Don't die with your music (stories/talents) still inside you. Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your soul.

Mariah Carey is my favorite singer because her voice sounds utterly groundless. It's not even a human voice; it almost sounds mechanical.

Maybe I won't have as much energy. And maybe the highs in my voice won't be what they used to be. But exercise is helping me pace myself.

C.S. Lewis said that conscience is nothing more than the voice of God within our souls; the bridge that links the creature to the creator

Sometimes strident, often tender, never afraid and seldom without humour, Desmond Tutu's voice will always be the voice of the voiceless.

He's one of the last friends I have," she says, her voice breaking. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at you the same way again.

We must wave our banners even higher and belt out our voices even stronger and be unified as people. We're going to make it through this!

When she orgasmed, she said his name. Twice. And didn’t it make him glad that even though he had no voice, his ears worked just fine. –JM

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.'

The world's a small place, life's short, and so you should only be nice to people. I don't raise my voice at work. I don't have tantrums.

Simply adored Timothy Schaffert's The Coffins of Little Hope: the voice of Essie, the narrator, is terrific & the last line blew me away.

Conscience is the voice of the soul, the passions are the voice of the body. It is strange that these voices often contradict each other?

The most powerful political voices are those with a different way of seeing and processing the world and the sounds that emanate from it.

At Bloomington, Indiana, I was invited to listen to music written in quarter tones for four harps and voices. I had to go out to be sick.

The writer in western civilization has become not a voice of his tribe, but of his individuality. This is a very narrow-minded situation.

That's why I started amplifying my voice at all, to capture the little sounds I make when I am pushing my body physically, drumming away.

When Nike says, just do it, that's a message of empowerment. Why aren't the rest of us speaking to young people in a voice of inspiration?

Lucy woke out of the deepest sleep you can imagine, with the feeling that the voice she liked best in the world had been calling her name.

More safe I sing with mortal voice, unchang'd To hoarse or mute, though fall'n on evil days, On evil days though fall'n, and evil tongues.

Much more than a 20th-century village storyteller, Cees Nooteboom stands as an impressive and inimitable voice among contemporary writers.

In the piano, one has the instrument complete before he begins; but in the case of the voice, the instrument has to be developed by study.

Sometimes I can't sleep 'cause I can't get a melody or a beat out my head, so I just have to wake up and, like, record it on a voice note.

When I was a kid I did impressions and funny voices a lot. When I was telling a story I would use the voices to make it more entertaining.

And the stately ships go on To their haven under the hill; But O for the touch of a vanished hand, And the sound of a voice that is still!

It's black women as perpetual sidekick. We need to hear from more women's voices. And it would be nice to see some books geared toward us.

I sang a lot as a little girl and entered competitions. I loved singing in choirs, but it was as I got older that I really found my voice.

i want to stay with you." it was easier to say in the darkness, knowing as i spoke my voice would betray me, my hopeless addiction to him.

People in life, when they have a tendency to exaggerate or lie or whatever, you always sort of notice that their voice goes up quite high.

Listeners instinctively detect that when we lower the usual pitch of our voice, we are sad, and when we raise it, we are angry or fearful.

The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends, Tis not too late to seek a newer world.

The Great Spirit is everywhere; He hears whatever is in our minds and our hearts, and it is not necessary to speak to Him in a loud voice.

It was only the matter of a new voice. Nobody listened to an old voice anymore. Old voices became a part of one's self, like a fingernail.

And everyone who wills can hear the Voice. It is within every one. But like everything else it requires previous and definite preparation.

My goal was to show that even if people work in a garage or a supermarket, they have very funny things to say. We never hear their voices.

I try to transmit emotion and soul in my voice, but my true passion has always been writing. I feel more like a writer than anything else.

I hear so many of the young people today sing and I think they have a good voice, yet I wonder if they'll ever know that they sound alike.

I have an interesting relationship with my voice. I give myself tons of freedom in how to engage with my voice because I respect it a lot.

The bright bite in Mary Lee Kortes' voice [has] the high-mountain sunshine of Dolly Parton, with a sweet-iron undercoat of Chrissie Hynde.

I had developed manic depression [bipolar disorder] ... and the main symptoms the constant voice in the head telling you to kill yourself.

The quality of mainstream cinema has changed. A lot of independent voices feel they can leave everything behind and make independent films.

The Nazgul they were; the Ringwraiths, the Enemy's most terribly servants; darkness went with them and they cried with the voices of death.

The quiet, singing voice of the rose. The song that promised all might be well, all might be well, that all manner of things might be well.

Saw Torres play their first New York show tonight at Cake Shop. SO good. Do yourself a favor and check out her record. Her voice is KILLER.

[The poets' role is that of] capturing on their instruments the secret stir of life in the air and giving it voice in the music of prophecy

I have one thing in common with the emerging black nations of Africa: We both have voices, and we are discovering what we can do with them.

When I walk to the ring, I hear voices telling me what to do and sometimes it's not the right thing, but it's definitely damn entertaining.

The voice changes very slowly. I keep mine well under control and try with all my might to keep it exactly as it was at the very beginning.

Everything that is right or reasonable pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, 'tis time to part.

Judy Garland was the singer I most wanted to sound like then, not to copy, but to get some of her soul and purity. A wonderful young voice.

If you insist on the chase," I say, my voice much surer than I feel."Then you better start training. 'Cause, dude you're in for a marathon.

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