The most effective way to beat Hillary Clinton is to remind voters of Hillary Clinton's behavior.

Voters go into the ballot box with big ideas in their mind: leadership, change, experience, hope.

Some politician some years ago said that bad officials are elected by good voters who do not vote.

Voters have a responsibility to make a judgment with whatever facts are available on Election Day.

As we're learning with Hillary Clinton, only guilty politicians try to hide the truth from voters.

There is a cost for democracy. It is worth the cost when it comes to opening up access for voters.

I do believe Hong Kong's 5 million eligible voters want the chance to elect their chief executive.

It was very important to my father-in-law that we didn't feel like we deserted our base of voters.

Voters have demonstrated time and again that candidates who buck the teachers' union are rewarded.

I just think that the independent voters are going to take their time and look at both candidates.

You have to knock doors, make calls, and build a relationship with voters long before Election Day.

I've taken firm positions on issues the voters care about, and I will get my positions implemented.

Candidates are making lasting impressions on voters, not just primary voters, in how they campaign.

Hillary Clinton needs the single ladies' vote. I call them 'The Beyonce Voters' - the single ladies.

Centrist voters typically decide general elections, so hard-left or hard-right platforms don't help.

People want a result. Immigrant voters aren't stupid, and they're going to know who's on their side.

We can still cap carbon, but that needn't be at the top of the agenda that we communicate to voters.

Too many voters are already bought -- not by corporate campaign donors, but by the government itself.

Trump's voters loathe Jeb Bush because their lives are falling apart, and they blame people like him.

My constituents don't want more refugees. I'm not ashamed to represent these voters. I'm proud of it.

The Republican Party seems just as eager as the Democrats to pronounce their voters as extreme kooks.

Mass mailing ballots to voters depends on voter registration rolls that are notoriously error-ridden.

The Democratic voters of the 26th district know me well, and I am confident I will have their support.

New York voters agree on this: There is too much corruption in government - federal, state, and local.

Politicians are just a bunch of local bandits, sent by their local voters to raid the public treasury.

In Gov. Huckabee's case, consistency is seen as principle... and that's incredibly valuable to voters.

Democrats, too often, take blacks for granted, and Republicans, too often, simply ignore black voters.

Without the persistence of voters in America getting up to every election, democracy will not flourish.

Even as voters, we try to keep up with the guys as much as possible, mainly through television or ESPN.

I am where a great many voters are, which is that I am listening and watching and coming to a decision.

Nothing binds a people to their leader like a common enemy. Voters don't change governments during war.

Donald Trump would not lose a single voter over any report indicating that his tax plan might not work.

Jeremy Corbyn has proved popular with young voters in part because he has promised an end to austerity.

I'm a member of the Michigan Democratic Party, a DSA member, member of the League of Women Voters, ACLU.

Voters are tired of us kicking the can down the road, because they know it's going to land in a pothole.

I don't think anyone is closer to the voters in Washington than members of the House of Representatives.

The morality of a [political] party must grow out of the conscience and the participation of the voters.

I think that the voters should choose the elected officials, not the elected officials choose the voters.

It is vital to understand what voters expect from Brexit, especially given the lack of a leave manifesto.

Voters should be assured that I absolutely do not support raising the retirement age for Social Security.

Voters want conflicting things. They want a lot of government spending, but they don't want higher taxes.

The response is to the image, not to the man, since 99 percent of the voters have no contact with the man.

We must energetically tackle the significant problems the voters rightly want Washington to be addressing.

That the decision is taken away from the voters, and as in 2000 turned over to the lawyers and the courts.

People are sick of the false choice between the established political parties who take voters for granted.

When governments become large, voters cannot exercise close oversight, otherwise known as political power.

Television is such a staple of modern society that for most voters, it's not real unless it's on the tube.

We've got 50 percent voter turnout for presidential elections. That's appalling. We can do so much better.

With Fox, I traveled the country, and I got to know so many of the Trump voters. They are wonderful people.

A federal Voters' Bill of Rights could press the states to put non-partisan managers in charge of elections.

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