I have never quite grasped the worry about the power of the press. After all, it speaks with a thousand voices, in constant dissonance.

One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.

If you don't ever stop singing, your voice stays in shape. It's like the marathon runner. You've got to run, run, run to stay in shape.

I want people in their 20s to think of 'Swing' the way a generation in the 1960s thought of 'Esquire' - as the voice of young thinkers.

My first album was me finding myself and my voice, finding how I sing. I was rolling with the punches because everything was new to me.

Maybe the greatness we heard in [Richard Manuel]'s voice, that catch in it, came from all that pain. To this day, we don't really know.

Everyone has that inner voice, the one that's a Negative Nancy. I'd say to ignore that voice and to be confident and follow your heart.

Style is besides the point. Nobody would pay attention if one always said the same thing, in the same words and the same tone of voice.

We all have music in us - your heartbeat is your drum, your voice is your sound - and music is supposed to put you in tune with nature.

I listened as the words became sentences and the sentences became pages and the pages became feelings and voices and places and people.

In our marginal existence, what else is there but this voice within us, this great weirdness we are always leaning forward to listen to?

The voice of the Spirit is as gentle as a zephyr, so gentle that unless you are living in perfect communion with God, you never hear it.

When I was running away, I didn't have somebody there to help me run away. All I had was DMX's voice or Eminem's voice or Tupac's voice.

People will be talking about the [Barack] Obama legacy for decades, and I wanted to include my voice in the analysis of this presidency.

I voice my opinions on social media and I have people threatening me with violence. It is troubling but I can fight back, which is good.

Eleanor's voice was below zero. 'My finest horse to whichever faerie in this room brings me that woman's left eye.' My thoughts exactly.

My favourite singer ever in the world is Ari Up from The Slits. Her voice is amazing to me. It's carefree, but it's also really amazing.

The more uniform a man's voice, step, manner of conversation, handwriting--the more quiet, uniform, settled, his actions, his character.

There are no free rides nor short cuts in this world. 'The Voice' and 'The Bachelorette' are very poor examples to model your life with.

Only when the voice of duty is silent, or when it has already spoken, may we allowably think of the consequences of a particular action.

I didn't even know what 'The Voice' was, but my mom said, 'I signed you up for this singing show,' and I was like, 'All right, I guess.'

I write in different styles because I hear different voices in my head. It would be boring to have always the same voice, point of view.

I don't believe that raising my voice in song is going to be pleasing to a God who is sitting upstairs somewhere, waiting to be pleased.

A business is good if it gives a decent day's reward for a decent day's work, treats people decently, and gives them a voice at the top.

The internet creates chaos and a dangerous kind of piracy but makes the viewer much more active and gives the voice to minority players.

Radio is such a perfect medium for the transmission of poetry, primarily because there just is the voice, there's no visual distraction.

I raise up my voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard...we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.

Among all nations there should be vast temples raised where people might worship in silence and listen to it, for it is the voice of God

Eat you inside out like stress...You hear my voice, you see my face, you know my name / I take it out your ass and charge it to the game

There wasn't an episode of 'Will & Grace' that didn't begin with my voice saying, 'Will & Grace' is taped before a live studio audience.

Is it...dead?" asked Tom, his voice all quivery with fright. "A town just ran over him," said Hester. "I shouldn't think he's very well.

Hitler had this understanding that you speak to people's deepest, darkest emotions and give them voice that can be incredibly effective.

Your voice is like a very serious instrument that you have to tame if you want to be an amazing singer - Marvin Gaye or Michael Jackson.

A deal must include an equitable global governance structure. All countries must have a voice in how resources are deployed and managed.

We need to be able to set all of the voices aside, and then go to the still, small voice and say, "Show me the truth of this situation."

I always enjoy rhythms and melodies, but I always use my voice as more of an instrument and less of a soapbox for me to say or to preach.

The only way to shut out the voice of god and the angels is to act out addictively whether it’s alcohol or food or drugs, or behaviors...

As disciples of Jesus Christ we have a responsibility to work together with like-minded believers, to raise our voices for what is right.

True power does not need arrogance, a long beard and a barking voice. True power strangles you with silk ribbons, charm and intelligence.

And fortunately, I haven't had any problem with my voice. I've been able to sing at a level of consistency that the people are expecting.

More than ever before, consumers have the ability to unify their voices and coalesce their buying power to influence corporate behaviors.

I was a 'learn by doing' writer - I never took any formal writing classes. So it took a long time to figure things out and find my voice.

I think she suspects something, though. We’ve had cherry pie for dessert five nights in a row.” His voice drawled, and my smile deepened.

A voice is a human gift; it should be cherished and used, to utter fully human speech as possible. Powerlessness and silence go together.

Some people can sing, and they can sing sing, but Brandy can not only sing sing, but she has a voice and a tone that is unlike any other.

Listen to these young poets and you'll discover the voice of the present and hear the voice of the future before the future is even here.

I hate when I lose my voice and then people try and talk to me and I seem like I'm being rude and then I hurt their feelings. That sucks.

There was both love and despair in his voice. He was truly handicapped when it came to emotions, and falling in love hadn't changed that.

I didn't know every day I would be discussing the tone of my voice with my wife. I thought it was a marriage. Apparently, it's a musical.

The actor has to develop his body. The actor has to work on his voice. But the most important thing the actor has to work on is his mind.

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