When my friends have a health concern, they call me. Ive always been a vitamin taker. I also take digestive enzymes and antioxidants, and supplements that help with the thyroid and adrenals for my time-zone changes.

Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant; food as necessary as minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Deprived of this food, the name of which is love, Babies would rather die. And often they do.

If you take a reasonable amount of vitamin C regularly, the incidence of the common cold goes down. If you get a cold and start immediately, as soon as you start sneezing and sniffling, the cold just doesn't get going.

I try to stay in shape, I work out in the gym, take my vitamins every day, and I guess maybe I have some good genes, but lately I've been feeling it. You know, after all these years it does catch up with you. But just for now.

Buffalo rib-eye steaks, on the grill, is my favorite meal, seriously. It has less fat, more vitamins and more protein than beef. It is wonderful. Look, it was what the Indians ate, and they were very healthy. It's very good meat.

But anyway, it's obvious through human experience that extended families and tribes are terribly important. We can do without an extended family as human beings about as easily as we can do without vitamins or essential minerals.

Despite popular belief that watermelon is made up of only water and sugar, watermelon is actually a nutrient-dense food with a high amount of vitamins such as A and C, minerals such as iron and calcium, and is high in antioxidants.

By the proper intakes of vitamins and other nutrients and by following a few other healthful practices from youth or middle age on, you can, I believe, extend your life and years of well-being by twenty-five or even thirty-five years.

When I wake up in the morning, I like to refresh myself and put some tonic on - one with vitamin C - and then an oxygen cream with vitamins A, C, and E. That's very important to me so that my skin will stay moisturized throughout the day.

I hear from patients who say their doctor said, 'If you want to take Vitamin C, go ahead and do it. It won't harm you, and it may do you some good.' More and more physicians are getting convinced about the value of large doses of Vitamin C.

The passengers in our microbiome contain at least four million genes, and they work constantly on our behalf: they manufacture vitamins and patrol our guts to prevent infections; they help to form and bolster our immune systems, and digest food.

With Hulk, I don't agree with all his choices, but you know what, I don't hear people saying all the great things he does. When he was on the Wheaties box, all those kids that said their prayers and took their vitamins, I don't hear them saying that.

The letter K was the first one in the alphabet which had not, with more or less justification, been used to designate other vitamins, and it also happened to be the first letter in the word 'koagulation' according to the Scandinavian and German spelling.

Broccoli, spinach, celery, and the like are excellent low-calorie foods that are densely packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber. Their ratio of nutritive value to calories can't be beaten, and I eat them with most of my whole food meals.

On a really good day, if I'm really trying, in the morning I'll have a piece of toast, vitamins and nuts, or a bagel with a little cream cheese. Then at lunch time, I'll get me one of those Chinese chicken salads, a glass of juice, and a big glass of water.

The Gunnar Challenge offers new workouts every day, a meal plan and daily 'verbal vitamins,' which are a motivational video or workout tip. The thing that really makes the program work is the forum, where Challengers can communicate with each other and with me.

Although physicians, as part of their training, are taught that the dosage of a drug that is prescribed for the patient must be very carefully determined and controlled, they seem to have difficulty in remembering that the same principle applies to the vitamins.

Commonly, athletes will bolster their dietary intake with everyday vitamins such as magnesium and iron as well as more exotic products such as whey protein, creatine, carnitine and branched-chain amino acids specifically aimed at improving performance and recovery time.

I believe that you can, by taking some simple and inexpensive measures, lead a longer life and extend your years of well-being. My most important recommendation is that you take vitamins every day in optimum amounts to supplement the vitamins that you receive in your food.

I take these vitamins that make my hair grow like crazy. They're called Herpanacine, and I get them on Amazon - they've got echinacea and vitamins A and E. They're really good for your immune system, too. You don't get sick, and they really help your skin, hair, and nails.

I'm very conscious about putting good food into my body. Years ago, I went to see an amazing healer called Allah, who could read your body. She told me that I can't absorb vitamins very well, and I have to eat the right things to get my vitamins. I've always remembered that.

I try not to focus on taking things away; I try to add in nutrient-rich foods into the things I eat. I don't say, 'I'm going to take out the fat.' I say, 'What can I add in to make my muscles work more? What can I add into this that will give me the vitamins I need?' It feels luxurious!

There's this company called Vega that sponsors us, and basically, what it is is a vegan health optimizer. But really it's a protein shake that has all the vitamins, all the enzymes, all the minerals, all the carbs, all the proteins... everything that you need to set yourself for the day.

So much of my body changed from being pregnant. My hair got so much longer from all of the multivitamins and pregnancy vitamins, like the New Chapter's Every Woman Vitamin I've been taking - it's a lot of folic acid. I know a lot of moms cut their hair, but I just want to keep mine long.

If you look hard enough, you'll find that many of the products we use every day - chewing gums, skin moisturizers, disinfecting wipes, air fresheners, water purifiers, health snacks, antiperspirants, colognes, teeth whiteners, fabric softeners, vitamins - are results of manufactured habits.

I've always believed in a rainbow diet. As many colors and foods as you can eat, the better, because if you focus on one food, there's bound to be a report that comes out that says, 'Broccoli actually... ' So I mix it up a lot. And I take vitamins, like Biosil, which I take for my hair, skin, and nails.

I get a blood test every six months to narrow down what could be causing fatigue, exhaustion, dark thoughts, and obviously, eventually, how to be in my top shape. Blood doesn't lie. From vitamins that I'm lacking to natural foods, it's an educated guide to connect my physical internal and external look.

Childfree women are actually great assets to the planet. Our carbon footprint is smaller than a mom's! And we have enough money to write checks to organizations that help kids get vaccinations, vitamins, and educations yet have plenty of free time to advise your daughter that one day she will regret piercing her lip.

There's a great metaphor that one of my doctors uses: If a fish is swimming in a dirty tank and it gets sick, do you take it to the vet and amputate the fin? No, you clean the water. So, I cleaned up my system. By eating organic raw greens, nuts and healthy fats, I am flooding my body with enzymes, vitamins and oxygen.

What do we actually seek from food? It's not calories, nor is it volume or mass. It is, in fact, nutrition: micronutrients, which include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. These are components by which food can be assessed a value, and therefore, a decision can be objectively made as to whether it's worth eating.

I gotta tell you, right at the top of my list would be taking vitamins. I know that over the years doctors have said they're ridiculous and all that. But I started taking my vitamins at an early age. And I take them every day. Every bloody day! So I think that's number one. For whatever reason, I feel active and pretty good at my age.

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