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Get out and vote. If you can't vote, then register other people to vote. Get people to the polls; make sure that people who need to vote can vote.
Mr. Speaker, I once again find myself compelled to vote against the annual budget resolution for a very simple reason: it makes government bigger.
I want to have a good vote in the Senate so we send the message that the Republicans and the Democrats are together in favor of immigration reform.
If you're in Congress, you vote and give speeches. But governors have to make decisions every day, and presidents have to make decisions every day.
The thinking person's case for Romney, murmured by many of his backers, amounts to this: Vote for Mitt, you know he doesn't believe a word he says.
Hope is necessary. It's a necessary concept. And Barack Obama didn't just talk about hope because he thought it was just a nice slogan to get votes.
The Republicans went so far to the right that they just can't get votes. They've become a dedicated party of the very rich and the corporate sector.
The captain tag is something that players vote on, head coaches they give their title to. It requires a player that you think exemplifies leadership.
A political conception covers the right to vote, the political virtues, and the good of political life, but it doesn't intend to cover anything else.
The so-called 'Employee Free Choice Act' envisions a world where workers would be denied privacy and forced to vote in an atmosphere of intimidation.
During my time as a political strategist, one of the most vexing problems was figuring out why so many people vote against their perceived interests.
I think it is to the advantage of my state to have the opportunity to come to meetings occasionally and to vote in person, rather than just by proxy.
I am still doing my due diligence. A vote on a Supreme Court nominee is a lifetime appointment and when the court decides, it is the law of the land.
When it comes to international trade, the question is, who is going to write the rules, the United States or China? And my vote is the United States.
It's inconceivable that you don't have to show identification in order to vote or that that the identification doesn't have to be somewhat foolproof.
You may not be aware of a recent survey that showed that if the First Amendment were put to a popular vote today, it would fail by a 60% to 40% vote.
I cannot in good conscience vote for final passage of legislation that would pave the way to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.
We just fundamentally forgot that people want to vote for something positive. They want to be shown what the good life for them personally looks like.
What the champions of suffrage understood was that the vote is not just a symbol of our equality, but that it can be, if used, a guarantee of results.
Optimists - people who believe in Britain, who believe in democracy - they're the people I believe who will vote for us to leave and take back control.
Lenin said that people vote with their feet. Well, that's what's happening. They either go, or they don't go. It's all politics. It's all demographics.
Hillary [Clinton] had all these A-listers, well, look at this parade of losers that did that video encouraging electors to not vote for [Donald] Trump.
If you once cede to the Court the power to decide elections, let alone even the power to halt counting of the votes, then you have ceded it everything.
I have liberal friends. They are misguided, they are wrong. I disagree with them. I don't want them to vote. I want them to go on vacation in November.
Can you imagine telling a woman she can't vote!? The women I hang out with would be going home with parts of your anatomy swinging from their rearview.
The way people imagine their political leaders is, like it or not, an important factor in how they decide to vote and, indeed, whether they vote at all.
If you just took everyone in the BNP and everyone who votes for them and shot them in the back of the head, there would be a brighter future for us all.
Many, if not most, Christians begin with the wrong question of who they should vote for rather than the more important question of how they should vote.
If the black vote does not come out in big numbers in the age of Ferguson and voter ID, it will empower our adversaries and enhance our marginalization.
After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land.
The Senate should consider a rule ensuring that every judicial nominee receives a vote by the Senate within 180 days of being nominated by the president.
I just want everyone who voted for Donald Trump to get what they deserve. But then I remember most people didn't vote for him, and they shouldn't suffer.
If you only vote with your back pocket in mind or your own best interest in mind, I believe, it is my belief that's a terrible, terrible way of thinking.
You all got only three friends in this world: The Lord God Almighty, the Sears Roebuck catalog and Eugene Talmadge. And you can only vote for one of them
I do vote, and naturally, I vote for so-called extremist parties, the further to the right the better, but that's where my participation in politics ends.
Whether you vote for me or you don't vote for me, I really want to be your greatest champion. And I will be your champion, whether you vote for me or not.
Well, let me just say - I mean, I'm not a person who's going to vote for any of the potential Republican nominees for the presidency of the United States.
If someone is cynical and doesn't vote and ends up with a crummy job in a crummy country with a decimated environment, they only have themselves to blame.
At its most basic the democratic contract is a simple one: the right to vote comes with a responsibility to society, through tax payments and citizenship.
Quite apart from the problem of the vote, it's bad for the image of Parliament that people take the trouble to come up and are not allowed to see their MP.
Our government is built upon the vote. But votes that are purchasable are quicksands, and a government built on them stands upon corruption and revolution.
I am sure that every one of my colleagues "Democrat, Republican, and Independent" agrees with that statement. That in the voting booth, every one is equal.
The failure in Ohio to have adequate voting capacity for the people who were registered and eligible to vote was an absolute denial of their right to vote.
Every vote should carry a serial number, so that responsibility for harmful or careless use of the vote can be traced. Concealed voting should be outlawed.
The state of Israel seems to owe its very existence to the American Jewish vote, while at the same time consigning the non-religious to political oblivion.
Voting has proliferated in the United States, and it has reached a point where there is now almost one vote available per citizen over the age of eighteen.
But I know that the vote of 9 out of 10 black Americans for the Democratic Party or for leftist kinds of policies just is not reflective of their opinions.
If you don't vote Socialist/Communist before you are twenty, you have no heart - if you do vote Socialist/Communist after you are twenty, you have no head.
If one candidate is appealing to your fears, and the other one's appealing to your hopes, you’d better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope!
I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this - who will count the votes, and how.