Humility is a virtue, and it is a virtue innate in guests.

When you know how to use it, disobedience can be a virtue.

Virtue consisted in avoiding scandal and venereal disease.

Nobility, without virtue, is a fine setting without a gem.

Nowhere in the Gospels is intelligence praised as a virtue.

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force.

I wrap myself up in virtue. [Lat., Mea virtute me involvo.]

It's a vice to trust all, and equally a vice to trust none.

Or if Virtue feeble were, Heav'n itself would stoop to her.

A vice is merely a pleasure to which somebody has objected.

Constancy is the complement of all the other human virtues.

Kindness is more than a virtue. It is a source of strength.

People are usually made Dames for virtues I do not possess.

The word virtue is as useful to self-interest as the vices.

The queen of virtues is the recognition of one's own flaws.

Tolerance is a virtue that depends upon peace and strength.

When we are sick our virtues and our vices are in abeyance.

The most eminent virtue is doing simply what we have to do.

It is not always for virtue's sake that women are virtuous.

Let us respect even error when it has its source in virtue.

Skepticism is a virtue in history as well as in philosophy.

Kindness is an everyday byproduct of all the great virtues.

We human beings grow through our failures, not our virtues.

Prayer is a virtue that prevaileth against all temptations.

Superior virtue must be the fruit of superior intelligence.

Tolerance is the virtue of those who don't believe anything.

Search others for their virtue, and yourself for your vices.

Patience is a virtue, and Americans have it in short supply.

Even virtue is fairer when it appears in a beautiful person.

A laugh costs too much when bought at the expense of virtue.

Virtue, though clothed in a beggar's garb, commands respect.

A coerced "choice" does not reflect virtue, only compliance.

It was considered a virtue not to talk unnecessarily at sea.

One path alone leads to a life of peace. The path of virtue.

Humanity is the virtue of a woman, generosity that of a man.

In religion, faith is a virtue. In science, faith is a vice.

Love is the sum of all virtue, and love disposes us to good.

Virtue often trips and falls over the sharp edge of poverty.

The hero draws inspiration from the virtue of his ancestors.

When you cannot be just through virtue, be so through pride.

Truthfulness is the foundation of all the virtues of mankind

Patience, n. A minor form of dispair, disguised as a virtue.

Innocent pleasures are got by virtue and well-earned wealth.

Whatever happens, the path of virtue should not be given up.

Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue.

Determination is the fuel that propels one to higher virtues.

[A] free government . . . cannot be supported without Virtue.

[M]en will be free no longer then while they remain virtuous.

It were no virtue to bear calamities if we did not feel them.

For when was public virtue to be found Where private was not?

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