We must get rid of the habit of classing all women together politically and thinking of the 'woman's vote' as one and indivisible.

Senator John McCain could never convince me to vote for him. Only Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama can cause me to vote for McCain.

I had incorrectly, for all of my adult life until 2008, believed the biggest voting myth that exists - that ex-felons cannot vote.

If that's the kind of person you want, vote for Hillary [Clinton], vote for [Donald] Trump - and you go to hell with both of them.

Decisions just look different with women at the table. We still have a long way to go. The most powerful thing we own is our vote.

If you ask what's best for the country, vote Republican. If you ask how will you get more money from the government, vote Democrat

To make democracy work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain.

My first vote was for a communist in east London when I was a medical student. But I've voted Tory, Labour and Lib Dem in my time.

I did not vote Labour because they've heard of Oasis and nobody is going to vote Tory because William Hague has got a baseball cap.

All too often the Democratic Party has taken the black vote for granted, and all too often the Republican Party has written it off.

Too many Americans live by Republican principles of faith, family, hope and opportunity, but vote for Democrats out of sheer habit.

There is no debate here, just scientists and non-scientists. And since the subject is science, the non-scientists don't get a vote.

We know that if whites and nonwhites vote in the same percentages as they did in 2000, Bush will be re-defeated by 3 million votes.

I foresee a Liberal vote so massive and the number of Liberal MPs so great that we shall hold the initiative in the new Parliament.

Donald Trump has not yet earned my vote. And I'm not simply going to say 'never,' because I do not want to empower Hillary Clinton.

We are making politics a spectator sport in which our only duty is to vote somebody into office and then retire to the grandstands.

We have just been working hard to have people to come out to vote and to make sure people understand how important the election is.

Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he's running for governor. He's got a great slogan - 'Vote for me, or I'll make 'Kindergarten Cop II

The more people who are dependent on government handouts, the more votes the left can depend on for an ever-expanding welfare state.

If I were living in France, I'd vote for Jacques Chirac, despite the fact that he can't seem to keep his hands out of the cash till.

Through persistent dedication, Susan B. Anthony, and other remarkable leaders, women were finally granted the right to vote in 1920.

Women risked their lives for the right to vote. When I hear people say, 'Oh, I'm not gonna vote,' I just wanna tear their heart out.

Yet we have a voting system that forbids us from actually bringing our values into our vote, which is, in my view, quite a disaster.

And, when the votes are counted, let everybody, including the candidates, get into a good humor as quick as they got into a bad one.

I want a for-profit company counting my vote because they know if they get it wrong, or if they get hacked, their value will plummet.

Democracy is only an experiment in government, and it has the obvious disadvantage of merely counting votes instead of weighing them.

I have always voted Labour and I always will. I have got to have one stupid, bovine part of me and that's the part that votes Labour.

If you were to describe me as teetotal, on behalf of my constituency I'd have to sue; that would lose me every vote in the Highlands.

Much as banks don't care where your money's coming from, the Electoral College is all 'don't ask, don't care' when it comes to votes.

No Facebook status is as worrying as a vote and no tweet is as noticeable as an angry cry from a crowd outside a government building.

People will vote for someone who [they perceive] is strong and wrong before they will vote for someone who appears weak but is right.

They talked about how it was our rights as human beings to register and vote. I never knew we could vote before. Nobody ever told us.

As you know, it's so important that we always embrace the sanctity of life. One way to do that is to vote pro-life in every election.

The fact is, I can vote for anybody; independents, Republicans, Democrats. But I'm a registered Democrat in the District of Columbia.

I don't know one person who has changed their vote from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump because Vladimir Putin wanted them to do that.

Anything important is never left to the vote of the people. We only get to vote on some man; we never get to vote on what he is to do.

Ed Miliband's anti-immigration stance is odd: it's hard to vote for a man who doesn't have the confidence to defend his own existence.

Puerto Rico's participation per capita in the armed forces is more than most states, yet they can't vote for their commander in chief.

When women vote, Progressives can win. When women organize and bring some common sense to the conversation, it becomes more authentic.

I vote for who I think it deserves it. I already voted for Cristiano Ronaldo in 2014 [when he won his 3rd bdo]. I don't see a problem.

In a democracy, a person's vote is their voice. For much of our history, however, not everyone's voice was welcome at the voting booth.

America's workers deserve a clean vote on a $7.25 increase, with no strings attached. Such an increase helps everyone and hurts no one.

If you're going to vote for somebody because you think they have a great faith in God, you'd better be sure that God has faith in them.

We focused so much on saying, "Don't vote for them and here's why" and we didn't tell the American people "Vote for us and here's why."

People who don't vote have no line of credit with people who are elected and thus pose no threat to those who act against our interests.

Only native male citizens with a wife and children, a property, and a military rank should be allowed to vote and be elected for office.

I would never filibuster any President’s judicial nominee, period. I might vote against them, but I will always see they came to a vote.

I'm happy with the vote and the support. I'm very glad that it is so decisive. It will enable me to be a president for all of the people.

Where I live in south London, it is a very Tory area, so a Labour vote is a wasted vote. My leanings would certainly be not to vote Tory.

God does not rule by the consent of His subjects but by His sovereign authority. His reign extends over me whether I vote for Him or not.

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