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Never forget the morals instilled in you and what really matters in Life. Never let other voices of other people drown out your inner voice
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
You are born an artist or you are not. And you stay an artist, dear, even if your voice is less of a fireworks. The artist is always there.
Amid the thousands of shrill voices screaming for our attention, there is but on Voice we need to hear. The voice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Independent publishing gives everyone a voice, and those with a voice to which people inherently want to listen will find a way to the top.
I'm not singing anymore; that is why I am so pleased to be writing. My daughter said, "You just found a different way of using your voice."
I've definitely gotten to work with female directors, and I feel lucky because of that. I just feel like more voices should be represented.
I wanted to come through with my own voice and, hopefully, have it affect people. I want people to know that I'm not an Elvis impersonator.
The world is waiting to hear an authentic voice, a voice from God- not an echo of what others are doing and saying, but an authentic voice.
Altruists, with thin, weak voices, denounce Christ as an egoist. Egoists (with even thinner and weaker voices) denounce Him as an altruist.
I feel much more physically connected to my voice, and I like the physicality of the voice, and how the voice can physically occupy a song.
Me, Billy Crystal and John Goodman hang out non-stop, and all we do is silly voices. We hang out in a little closet and do voices together.
Part of the journey here on Earth is learning how to discipline ourselves to set aside all of the voices and get to that deep voice within.
The contemporary church is so often a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. It is so often the arch supporter of the status quo.
It isn't that easy to live according to intuition, yet, it's so totally cool once we can get beyond the other voices and hear our intuition.
I like things where I can do a physical transformation, and I love accents and voices, and I'm never going to play the same character twice.
I enjoy playing characters where I get to sort of change my look, my voice. It's not about what she wears, it's about what she's got inside.
We have developed psychic powers in other lives. Now we have many problems because of it, many voices in the mind due to this crowded earth.
I worry about my voice 24/7 when I'm on tour. It's like a pitcher and his arm. It's constantly the thing that my whole life revolves around.
So often, the singer is the sound of the record. People think they can cover anything, but the whole voice is the thing that's unrepeatable.
Quorum and group leaders should provide the leading voice and laboring oar in every ward and branch council regarding retention of converts.
To be contemplative we must become converted to the consciousness that makes us one with the universe, in tune with the cosmic voice of God.
When I was on the air a lot my throat and vocal chords got tired. If you don't vary your tones you can't get pretty tired of your own voice.
Roza." His voice had that same wonderful lowness, the same accent . . . it was all just colder. "You forgot my first lesson: Don’t hesitate.
Upon this crown my pledge I give, To my last breath,I hold this choice, I will your unjust deaths avenge, All here who died without a voice.
Nusrat is one of the greatest singers of our time. When his singing takes off, his voice embodies soulfulness and sprituality like no other.
I used to be a longshoreman. I didn't go to college. I have a voice that when I say something, it can sound way meaner than you think it is.
I go to church every Sunday. I've always been a believer. I love singing. I don't have the best voice - I just love getting my emotions out.
After about three lessons [my] voice teacher said, "Don't take voice lessons. Do it your way. You're a song stylist. Always do it your way."
Cheer up everyone," he said, a new brightness to his voice. "Since we’re all going to die horribly anyway, what’s there to be worried about?
I'll never run for office. But I intend, either on the fiscal commission or on issues like immigration, to hopefully have my voice be heard.
I was trying to do something that seemed very natural and easy but which bridged that gulf between the singing voice and the speaking voice.
The piano and the singing are two equal things to me - maybe not inseparable but very connected. You can say they are like two equal voices.
We need a variety of input and influence and voices. You cannot get all the answers to life and business from one person or from one source.
The real truth is, I just want to keep the voice of dissent alive in all of our elections. I don't really want to hang out with politicians.
Do whatever you must, Karigan," he told her, his voice so quiet it would not carry, "to come back. You must come back. To me." ~King Zachary
All research scientists know that writing in the passive voice is artificial; they are not disembodied observers, but people doing research.
Elvis is not so difficult as Johnny Cash because his voice is so distinctive. If you try to copy Johnny Cash, it's just going to sound dumb.
I had to change the shape of my own voice. It was quite hard to pull off and so once I had it, I stayed in Hitchcock's voice all day on set.
She spoke quietly then, the tiniest crack in her voice, and all at once Lacey Pemerton was not Lacey Pemberton. She was just—like, a person.
I don't think I have a great voice, but I started singing on my tracks and they did a lot better. So I thought, 'let's give this a go then!'
We always talk about bullying, bullies; that is what social media is. It's just people we gave a voice to who didn't deserve to have a voice.
Froi heard Zabat's voice echo over and over again throughout the gorge. Wonderful. The gods had found a way of multiplying the idiot's voice.
The physical voice we use in prayer need not be great nor startling; even should we not lift up any great cry or shout, God will yet hear us.
I encourage people to find and use the power of their voices just as much when I do not agree with those voices as when I do agree with them.
One voice is tiny, and alone it cannot be heard above the din of politics as usual. The peoples voice, when it cries as one, is a great roar.
As long as I continue to breathe, as long as there's injustice in this world, I will use the voice that God has given me to speak against it.
Don't you dare try to apologize." His voice shakes. "This is not something you can bandage with a word or two and some hugging, or something.
I became the voice of a generation in a very surprising way, because many Iranians recognize themselves in it. But that is not what I wanted.
Conscience is the inner voice which warns us that someone might be looking. Hear and you forget, see and you remember, do and you understand.