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I began visiting Lima's prisons back in 2007, when my first novel, 'Lost City Radio,' was published in Peru.
A New York friend said that visiting the South reminded her of nothing more than being in high school again.
I'm afraid that the gift of visiting the past is all that we have. We can revisit it, but only as it happened.
When I was travelling in Rajasthan people were waving hands, and it felt like I was visiting my own constituency.
Visiting Lucerne is like going to Disneyland: You can't imagine that it is real because it looks like a movie lot.
I particularly like to travel for work because you see a completely different side of the country you're visiting.
My mother is a proud Brazilian. I love visiting my family in Rio; the city and its people are so vibrant and amazing.
Being a true foodie, I love visiting new food joints as well as treating my taste buds to pyaaz ki kachori and ghewar.
If my life be spared, nothing shall stop me short of visiting every nation of Indians on the Continent of North America.
I have just returned from visiting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world!
My favorite aspect of being an author has always been visiting different communities and meeting my readers face to face.
By visiting patients in their home, by helping them come to terms with their illness, I could heal when I could not cure.
Visiting a show that's already established can be a bit daunting, as they've been a family already, and you're the newbie.
While I live with my family in South Florida, I enjoy visiting New York and always appreciate seeing so many Univision fans.
I lived in Shetland for a short while in the seventies and have been visiting ever since, so I have lots of useful contacts!
But this was what happened when you didn't want to visit and confront the past: the past starts visiting and confronting you.
Visiting Iskcon is a practice for my parents where I observed people involved in dance and music. It left a huge impact on me.
If I have friends in town visiting, we'll go get dinner, but if I'm just by myself, I'm at the house, watching random TV shows.
I think when you're on a visiting relationship rather than a living relationship, it's kind of hard to have impact as a parent.
I never make a trip to the United States without visiting a supermarket. To me they are more fascinating than any fashion salon.
When I met Melania Knauss in 2003, we were both 32 years old and walking the hallways of Vogue. I was working; she was visiting.
One of the great things about being a professional football player is visiting countries and seeing cultures you might never see.
The way a small child might dream of visiting Disneyland, I dreamed of writing books. Never did I think my poems would become that.
I really love momos, dahi-vada, and, of course, golgappas. I make sure not to miss these snacks when visiting Malviya Nagar, Delhi.
People who are visiting Long Island find it's very beautiful, and they are quick to try Long Island foods, wines and other products.
I did a lot of acting when I was a child. I was very shy - the kind of kid who ran into a corner and cried on parents' visiting day.
My holidays in Hyderabad would be spent on films sets visiting my father and uncle, or in the studios; I was gradually drawn to films.
Grief falls upon human beings as the rain, not selecting good or evil, visiting the innocent, condemning those who have done no wrong.
Fanny and Alexander' blew me away. I was visiting my sister in her first year at university. It was my first foray into something dark.
Me and my brother Sunny never had the enthusiasm of visiting a film set or going to a screening or attending parties and meeting actors.
Golf is good, it means I get some fresh air and exercise, take my mind off work and see some of the landscape of the place I'm visiting.
If you can imagine the delight of visiting a theme park where lasting memories are made, we envision 'Sky' will sometimes feel like that.
When Oregon was founded as a state in 1857, its constitution explicitly banned Black people from visiting, living and owning property here.
When I began visiting Bordeaux in 1979, only a handful of writers were there to taste the wines in the spring (and nearly all were British).
I've spent my life visiting a handful of people who are very close to me when they've been committed to one hospital or another in New York.
There is a profound gap between meeting a person and knowing a person, and that holds true for the difference between visiting and residing.
There is no physical activity. All entertainment is happening in phone. Films can also be seen in laptop, so no one is visiting cinema halls.
It is my understanding that some groups who are opposed to visiting our campus are basing their decision on Liberty's concealed carry policy.
Growing up, I remember taking trips with my family to Kentucky Lake and visiting Lake Cumberland, and camping with friends at Red River Gorge.
I'm fortunate enough that my personal life falls into whack with my professional life. My kids love visiting the sets; they love the monsters.
No longer can a bailiff come crashing through someone's door in the dead of night. We have banned them from visiting between 9 P.M. and 6 A.M.
I am like a sponge: I adore reading, watching films, and visiting museums and exhibitions. I am always in search of new things in many spheres.
I like visiting the parliament, listening to the discussions and raising questions. It's a stimulating environment and it opens your world view.
I grew up going to funerals and visiting people in nursing homes. I'm not as afraid of dealing with the dying as maybe some other people may be.
I was brought up on a council estate in the countryside near Stoke Prior in Worcestershire, but I adored visiting the farm where my father worked.
The hope that people walk into poker halls with and the despair they leave with was something I researched by actually visiting these poker halls.
I have family connections with Salisbury through my godmother. Her sister lived there, so I have very fond memories of visiting the city as a child.
I served as the chairman of the India-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group for three years, during which I also had the pleasure of visiting Israel.
I just feel like this guy who's visiting the music business over the weekend. Every time I write a song, I feel like it's never going to happen again.
Your Majesty, I took the liberty because I was so desirous of visiting alone with you for a few minutes before the rest of the other peasants arrived.