I don't wake up every day and think about which tournaments I won and which titles I hold. It's something I don't care about.

I wake up in the morning, walk downstairs, and just bang on the piano and write about what's going on in the world around me.

The world that we all knew before, could wake up in feeling safe... now it seems that everything has been turned upside down.

When I was younger, I felt it was my duty to wake people up. I thought poetry was asleep. I thought rock 'n' roll was asleep.

When I wake up in the morning, I don't think of myself as being better than anybody else. I think of myself as a good hitter.

Normal people don't just wake up in the morning and say I think it'd be a good idea to run for president of the United States.

Life's like a ball game. You gotta take a swing at whatever comes along before you wake up and find out it's the ninth inning.

I always wanted to find something that I could wake up and not hate doing. Hating your job was probably my nightmare scenario.

My schedule goes: wake up, running, exercise, downstairs, running shoes off, then to the shower. That's the Jackie Chan diary.

I wake when my wife wakes, at 7:30 A.M. I'd like to sleep longer, but she has to go off to work, and I'd be plagued with guilt.

Too many people, including the ad industry, believe the future is something that happens and just rolls them over in it's wake.

I always start everything with the weather, because the weather is the first thing that I notice when I wake up in the morning.

The best thing I've done with my money is buy a house for my family. You wake up to a house you love and you feel like somebody.

I cannot sleep for dreaming; I cannot dream but I wake and walk about the house as though I'd find you coming through some door.

I wake up in the morning and I say 'Ahh! Today's the day for a song! I'm going to write a song today!' And I do. I write a song.

There are still people who believe in that and wake up every day believing it's possible, and invest their whole selves in that.

I wake up in the morning and my mind starts making sentences, and I have to get rid of them fast - talk them or write them down.

My mum and dad have always enjoyed life, and it's something that's been instilled in me. I wake up in a good mood most mornings.

I can sleep anywhere! I can come off stage during the interval of a play, lie down for four minutes then wake up feeling better.

I can get a call at 2 A.M., and the person on the other end is like: 'Sorry, did I wake you?' and I'm like: 'No, I'm wide awake.'

I can't just wake up and watch TV and do nothing. I need a day off working out, seeing the wife, play a little golf, see my kids.

I want to wake up every day and do whatever comes in my mind, and not feel pressure or obligations to do anything else in my life.

Every time we go to sleep, it's a rehearsal of the day when our eyes will ultimately close and we wake up on the side of eternity.

I wake up, and the first thing is to find a Starbucks so I can get a coffee. After that, I have a breakfast and head into the gym.

Every day we wake up, we have an opportunity to do some good, but there's so much bad that you have to navigate to get to the good.

I never really look for anything. What God throws my way comes. I wake up in the morning and whichever way God turns my feet, I go.

I live in Los Angeles, which is the second most polluted city in the world, and I wake up in the morning to dirt all over my window.

A household can never appear prosperous without a cow. How auspicious it is to wake up in the morning to the mooing of your own cow!

I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up.

Singing and dancing is not just for the cast of 'Glee'. We can wake up doing both and have it be a natural expression of who we are.

Suddenly life has new meaning to me, there's beauty up above and things we never take notice of, you wake up suddenly you're in love.

I am not competing with anyone. I am competing with myself. When I wake up every day I am only worried about how I can better myself.

If you ask me what I worry about every morning when I wake up, it's that I don't understand future mainstream Internet users' habits.

I wake up every morning, look in the mirror and ask, 'Am I a sex symbol?' Then I go back to bed again. It's stupid to think that way.

I wake up very early in the morning. I like to start in the dark, and I never work at night, because my brain is evaporated by 4 p.m.

My daily routine is set: I wake up and go for gymnastics, then dance class, gym, and come back home. That's my life. I am very boring.

I never do anything that doesn't feel natural to me. I wake up in the morning and I know what to put on - it's my sixth sense, really.

It seems like we wake up and it's a race until you get to bed. It gets to you after a while and you think, 'What the hell am I doing?'

I wake up an hour and a half before I have to leave the house to do everything I need to do. But I have my routine, and I stick to it.

I try to eat healthy when I can, but no one can take my candy away from my bedside! I always keep it there for a treat when I wake up!

My first job was a McDonald's commercial. It made me want to wake up at 4 A.M. to do something I loved. I haven't been the same since.

In fact, everybody should wake up smelling nice. I go further, there is not an excuse, ever, not to smell nice, particularly your feet.

I'm an owl; I'm up. I probably go to sleep during the time when most people wake up. The first half of the day, you might not catch me.

I have a saying. 'Never judge a book by its cover'. I say that because I don't even know who Ozzy is. I wake up a new person every day.

Wake the power within thee slumbering, trim the plot that's in thy keeping, thou wilt bless the task when reaping sweet labour's prize.

Since I was about seven, I've loved cooking. I'd wake up at five in the morning and make cinnamon rolls and all these different things.

I would love to have more kids. Kids are the best part of my day. I don't wake up to make movies. I wake up to hang out with my family.

Every morning that I wake up and I'm breathing, I can feel it and take a moment to say, you know, 'Thank God I'm alive for another day.'

I know and value what it means to wake up and be alive and to share my story. I'm so blessed to be here and to be able to talk about it.

Surely the wake left behind by mankind's forward march reveals its movement just as clearly as the spray thrown up elsewhere by the prow.

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