Violence will prevail over violence, only when someone can prove to me that darkness can be dispelled by darkness

There's a hollowness to civilized life. It doesn't appeal to people, and some people react with extreme violence.

Colombia has been the leading western recipient of U.S. arms and training as violence has grown through the '90s.

Non-violence is not inaction. It is not discussion. It is not for the timid or weak... Non-violence is hard work.

I have recognized that the nation has the right, if it so wills, to vindicate her freedom even by actual violence.

The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information.

Violence is essentially wordless. and it can begin only where thought and rational communication have broken down.

When people say there is too much violence in my books, what they are saying is there is too much reality in life.

With violence, as with so many other concerns, human nature is the problem, but human nature is also the solution.

You know what I think about violence. For me it is profoundly moral -more moral than compromises and transactions.

To prevent the workers from going to their work by standing in front of them is pure violence and must be given up.

Turning a human being into a thing is almost always the first step towards justifying violence against that person.

In 1963 ... The Vatican condemned Dr. No as a 'dangerous mixture of violence, vulgarity, sadism and sex.' Ka-ching!

Family violence is a criminal act; perpetrators, while often former victims themselves, need to accept culpability.

The world's a poor standard. any society which is free of hunger and violence looks bright against that background.

I was imprisoned in Missouri in 1854 for preaching the gospel to Negroes, though I was never subjected to violence.

Whenever we engage in consumption or production patterns which take more than we need, we are engaging in violence.

I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.

I've had horror movies thrown at me and I just don't want to do any because violence isn't really good for society.

The only thing that's been a worse flop than the organization of nonviolence has been the organization of violence.

Violence against women is as American as apple pie. I know, not only as a legislator, but from personal experience.

This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.

It is no non-violence if we merely love those that love us. It is non-violence only when we love those that hate us.

Violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones.

Women are secretaries of state and prime ministers - but people still don't expect women to be involved in violence.

The only thing that's been a worse flop than the organization of non-violence has been the organization of violence.

What's one more meaningless act of violence on that zoo of a planet? It would be appropriate. When in Rome; burn it.

No, General. I'm not your subordinate. And what I'm coming dangerously close to is violence. -General Wedge Antilles

What opera isn't violent? Two things happen, violence and love. And other than that, name something else. You can't.

All forms of violence are quests for identity. When you live on the frontier, you have no identity. You're a nobody.

You treat violence as an aberration ... when in truth it is the norm. It is the very essence of the human condition.

You either approve of violence or you don't, and nothing on earth is more violent or extreme than the meat industry.

A belligerent state permits itself every such misdeed, every such act of violence, as would disgrace the individual.

His experience and training should have taught him that families are the cauldrons in which violence is brewed. (144)

You may gain temporary appeasement by a policy of concession to violence, but you do not gain lasting peace that way.

Violence just hurts those who are already hurt...Instead of exposing the brutality of the oppressor, it justifies it.

What is debt anyway? A debt is just the perversion of a promise. It is a promise corrupted by both math and violence.

Calling gender violence a women's issue is part of the problem. It gives a lot of men an excuse not to pay attention.

Police violence is the tip of the iceberg when it relates to the conditions overall of black people across the globe.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.

Violence and racism are bad. Whenever they occur they are to be condemned and we should not turn a blind eye to them.

He gave an impression of coiled power, a contained violence that if released, would explode with terrifying intensity.

Jane! will you hear reason?' (he stooped and approached his lips to my ear) 'because, if you won't, I'll try violence.

Alienation as our present destiny is achieved only by outrageous violence perpetrated by human beings on human beings.

The attention of the media is only caught by acts of violence... so I must perform this act of violence against myself.

Our history doesn't look at our own violence, the violence in our own past, and we go out and repeat it someplace else.

The unutterable violence of the Holocaust shook our confidence in the possibility of telling any story of faith at all.

I never felt any attraction towards violence. I never tried to express myself through violence. Violence is a language.

My opposition to the socialist and the other consists in attacking violence as a means of effecting any lasting reform.

Violence always seems to me the worst form of tyranny. It deprives people of their rights, including the right to live.

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