I take rejection as someone blowing a bugle in my ear to wake me up and get going, rather than retreat.

You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up.

I'm not a big sleeper. It just feels like wasting time. If I wake up, and it's after 5 A.M., I stay up.

One day I'll wake up and I'll have 10 or 12 songs and think, 'Oh that sounds like it could be a record.'

Music is a very big participant in everything I do, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed.

I want to make Seoul the front line of the new South Korea. Seoul is sleeping, and I want to wake it up.

Music is everything to me. I wake up and go to bed with it. I listen to all genres, depending on my mood.

I think about dying a lot, every time I fall asleep on a train or a plane I expect to wake up to a crash!

I love breakfast - I like going to sleep at night because I know I get to wake up and eat in the morning.

Jim Bakker. He's lost everything, he's ruined. And the worst thing of all he still has to wake up to her!

I censored myself for 50 years when I was a reporter. Now I wake up and ask myself, 'Who do I hate today?'

I need to fall in love with someone. Sorry - I mean fall in love with something. I need to wake myself up.

The most important thing for me is health - you wake up in the morning, you can breathe, and you can walk.

I used to wake up in the morning and say, 'Oh, God.' Now I wake up in the morning and look forward to life.

It was like being in the eye of a hurricane. You'd wake up in a concert and think, Wow, how did I get here?

I think white women need to wake up and say, 'Not all women are white,' three times in front of the mirror.

There are as many pillows of illusion as flakes in a snow-storm. We wake from one dream into another dream.

Isn't it so weird the day you wake up and you're just going with the flow? And you just suddenly are a mom.

There are so few people that wake up every day and go do something that they don't dread... I'm very lucky.

I'm living in Beverly Hills. I'm very, very lucky. I wake up every morning and I recognize that I'm blessed.

You're asked, 'Do you know kung-fu?' Yeah. That's what we do. We wake up, we brush our teeth, we do kung-fu!

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and there's nothing doing, so I decide to make something happen by lunch.

I wake up around seven, and I give my daughter breakfast. I spend the first hour or two of her day with her.

I wake up every morning literally with a smile on my face, grateful for another day I never thought I'd see.

I feel so thankful that I'm able to be a part of something that I love to wake up and run to work every day.

I know he played on the last record but I don't wake up in the middle of the night thinking of Eric Clapton.

Do and act on what you believe to be right, and you'll wake up the next morning feeling good about yourself.

It is useless to tell one not to reason but to believe - you might as well tell a man not to wake but sleep.

I tell myself, every morning when I wake up, two things. Don't let the world down. Don't let our users down.

The tragedy of 9/11 galvanised the American superpower into action, leaving us in Europe divided in its wake.

I love the fact that tomorrow never comes. You can never wake up and say, 'It's tomorrow.' It's always today.

I wake up every morning feeling lucky - which is driven by fear, no doubt, since I know it could all go away.

It sounds cliche, but success is your friends, your family, what you do, and if you're happy when you wake up.

My philosophy is I take today, live it the best way I can and if I wake up I'll take another shot at tomorrow.

In some parts of Ireland the sleep which knows no waking is always followed by a wake which knows no sleeping.

After living out of a suitcase for years, it's a feeling of peace to wake up in the night and know where I am.

I don't drink coffee, so I have been known to have a Coca Cola on set at 6:30 A.M. in order to wake myself up.

A campaign gives you focus. You wake up to a different hotel alarm clock every day, but you know your mission.

The world of men is dreaming, it has gone mad in its sleep, and a snake is strangling it, but it can't wake up.

It's about being creative and drawing on who you are when you wake up, and expressing yourself through fashion.

It's not my passion to wake up at 6:00 in the morning to do my exercises. Sometimes I really hate it. I'm lazy.

I wake up every day and think everything sure is awful, but then I ask the Lord what I can do to make it better.

You always say 'I'll quit when I start to slide', and then one morning you wake up and realize you've done slid.

I was a very self-righteous 15-25 year old. Anyway, I wake up every morning and thank God I'm not a kid anymore.

You wake up one day and suddenly realize that your youth is behind you, even though you're still young at heart.

Hamas has long been Israel's enemy, but in the wake of the Arab Spring, the group is empowered like never before.

I usually go to sleep with wet hair. When I wake up, it either has a really pretty wave, or I look like a poodle.

So much has been said and sung of beautiful young girls, why doesn't somebody wake up to the beauty of old women.

Blunders, no, only friendship binds us to honesty - attracting crypts of mushrooms in the wake of our snowboards.

You can always wake up on the wrong side of the bed and, boo-hiss, everyone suffers. We can all be temperamental.

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