For bells are the voice of the church; They have tones that touch and search The hearts of young and old.

Feel empowered. And if you start to do it, if you start to feel your voice heard, you will never go back.

I never want to know the range of my voice. It has to be impulsive, and I don't want to kill the mystery.

Every story, each poem that a person shares, each voice that speaks against menstrual taboo, inspires me.

The voice of inner truth says, 'I embrace the unknown because it allows me to see new aspects of myself'.

The brassy wood-pigeons Bubble their colourful voices, and the sun Rises upon a world well-tried and old.

So Fox News is the voice of America and Obama is Stalin? Oh my God! I guess that makes me Yakov Smirnoff.

The voice of a person thinking, discovering, revising, is ever-present without any loss in grace or ease.

If you think I have a great voice and body, youll be shocked as hell seeing and hearing me in the shower.

Friendship is the only point in human affairs concerning the benefit of which all, with one voice, agree.

I am exceedingly lucky that my voice, along with perfect pitch and perfect rhythm, was given me at birth.

Children are not only sensitive to silence, but also to a voice which calls them ... Out of that silence.

The voice of life in me cannot reach the ear of life in you; but let us talk that we may not feel lonely.

‎There is a place where voices sing your beauty, A place where every breath carves your image in my soul.

Voices in the darkness scream away my mental health, can I ask a question to help me save me from myself?

My intent is to speak on behalf of those whose voices are less readily heard - children and women at risk

At what point must a female senator raise her hand or her voice to be recognized over her male colleagues?

There is no doubt in my mind, that I have found out how to begin (at 40) to say something in my own voice.

If Islam is to be reconciled with modernity, these voices must be encouraged until they swell into a roar.

Unfortunately, more and more Muslim voices are calling for boycotts of the United States and its products.

Chopin was a master of melody, harmony and voice leading - the art of smoothly moving from chord to chord.

I'm never drunk on the road, and since I've got to take care of my voice, smoke is definitely not allowed.

I couldn't have recorded this record 15 years ago. My voice didn't have the depth to pull these songs off.

You need people with the courage to stand up and voice their opposition without being labeled unpatriotic.

I believe we all have the Voice of Reason inside gently lead us out of our own self-created hells.

My voice is definitely a big present for me from God, because it's not like I can even take credit for it.

Lightfoot's voice is such a part of the fabric of Canada, I know it almost as well as I know my own voice.

I heard my brother's voice even though we were apart. I then answered the phone and found him on the line.

In music, you feel a connection to the voice and think about the person behind it. In art that's secondary.

I promise that as a president elected in a direct popular vote, I will try to be the voice of all citizens.

I wanted to emulate Bob Flanagan, the high voice in the 'Four Freshmen.' I wanted to sing high like he did.

Legend has it that when God created me, he gave me a big distinctive voice, a lot of boldness and no heart.

God is speaking. He is, by His nature, continuously articulate. He fills the world with His speaking voice.

I think that power comes in numbers, and we're in an industry where the actors need to have a bigger voice.

Everyone can make a real difference. Your voice is needed in a global movement that can change their world.

Hold onto me baby. I'm going to take care of you." The raspy need in his voice only made me more desperate.

Stern duties need not speak sternly. He who stood firm before the thunder worshipped the still small voice.

The most successful politician is he who says what the people are thinking most often in the loudest voice.

People like my voice and say I can sing, but I don't like microphones in front of my face: it distracts me.

Let us listen to the voices of our Forebears ... In the smoky cabin, souls that wish us well are murmuring.

He speaks four letter language because his mind is small. His voice is like venom, I don't like him at all.

I've been fired from a situational comedy with a script they wrote specifically for me because of my voice.

I really believe that Bob Dylan and others have speeded up the changes. Pacifism has found a voice at last.

When Michael Jackson sings it is with the voice of angels, and when his feet move, you can see God dancing.

In the adjustment of the new order of things, we women demand an equal voice; we shall accept nothing less.

It's time for women to make their voices heard. Their silence on the subject of war and peace is deafening.

The more faithfully you listen to the voices within you, the better you will hear what is sounding outside.

I don't generally watch the movie [ The House Of The Devil ]. It's sort of like hearing your voice on tape.

Each time you write something, part of you grows. You're training your artistic muscles to find your voice.

The thing at the moment is Adele. She is a little too fat, but she has a beautiful face and a divine voice.

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