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I can't imagine anybody not wanting to make sure that noncitizens don't dilute legitimate U.S. citizens' vote.
Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.
You have a lot of young people who still feel somewhat marginalized, even if they do vote for Hillary Clinton.
A democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it.
I rallied against Clinton when he was in office. I didn't vote for him in '96. I didn't vote for Gore in 2000.
We need an amendment that gives us the right to vote protected by the federal government and the Constitution.
We don't want someone who will get 98 percent of the vote. We want someone who will get 51 percent of the vote.
You're not going to get a chance to vote for me on the ballot, but you can actually vote for what I believe in.
I tend to vote Republican, but I don't like the hardcore views on either side, and I'm not in bed with anybody.
Clever and attractive women do not want to vote; they are willing to let men govern as long as they govern men.
Everybody likes to get as much power as circumstances allow, and nobody will vote for a self-denying ordinance.
My problem anywhere is the damn Republicans closed out the independents from being able to vote in the primary.
Every citizen's vote should count in America, not just the votes of partisan insiders in the Electoral College.
I grew up hearing my parents' stories about how they had to fight for their right to vote in the Jim Crow South.
Rep. James Clyburn, the state's only black congressman -- controls 20 percent to 25 percent of the primary vote.
Let me sum it up for ya: We got some people who work for a living, and we got some people who vote for a living.
If you vote early, great. If you vote on Election Day, great. If you vote absentee, great. But get out and vote.
You need a certain standard of literacy, moral and ethical values, to be able to run a one man, one vote system.
We women of America tell you that America is not a democracy. Twenty million women are denied the right to vote.
Dad decided not to vote for Donner after all. He didn't vote for anyone. He said politicians turned his stomach.
Fifty percent of people won't vote, and fifty percent don't read newspapers. I hope it's the same fifty percent.
If you're going to vote yes and change the law. You have to know what's in it. You can't depend on other people.
As we have always seen here in the U.S. the universal truth about elections is that people vote their pocketbook.
We live in a nation that spent centuries denying the right to vote to the poor, to women, and to people of color.
I don't know how anyone could vote Republican. It's so obvious that their only interest is keeping the rich rich.
If one in four Dutch people saying they will vote for my party, it's ridiculous to say we're divisive or extreme.
Approximately seventy percent of the female population is on a diet at any given time. More women diet than vote.
I'm responsible. I even did a commercial for MTV saying how I was going to register to vote. And I still haven't.
Do the unexpected. Take 20 minutes out of your day, do what young people all over the world are dying to do: vote.
I've certainly honored the two promises I made: Always tell you the truth; never vote with my re-election in mind.
The idea that the Hispanic vote hinges on one issue - immigration - is the most ridiculous and patronizing notion.
Joe Lieberman may be Moses on the stump, but when it comes to policies and votes, he boogies with the Golden Calf.
This is also something I've learned from experience. Didn't they perhaps give us the vote because we went too far?
At the end of the day, money is just a proxy for votes. That is what makes politics so vulnerable to social media.
There were 17 people in the race. I got more votes than anybody in the history of Republican politics. By millions.
Everybody knows full well my passion about defeating Barack Obama. Over my dead body would I vote for Barack Obama.
I cannot bring myself to vote for a woman who has been voice-trained to speak to me as though my dog has just died.
If I had to choose between a narrow-minded woman or a man who was an enlightened thinker, I would vote for the man.
Every Christian needs to be informed, every Christian needs to register and every Christian should absolutely vote.
The minor choices we make are themselves a kind of vote. Our words and gestures, or their absence, count very much.
The right to vote is the right upon which all of our rights are leveraged - and without which none can be protected.
The single most impressive fact about the attempt by American women to obtain the right to vote is how long it took.
In politics women type the letters, lick the stamps, distribute the pamphlets and get out the vote. Men get elected.
Ask a man which way he is going to vote, and he will probably tell you. Ask him, however, why, and vagueness is all.
We vote to leave, we get rid of this Prime Minister - dishonest Dave [Cameron] - and we get a better Prime Minister.
We got the vote, which we should've been born with, in 1920. Everything we've had to struggle for - it's ridiculous.
Once you don't vote your ideals... that has serious undermining affects. It erodes the moral basis of our democracy.
We must combat ill-advised conservative-led state legislation by encouraging every eligible person you know to vote.
He is one of those wise philanthropists who, in a time of famine, would vote for nothing but a supply of toothpicks.