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I have some tracks and songs written for future collaboration, and I'm happy to work with artists who have the right voice and taste.
Im pretty adept with computers and Photoshop for my blog, and I found my style with a conversational voice and an image-ready column.
I think, at the end of the day, when you hear the same voice all the time, it goes in one ear and out the other when you're a player.
Type well used is invisible as type, just as the perfect talking voice is the unnoticed vehicle for the transmission of words, ideas.
Real guts are nothing more than developing your inner voice to the point where it is louder and stronger than the voice of your fear.
Yet everything that touches us, me and you, takes us together like a violin's bow, which draws one voice out of two separate strings.
Counterfeit Kings is the King Lear of space operas. Science fiction has a fresh, new, no-nonsense voice and his name is Adam Connell.
It's wonderful that whenever Patsy Cline's name is mentioned, people's voices fall and they become right sentimental. And, rightly so.
I found I had less and less to say, until finally, I became silent, and began to listen. I discovered in the silence, the voice of God
God's voice had been reduced to paper, and even that paper had to be moderated and deciphered by the proper authorities and intellect.
I always get pissed that I can't make my voice sound like someone from the 50s who had a very girly, innocent voice, like Leslie Gore.
My voice is very special. People either love it or they're like, 'What's wrong with this girl? She looks 16 and sounds like a hooker!'
I believe it is the responsibility and duty of those in high-profile positions to give a voice to people whose voices cannot be heard.
The finest singing, given a good voice to begin with, comes from the constant play of a fine mind upon the inner meaning of the music.
Some may want to shout on the street, but we should tolerate those who hide in their rooms and use literature to voice their opinions.
I don't know about the rest of you who have little voices, but something about mine made me feel completely compelled to listen to it.
I'm the world's worst after-dinner speaker. I need pictures to respond to. I was the voice of the lottery balls once and got the sack.
Usually redemption implies rescue - being saved. What were you being saved from?' he inquired, his voice carefully neutral. 'Ugliness.
I feel that my purpose is to shed light on some of the darker sides of our world, and to lend a hand and a voice to people struggling.
Would you like me to [kill you] now?" asked Snape, his voice heavy with irony. "Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?
For me, the importance in learning about the dance is using it as a voice. It's not about a step, it's about a way to express oneself.
I encourage all of you to seek out teachers and mentors that challenge you to think for yourself and guide you to find your own voice.
I studied voice and piano as a child, although, at least with voice, you start over at puberty, because your voice completely changes.
Reserve is strength; overstatement is weakness. No one cares to hear the singer's topmost notes when the voice is 'nigh onto breaking.
I used to come here on my own sometimes... Id' stay down here for ages." Her voice was barely audible. "It's a good place for sadness.
What interests me in writing a novel is taking really remote voices, characters, and stories and beginning to create some kind of web.
It's amazing to hear, as a voice matures and then starts to decline, what kind of emotion is still conveyed by a really good vocalist.
I'm hoping to have a huge future in voice-overs. For years, people have said, 'I recognized your voice before I recognized your face!'
I feel like the timbre of your voice as a woman doesn't cut through as well as a loud bassy voice, so you need to noticeably speak up.
How still the morning of the hallow'd day! Mute is the voice of rural labour, hush'd The ploughboy's whistle, and the milkmaid's song.
Technology has brought us to a point in which hundreds of millions if not billions of people have a voice, each voice can now be heard.
What I like best about underwater photography is giving a visual voice to the invisible. What I like least is the prospect of drowning.
There will not be any investment or movement or growth in any region of the world without the voice of the Saudi sovereign wealth fund.
Radio has always been pictures of the mind; for me, the essence of radio has always been voices that talk to me and don't patronise me.
Every writer has his own voice. Other than that I'm always trying to do change-ups and publishers haven't always been happy about that.
We have lingered in the chambers of the sea By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown Till human voices wake us... and we drown.
Lizz Wright is my favourite singer. Her voice moves me and takes me to another place. She also grows her own food and that inspires me.
Sing lustily and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength.
Arrogance is in everything I do. It is in my gestures, the harshness of my voice, in the glow of my gaze, in my sinewy, tormented face.
I just listened to that inner voice. By the way, it's always a good move to listen to that inner voice... if it doesn't lead to a crime
They are very good reasons why voice acting in games can be so terrible. Writers are in a great position to be able to bridge this gap.
A life can get knocked into a new orbit by a car crash, a lottery win or just a bleary-eyed consultant giving bad news in a calm voice.
It's always beautiful to sing with other great voices. I like voices in general. It's a big privilege to have great singers next to me.
Selling is a person-to-person business. You cannot send the sales manual out to make the sale. Sales manuals have no legs and no voice.
My advice to any filmmaker would be to figure out what it is that you bring to the table. What makes you different? What is your voice?
...the voice was indisputable. It continued to swear with that breadth and variety that distinguishes the swearing of a cultivated man.
The voices of fear are so loud today. The voices of love should never shout, but neither should they whisper - not at a time like this.
The voice of the sea is seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander in abysses of solitude.
After so many years of whispery, DIY vocals, there's this new generation of voices that are really starting to burst through the seams.
If an organization values innovation, you can assume it's safe to speak up with new ideas, leaders will listen, and your voice matters.