to be alone with your thoughts.

I want them to believe I have a vision for the state of New Jersey.

Is everybody happy? I want everybody to be happy. I know I'm happy.

Do not judge but love and be loved, if you want to be really happy.

If nobody wants to buy your album, who's going to buy your clothes?

I do not want to suggest that you have to be religious to be moral.

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