Sincerity and the correct use of the voice are the greatest things in the art of acting.

I'm such a video game fan that being able to do voices in video games is just fantastic.

I was summoned by my Country, whose voice I can never hear but with veneration and love.

E'en from the tomb the voice of nature cries, E'en in our ashes live their wonted fires.

It's just hard," Harry said finally, in a low voice, "to realize he won't write me again

I blame Walt Disney; well he has to find voice actors better than me somehow doesn't he?

The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but the most difficult to play.

We must never let the noise of the world overpower and overwhelm that still small voice.

If you don't hear His voice so let Him hear yours. When prayers go up blessings descend.

Everybody talks about finding your voice. Do your homework and your voice will find you.

I'd like to think of myself as somebody who has a voice for liberating female sexuality.

I have never fallen in love with my own voice, but I've always had an attraction for it.

Difficult struggle in mountaineering is our rise above himself, is the voice of freedom.

My dad always told me that anyone's voice is just another instrument added to the music.

Of all musical instruments the human voice is the most beautiful, for it is made by God.

I don't know what it means to say that 'the internet should have a voice in Washington'.

I mean it's - it is hard to find a voice on talk radio that is not a conservative voice.

May the Lord protect me as the world gets hectic. My voice projected, my life reflected.

By voting, we add our voice to the chorus that forms opinions and the basis for actions.

[Sundance] still feels like an incredible place for championing emerging voices and art.

I think 42 Dugg is a superstar - he's got the voice, the music, the look and the hustle.

Really, voice-over IS great. If it paid as much as on camera work, it's all I'd ever do.

Data can't speak for itself; it's up to you to give it a voice. Try to speak truthfully.

The voice inside your head is not the voice of god. It just sounds like it thinks it is.

I consider my voice to be a centrist moderate voice among the nine Democratic candidates.

To dwellers in a wood, almost every species of tree has its voice as well as its feature.

The truth is always modern and there never comes a time when it is safe to give it voice.

Well, I am David Gilmour, the voice and guitar of Pink Floyd. I have been since I was 21.

I'm on my phone 24-7. I see everything. I hear everything. I am the voice of the streets.

I write in order to make the little voices in my head go away. Thus far it hasn't worked.

It was hard for me to find my voice because I was, for so long, absorbed in my own world.

If one woman is suffering, then we are all suffering, and we need to put a voice to that.

I already have a very low, raspy voice for a girl. When I'm sick, it sounds even raspier.

The fewer the voices on the side of truth, the more distinct and strong must be your own.

I see no reason to keep silent about my enjoyment of the sound of my own voice as I work.

I knew the exuberance of playing before an admiring audience and hearing my secret voice.

Compassion is a reflection of our connectedness. Your voice is need and much appreciated!

I wrote an entire movie [Man up] about how important I think voices are, so it was funny.

... what is great poetry, after all, but the continuation of the human voice after death?

Suddenly it was gone. I'd lost more than my voice and my career. I'd lost my best friend.

With narration, you have to be very accurate with your voice. It's a good exercise to do.

He speaks in your voice, American, and there's a shine in his eye that's halfway hopeful.

Make the mind, the voice and the actions agree in harmony. That is the right way of life.

Be still,” he said, voice harsh. “I might not be able to control myself if you step away.

Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice.

I have many, many voices. I talk to my dogs like in the strangest voices you can imagine.

If the academic community gets its way, we will soon all be speaking with a single voice.

The whole point of the punk-rock thing was that "We're not special. We just have a voice."

God is to be praised with the voice, and the heart should go therewith in holy exultation.

Our priorities should be: recognizing the voice of God and responding to the voice of God.

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