Go in thy native innocence, rely On what thou hast of virtue, summon all, For God towards thee hath done his part, do thine.

Chastity, like honesty, is a civic as well as a personal virtue. When a society loses chastity, it begins to destroy itself.

You have to have something vicious in you to be a creative writersomething old-adamish, incompatible to the "ordinary world.

I have often thought that if a well-grounded affection be not really a part of virtue, it is something extremely akin to it.

Fashions smile has given wit to dullness and grace to deformity, and has brought everything into vogue, by turns, but virtue.

Virtue is not photogenic. What is it to be a nice guy? To be nothing, that's what. A big fat zero with a smile for everybody.

The virtue of hope is an orientation of the soul towards a transformation after which it will be wholly and exclusively love.

Old age adds to the respect due to virtue, but it takes nothing from the contempt inspired by vice; it whitens only the hair.

Sincere prayer implies that when we ask for any virtue or blessing, we should work for the blessing and cultivate the virtue.

For a guy who is always banging on about the masculine virtues, Nixon had this remarkable proclivity for very dainty gestures.

Analyze thy life's experiences, see thy shortcomings, see thy virtues. Minimize those faults, magnify and glorify thy virtues.

Of all the rewards of virtue, . . . the most splendid is fame, for it is fame alone that can offer us the memory of posterity.

Justice is the most "political" or institutional of the virtues. The legitimacy of a state rests upon its claim to do justice.

Unlike the puerile loyalty to a conviction, loyalty to a friend is a virtue - perhaps the only virtue, the last remaining one.

To be ambitious of true honor, of the true glory and perfection of our natures, is the very principle and incentive of virtue.

Justice is the foremost virtue of the civilizing races. It subdues the barbarous nations, while injustice arouses the weakest.

Quite simply, quite plainly, just by virtue of his being, Barack Obama is America. The first true American to lead our nation.

Do not let the artificial obliterate the natural; do not let will obliterate destiny; do not let virtue be sacrificed to fame.

Tolerance is a cheap, low-grade parody of love. Tolerance is not a great virtue to aspire to. Love is much tougher and harder.

Humility is of central importance; I think it's an underappreciated virtue in the contemporary discussion of law and politics.

Happiness and Prosperity are now within our Reach; but to attain and preserve them must depend upon our own Wisdom and Virtue.

The highest virtue is not virtuous. Therefore it has virtue. The lowest virtue holds on to virtue. Therefore it has no virtue.

There is hardly that person to be found who is not more concerned for the reputation of wit and sense, than honesty and virtue.

Morality is a venereal disease. Its primary stage is called virtue; its secondary stage, boredom; its tertiary stage, syphilis.

A man's indebtedness is not virtue; his repayment is. Virtue begins when he dedicates himself actively to the job of gratitude.

Purpose ... is held to be most closely connected with virtue, and to be a better token of our character than are even our acts.

It is not in virtue of its liberty that the human will attains to grace, it is much rather by grace that it attains to liberty.

Death cancels everything but truth; and strips a man of everything but genius and virtue. It is a sort of natural canonization.

Faith is the virtue by which, clinging-to the faithfulness of God, we lean upon him, so that we may obtain what he gives to us.

I conclude that it is a fundamental mistake to think that salvation, justice, or virtue come through merely human institutions.

The tragedy of virtue is that the more obvious, boring, unoriginal, and sermonizing the proverb, the harder it is to implement.

A constitutional democracy is in serious trouble if its citizenry does not have a certain degree of education and civic virtue.

To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.

Compliment others on the virtues they have; and they're not half as pleased as being complimented for the ones they don't have.

Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.

No one benefits from us not taking credit for our successes. There is no virtue in allowing kudos to go unclaimed or elsewhere.

When I was a child . . . Only virtue was prized, virtue at the expense of intellect, health, happiness, and every mundane good.

There is a mean in all things; even virtue itself has stated limits; which not being strictly observed, it ceases to be virtue.

There is only one virtue, justice; only one duty, to be happy; only one corollary, not to overvalue life and not to fear death.

Let us be true: this is the highest maxim of art and of life, the secret of eloquence and of virtue, and of all moral authority.

Modesty isn't always a virtue; it can be a hindrance; a careful measure of personal pride builds confidence and ensures success.

The virtue as the art consecrates itself constantly to what's difficult to do, and the harder the task, the shinier the success.

The Liberal Party of Canada has no monopoly on public service, we have no monopoly on virtue, and we have no monopoly on wisdom.

As you come to seek and see the virtues and strengths and nobilities of others, you begin to seek and see them in yourself also.

If vice and corruption prevail, liberty cannot subsist; but if virtue have the advantage, arbitrary power cannot be established.

Whether the law of marriage be instituted or not, the dictate of nature and virtue seems to be an early attachment to one woman.

Acts of virtue ripen into habits; and the goodly and permanent result is the formation or establishment of a virtuous character.

[T]here is no truth more thoroughly established, than that there exists . . . an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness.

Shall ignorance of good and ill Dare to direct the eternal will? Seek virtue, and of that possest, To Providence resign the rest.

Most people are so constituted that they can only be virtuous in a certain routine; an irregular course of life demoralizes them.

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