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The blank page doesn't bother me. It's the voice in my head (not always my own) that gives me the yips. It's worse when I'm not making stuff up.
It is on great occasions only, and after time has been given for cool and deliberate reflection, that the real voice of the people can be known.
Downstairs, Grandad's warning Barron about something. His voice swells, and I catch the words, "In my day we were feared. Now we're just afraid.
All of my friends at drama school were still sat on the floor doing voice exercises and I was doing scenes with David Tennant and Catherine Tate.
Great orators who are not also great writers become very indistinct shadows to the generations following them. The spell vanishes with the voice.
I love accents - I wish I could find an accent for every one of my characters. It makes it so much easier when I don't have to hear my own voice.
I went to this vocal coach, Ron Anderson, who has worked with Axl Rose and Chris Cornell, to train my voice and learn a whole new way of singing.
Pay attention to the inner voice that tells you when something feels right. Much of your creative problem-solving occurs at an unconscious level.
Wars of aggression are the most barbarous of all human endeavors and are, more often than not, the instruments of insane tyrants who hear voices.
My motto in life is 'Take risks;' you don't have a voice if you don't. You have to venture outside your boundaries. That's what life's all about.
We must never allow the voice of humanity within us to be silenced. It is humanity's sympathy with all creatures that first makes us truly human.
The voice in my head has a stutter, and that's really annoying. D-D-D-Dave Dave. What? K-K-K-Kill your p-p-p-parents. L-L-L-Loa... Write it down!
Norway's a very gender-aware country, and we're very liberal. There are lots of women's voices being heard here compared to many other countries.
My stroke of insight would be: peace is only a thought away, and all we have to do to access it is silence the voice of our dominating left mind.
There is no gender to my music. There's no male or female voice, no trite lyrics or poetry. It's much more abstract, so it lives with you longer.
Because of my voice, speaking words which had been carefully chosen, women had used money they had set aside for other purposes to buy war bonds.
Might we not say to the confused voices which sometimes arise from the depths of our being: "Ladies, be so kind as to speak only four at a time?"
In animation, there's silly things I get to do with my voice. I get to have a wider range, so my voice gets to dance more than it does on camera.
The history of your world is filled with the voice of the victor, the voice of power, although it was not always a voice of sanity, by any means.
Parents can plant magic in a child's mind through certain words spoken with some thrilling quality of voice, some uplift of the heart and spirit.
Be confident small immortals. You are not the only voice that all things utter, nor is there eternal silence in the places where you cannot come.
No matter what happens, I'll always come back to you." "Promise?" I asked in a shaky voice. Logan's eyes burned with icy determination. "Promise.
Lili manages to mix Kate Bush with modern influences to make a beautifully unique sound based around her amazing violin skills and soulful voice.
...you meditate and you got the candles, you got the incense and you've been chanting, and all of a sudden you hear this voice: 'Write this down'
God is wild; I am tame....Night falls and an age ends....We call and are answered through the thick foliage, by voices too strange to be our own.
Remember to write for yourself, not for a market and give yourself time to develop your own style, your own voice. It takes a lifetime. Enjoy it!
I realized that if I don't like something, I can change it. If I don't feel comfortable with something, then I have a voice to say it's not cool.
Do we not hear voices, gentle and great, and some of them like the voices of departed friends,— do we not hear them saying to us, Come up hither?
Really, what I'm always drawn to is the voice - PJ Harvey , Björk . If the voice interests me, then I'm interested to listen to what's happening.
True poetry ought to be secret and clandestine, concealed like a prohibited voice of dissent, while at the same time it should speak to everyone.
Within the brain's most secret cells, A certain lord chief justice dwells, Of sov'reign power, whom one and all, With common voice we reason call.
Americans are very good at animating voices. I don't know why. They have a freedom with them that we British actors find more difficult to get to.
If people aren't laughing at you, you aren't saying anything very unusual. So let your voice be loud and strong, dare to try things that may fail.
All art is unstable. Its meaning is not necessarily that implied by the author. There is no authoritative voice. There are only multiple readings.
I started off singing in church as a child. The sound of voices coming together, that was my first moment of touching something outside of myself.
We cannot silence the voices that we do not like hearing. We can, however, do everything in our power to make certain that other voices are heard.
I've made solo records and that's all been a learning experience. I've just got better at singing and more comfortable with who I am and my voice.
I change the language with which I use my voice. In opera, I know I have an orchestra behind me; I have to communicate to people very far from me.
What should I believe? thought Shadow, and the voice came back to him from somewhere deep beneath the world, in a bass rumble: Believe everything.
I think the women - Lauryn Hill, Mary J. Blige, Erykah Badu - are doing new conceptual things and using their voices to create new American music.
The Western governments will be encouraged and persuaded to deal with the real representatives and listen to the real voice of the Kurdish people.
I think this Occupy Wall Street thing is great. I think that is a good thing and that people need to stand up, voice their opinions, and be heard.
The one thing I could do was voices and impersonations and weird characters, and there was really no call for that, except on Saturday Night Live.
Irish artists have a tradition of being very heavily engaged in what is happening in their own society. So it was important that they had a voice.
The closest I can get to describing what happens is that voices come to me. I feel like I'm accessing something that is deeper and richer than me.
Books have always been to me like a kind of embalmed mind. The dead may be scattered, and who can find them, but their voices live in the library.
When marginalized people gain voice and center their own experiences, things begin changing. And we see this in all kinds of grassroots movements.
My voice belongs to me, from God. People will comment, "Your voice helped me through." Maybe it’s God in me, because I don’t take credit for that.
I thought I was clever enough to write as well as these people and I didn't realize that there is something called originality and your own voice.
Of course, your voice always sounds better in the shower for some reason, maybe it's just the octaves or, I don't know, the water, I have no idea.