Keep in mind that your individual vote doesn't mean anything.

It doesn't matter who they vote for, they always vote for us.

A wasted vote is voting for someone that you don't believe in

Everybody should pay some tax, just as everybody should vote.

If I had to vote for the bill again, I'd vote for it tomorrow.

Between being 'right' and being kind, I know which way I vote.

Vote: The only commodity that is peddleable without a license.

You're wrong if you think young people don't deserve the vote.

Too many of us vote for our prejudices instead of our desires.

Citizenship means standing up for everyone's right to vote.***

Children cannot lobby and cannot vote. We must speak for them.

I do vote. I have voted ever since I've been eligible to vote.

People don't vote for vice president, they vote for president.

I will not vote against the truths of the multiplication table.

I've gotten more than two million votes more than anybody else.

The right to vote should be considered sacred in our democracy.

A vote is "wasted" when someone fails to vote their conscience.

I don't think New Mexicans know how many people vote illegally.

I'm not a registered Republican or Democrat. I don't even vote.

The Democratic vote consists of minorities and educated whites.

In elections, the undecided vote is usually the deciding factor.

Florida is not going to vote for a con artist like Donald Trump.

The only true infidelity is for a live man to vote himself dead.

A vote for George Wallace is a vote for the past and oppression.

If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.

If I was in Congress, I would not vote to raise the debt ceiling.

In politics, familiarity doesn't breed contempt. It breeds votes.

I'm pro-choice and those things, but I typically vote Republican.

I simply cannot vote for Senator Obama because he's not pro-life.

I'll vote for whoever is the Democrat. That's all I need to know.

If I were German and I had a vote, I might support Angela Merkel.

It's the American way: if you don't vote, you don't get to whine.

Vote like your nation's survival depends on it... because it does.

Republicans can vote on Sundays too, just after they go to Church.

I would vote for you for President but I'm against big government.

I vote. People died for our right to vote and I can't let that go.

When you get ready to vote, make sure you know what you are doing.

I beg you do not vote for stills and open bar-rooms in the county.

If the states had to vote on slavery, we would have lost the vote.

You may defeat me in a final vote, but you'll never get me to quit.

I actually did vote for the $87 billion, before I voted against it.

I'd like to put in a vote for the intrinsic fascination of science.

People are motivated to vote early, to defend core American values.

Every Arab nation votes against us at least two thirds of the time.

Bad officials are the ones elected by good citizens who do not vote.

It is with unwelcome frequency that I find myself the deciding vote.

Every vote for a governing office is an instrument for enslaving me.

You have to let the people vote when it comes to a new constitution.

When the women get the vote, we'll spend more money on the children.

God only promises to bless the nation that recognizes His authority.

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