You can be afraid to voice your opinions but you just fight through it. It's like NIKE okay you just do it.

Excuse my voice - I don't have the thundering voice I used to have to get players going on the ice anymore.

I like the immediacy of blogs and the democratizing effects of letting millions of voices bloom on the Web.

Music gives the soul this inner self-expression, a voice. It gives the soul a sound, the sound of the Muse.

Countries are stronger and more prosperous when the voices and opinions of all their citizens can be heard.

Opera is everything rolled into one - music, theater, the dance, color and voices and theatrical illusions.

The voice collects and translates your bad physical health, your emotional worries, your personal troubles.

Writing allows for fictitious voices - the voices of persons unlike myself - that might otherwise be muted.

All characters have a voice but not all voices have character. And it's all about character and personality.

Voice comes to you through a spell, a trance. The best voices are not you... they're a little away from you.

As my mother said, I never sprang out of bed with a glad shout! My voice needed oiling and then it took off.

I'm very brave generally,' he went on in a low voice: 'only today I happen to have a headache.' (Tweedledum)

I have a voice. It's one of my gifts. I intend to use it on behalf of the children that UNICEF seeks to aid.

God's voice was not in the earthquake, Not in the fire, nor the storm, but it was in the whispering breezes.

What does it mean?" Emily said, in a low, panicked voice: "What does it mean if a rainbow comes before rain?

Don't let your life give evidence against your tongue. Sing with your voices... sing also with your conduct.

Seungri sounds mournful while T.O.P has a masculine and husky voice. My voice is thin, just like when I talk

As a viewer myself, I tend to gravitate toward projects that have a really strong voice of a strong creator.

Feeling is the voice of the body; reasoning is the voice of the mind; conscience is the voice of the spirit.

Television, although It's in steep decline, still occasionally gives voices to people who don't have voices.

I feel like I lead a lot by using my voice, it's natural for me, but I also think it's been more by example.

I am the first instrument. I am the voice. I do not imitate other instruments. Other instruments imitate me.

I actually have a decent singing voice, and I've never been able to sing onscreen. I'd love to do a musical.

At the end of the day, the only people a One Voice doctrine silences are those who should be the most loyal.

My voice was pretty good almost all through Othello. Alexander Technique really helped my posture and focus.

Anyone who knows or cares anything about real country music will agree that George Jones is the voice of it.

I used to always have a pretty high, little clear voice, but as I got older, I got a little cornbread in it.

War is so unjust and ugly that all who wage it must try to stifle the voice of conscience within themselves.

I stopped smoking. When I stopped smoking, my voice changed... so drastically, I couldn't believe it myself.

Now I have the voice of a 16-year-old. I'm looking for a doctor who could give me the body of a 16-year-old.

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.

Christina Aguilera, to me, has one of the greatest voices of our time and I got nothing but respect for her.

Give young people a greater voice. They are the future and they are much wiser than we give them credit for.

It's not hard to feel afraid and insecure. I still fight an inner-critic voice, definitely. I hear it a lot.

Newt Gingrich gave voice to something that was said throughout this campaign from Democrats and Republicans.

I get really frustrated with people who turn their noses up at talent shows like 'The Voice' and 'X-Factor.'

It's nice when they notice the deep voice from across the house, and they know it's papa. They know it's Dad.

Simply put, broadband voice is an interstate matter that must be dealt with through clear national standards.

The snow has quietness in it; no songs, no smells, no shouts or traffic. When I speak my own voice shocks me.

The party has to be much more. It has to connect in a real way with rank-and-file members and be their voice.

However, if you listen to me I think you can hear years of abuse in my voice - both bad abuse and good abuse.

I've learnt to accept what has happened to my voice, I suppose, but I do wish it didn't sound quite so rough.

The voice is an instrument that you really must take time to develop. It's like a good red wine Give it time.

Animals can't really voice their opinion. We feel as though we can be on of the spokespeople on their behalf.

When the five of our voices come together, there is a special something there. That is something that I know.

I might not know where you are or what you are doing right now, but if you hear my voice will you come to me?

The Voice has always been an alternative paper. They have always understood that that was part of their role.

I would take songs that I'd loved as a child and redo them in my mind for the new voice I had, the low voice.

We have to fight terror in one voice, rising above politics. That is when the common people will feel secure.

The good thing about social media is it gives everyone a voice. The bad thing is … it gives everyone a voice.

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