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...so many great truths must be very gently introduced, with voices soft and the truths themselves understated.
Humour in its highest reach mingles with pathos: it voices sorrow for our human lot and reconciliation with it.
Fear is the dream killer, the silent voice that pushes us to lose our passion in a vain attempt to seek safety.
I can do lovers. I can do Sir Galahad types. I'm not going to limit myself in voice-overs to irascible old men.
A determined man, by his very attitude and the tone of his voice, puts a stop to defeat, and begins to conquer.
Whoso hearkens not to God's voice, is an idolator, though he perform the highest and most heavy service of God.
Now is a time where social media allows people to be heard on a different level. Everyone is using their voice.
At every moment, Love's voice talks to us from left and from right. All we have to do is to know how to listen.
Maybe we should raise our voices, ask somebody why. But demonstrations are a drag, besides we're much too high.
The irony is that musical artists have enormous public voices, but behind the scenes we're voiceless, actually.
The voice I had accepted as Divine Guidance was actually the voice of my ego leading me right into destruction.
Here was what Kilgore Trout cried out to me in my father's voice: "Make me young, make me young, make me young!
God’s voice speaking tenderly to our hearts today is the same voice that powerfully called creation into being.
I'm a huge karaoke person even though I have the worst singing voice. When you love doing something, who cares?
You put up with your voice and speak with it because you haven't any choice. But it's what you say that counts.
When the voice of truth rises from the minarets, the Buddha smiles, and the broken chain of history reconnects.
My voice is a gift. My talent is a gift. The life process is a gift. The opportunity for the journey is a gift.
For Jesus, Scripture is powerful, decisive, and authoritative because it is nothing less than the voice of God.
I'd basically have trouble with any job that doesn't require me to wear silly clothes and talk in funny voices.
If you want to be a voice for peace in the world, begin by making peace a permanent condition of your own life.
I said to Life, I would hear Death speak. And Life raised her voice a little higher and said, You hear him now.
Billie Holiday's voice was the voice of living intensity of soul in the true sense of that greatly abused word.
Your name?” I repeated, hoping it was my imagination that my voice faltered. “Call me Patch. I mean it. Call me
Actually, I think the average voice is like 70 percent tone and 30 percent noise. My voice is 95 percent noise.
It is better for me to serve a charity as an actor or a voice, rather than at a luncheon being just a celebrity.
I watch 'The Voice' and 'American Idol,' and I sit in my Brookstone foot massager. It's so exciting at my house.
Kitten." His voice was thick with something I couldn't name. "This is the part... where you don't have a choice.
How sweetly sounds the voice of a good woman! It is so seldom heard that, when it speaks,it ravishes all senses.
When I started learning the cello, I fell in love with the instrument because it seemed like a voice - my voice.
Built into you is an internal guidance system that shows you the way home. All you need to do is heed the voice.
It's about being a voice in the community. There's so many ways to be a voice, and that's what I'm figuring out.
Most of my books begin with an image or a voice - one small thing - and I don't know what it is going to become.
I'm not the voice of reason; I'm more the guy using these offensive topics as fodder to raise tension in a joke.
The voice of Christ is so powerful that it awakens the spiritually dead in the grave of sin to hear it and live.
The Internet is a bastion of negativity, and we get to sit there and voice our cute, little, important opinions.
I do love to sing. Had I a longer set of thigh bones and a sweeter voice, I should have loved to be a performer.
Nikki Lamborn has the best female rock voice since Janis Joplin and I know what I’m talking about, I knew Janis.
Sit quietly and listen for a voice that will say, "Be more silent." As that happens, your soul starts to revive.
I never realized what a great privilege it is to be able to use the voice for Christ until I was deprived of it.
Ere the dolphin dies Its hues are brightest. Like an infant's breath Are tropic winds before the voice of death.
If your inner voice is telling you that you can't paint, by all means, hurry up and paint and silence the voice.
She is mine.' Edward’s low voice was suddenly dark, not as composed as before. 'I didn’t say I would fight fair.
The sound of a mother's voice expresses a feeling of intimacy, which has a truly magical effect on the listener.
I think women want to take care of themselves, and I think having a voice in how that is done is very important.
You won't kiss me for diamonds," he said, his voice slightly raspy, "but you will for chocolates?" Poppy nodded.
Bella?" a different voice called from the distance. No! Please let me be imagining that horribly familiar voice.
I was successful with mediocre material because of a good recording voice that people really liked at that time.
I don't pamper my voice. It's part of my body. If my body is rested and healthy, my voice is rested and healthy.
While we got hotter and thirstier as the heat beat down on us. The somebody would call in a voice full of elation
My husband doesn't text... It's always phone calls. I like that because you hear the voice the old-fashioned way.