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If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are.
People who say that there's a vote within the Republican Party that moves against immigrants is just factually not accurate.
Even Merrick Garland can't get up and give a press conference in which he says, "Give me a damn vote." We just hear silence.
I can see criticizing, complaining, protesting - anything but choosing not to vote. Too many people died for us not to vote.
To understand how Republicans lost the African American vote, we must first understand how we won the African American vote.
But I'm not trying to convince anybody how to vote or how to live. Nobody's ever successfully accused me of being realistic.
When I say things that sound insane, like only the smartest million people should have the right to vote, well, I mean that.
A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election.
I voted for President Bush, I voted for President Clinton, and, although I do want my vote back, I voted for President Obama.
You've got to work things out in the cloakroom, and when you've got them worked out, you can debate a little before you vote.
All voting is a sort of gaming, like checkers or backgammon, with a slight moral tinge to it, a playing with right and wrong.
As a political independent, I would gladly vote for any political party dedicated to limited government and entrepreneurship.
The American struggle for the vote was much more difficult than the English for the simple reason that it was much more easy.
I'd like to vote for a bill. But I'm not going to vote for one unless I think it's going to be good for the area I represent.
I'm hoping that we're not getting to Second Amendment remedies. I hope the vote will be the cure for the Harry Reid problems.
Remember, politicians get votes by promising everything to everyone, always at the expense of some other invisible taxpayers.
At the end of my life, I was told to vote for it for pensioners; I' m not in favour of means tests for pensioners or anybody.
Republicans support opening the floodgates to special interest money and suppressing the right to vote. It's just plain wrong.
When you can make others laugh with jokes that belittle no one and your words always unite, Hafiz will vote for you to be God.
George W. Bush broke a mold four years ago: Even though he lost the popular vote, he governed as if he had won by acclamation.
I'm not going to join any party. If I do vote again, and if I do become, you know, politically active, it will be independent.
When we get a chance to take part in elections, I am ready to fight for leading positions, including in the presidential vote.
In other words, a democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it.
You can't just trot out a brown face or a Spanish surname and expect people are going to vote for your party or your candidate.
Jacob Rees-Mogg gets his tummy tickled when the ERG threatens to vote against a government bill unless it is amended on policy.
If people want to change the law, they should vote so that we can appoint pro-life judges. I believe the law should be changed.
Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.
The Republicans need to work on registration and getting out their vote and their early voters and absentees. Grassroots stuff.
If we really mean that people's votes are to be counted, the timelines ought to exist around what it takes to count every vote.
A lot of people in 2008 voted for Obama. I did not vote for him. I voted for a third party. But I believed in Obama's promises.
To make it hard, to make it difficult almost impossible for people to cast a vote is not in keeping with the democratic process.
Frequently people just vote for the party out of power because they're disappointed or angry at what is happening at the moment.
As governor, I'll focus on these concrete steps to make it easier to vote and include every community in our democratic process.
I am for anyone that will give me lower taxes, stop all this stupid spending. Whoever promises me that gets this chicken's vote.
No country can find eternal peace and comfort where the vote of Judas Iscariot is as good as the vote of the Saviour of mankind.
This will be the first time in my lifetime I'm voting for a Democrat. I'm going to vote for Hillary Clinton. I've already voted.
Our great Constitution has been beaten and torn until now it hangs by a single thread, and that thread is our franchise to vote.
The people who get up earliest in the morning have the highest propensity to vote UKIP. I'm being absolutely serious about that.
You vote yourselves salaries out of the public funds and care only for your own personal interests; hence the state limps along.
I'm fed up with democracy. In a democracy, people vote for the mayors. I wanted to build a city where I will choose the citizens.
The Bowery station on the J line is what happens to a neighborhood once politicians realize the people who live there don't vote.
You know he's [George W. Bush] there illegally. You know he was not elected either by the popular vote or by the vote in Florida.
Hawaiians want change, and if the Democrats don't offer change, Hawaiians are going to vote for the Republican who offers change.
Don't worry about what candidates have done or said, just vote for the Democrats. Then, afterwards, you can go eat fried chicken.
In Washington, I will never vote to raise taxes, I will fight to repeal healthcare reform, and I will work to balance the budget.
It is better, as far as getting the vote is concerned, I believe, to have a small, united group than an immense debating society.
I’m not intellectually convinced that one-man, one-vote is the best. We practise it because that’s what the British bequeathed us
My father joined our party because the Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote. The Republicans did.
Finally, it occurs to me that the biggest problem with our elections is that however you vote, you wind up electing a politician.
Voting is the bedrock of our democracy and we have a moral responsibility to protect and expand the right to vote - for everyone.