I have never thought of writing as hard work, but I have worked hard to find a voice.

Poets can tell the truth as they see it. It’s the author’s story, the author’s voice.

The complaints of the privileged are too often confused with the voice of the masses.

I tried singing in a deeper voice by lowering my voice that used to be more delicate.

I suppose my forcefulness will improve once my voice changes. Sopranos get no respect.

Justin Bieber isn't gonna be much of a star once his balls drop and his voice changes.

My voice and the styles and genres I sing all express my appreciation for what I hear.

Letters to absence can a voice impart, And lend a tongue when distance gags the heart.

God gave me a voice to sing with, and when you have that, what other gimmick is there?

The more we listen to God's voice, the easier it is to recognize when He speaks to us.

Oh God, if you want women to never again raise their voices, then create an adult man!

Let heart and voice, like bells of silver, ring, the comfort that this day doth bring.

We write because something inside says we must and we can no longer ignore that voice.

And I would hear yet once before I perish The voice which was my music... Speak to me!

It took me a long time to find my own voice, even after I started making my own music.

The more youth begin to recognize that they have a voice, the more change is possible.

If you haven't read you don't have the voice. The lack of voice eliminates experience.

Well, hello there, Mother,” Sebastian said in a voice like silk. “Surprised to see me?

Using a first-person narrator is simply a matter of hearing the voice inside yourself.

One does see so much evil in a village,' murmured Miss Marple in an explanatory voice.

I don't take care of my voice at all, which is one reason that I sound as bad as I do.

Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off.

If I'm able to use my voice to do good in the world then I definitely want to do that.

My voice, I have to say, is kind of miraculous because I was born with a cleft palate.

There is nothing worse than doing nothing and saying nothing when your voice is needed.

It felt really good to kind of find my voice and say stuff, and to be funny, hopefully.

His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with His glory.

The first time I heard of Tuol Sleng, it was on the Voice of America. I listened twice.

Although we often hear that data speak for themselves, their voices can be soft and sly

Pleasure and revenge Have ears more deaf than adders to the voice Of any true decision.

I only hear my own voice. When you start hearing other voices, then it's time to worry.

So for a long time I closed my eyes to the possibility of America having a white voice.

Alone time is when I distance myself from the voices of the world so I can hear my own.

Learn the richness of solitude & quiet. That still small voice is yearning to be heard.

Voices that say the age of the church is over are voices who haven't listened to Jesus.

[Songwriting is] something that I own - it's my property, it's my music, it's my voice.

A voice that was never wanted has become a voice for so many people who don’t have one.

Our memories have voices, too. Often sad ones that clamor like raised arms in the dark.

I think there's still room for compelling voices to build up and get a great following.

lucid and quiet his voice hovered above the listeners, like a light, like a starry sky.

If a little voice in your head is telling you something is up, maybe you should listen.

You can’t stop my voice cause You don't own my life but Do what you want (with my body)

I went home each night dizzy and sick. He was murdering me with the sound of his voice.

I have to have some of my voice because I have my own experiences that I lived through.

When women have a voice in national and international affairs, wars will cease forever.

When I first started I was always known as The Girl on the Sitcom with the Funny Voice.

A picture tells a thousand words. But you get a thousand pictures from someone's voice.

This is what my voice sounds like I don't need to be talking to someone else To hear it

We need to organize and figure out our own voice as a bloc and stop doubting ourselves.

My dad knows how to tell a story. He'd make me laugh by doing all the different voices.

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