Being offended by freedom of speech should never be regarded as a justification for violence.

The architecture of war and violence is now matched by a barrage of goods parading as fashion.

It is not violence that best overcomes hate -- nor vengeance that most certainly heals injury.

So I think we're kind of an alternate choice for people who have had it with sex and violence.

Alcohol removes inhibitions. It doesn't trigger criminal violence where there was none before.

I like comedy, not violence, but violence is making a lot of money. But comedy is what I like.

The violence had broken out in both sides, but our philosophy as a party was very, very clear.

It is unfair to blame man too fiercely for being pugnacious; he learned the habit from Nature.

On the field is a place where you can just let it loose and react to everything with violence.

Ukraine is a tinderbox, and the fuse is lit. There is no solution through violence in Ukraine.

In my opinion, all relationships between people have some sort of violence, and it is central.

A film is like a battleground. It's love, hate, action, violence, death—In one word, emotions.

You can't get away from violence in drama. If you do not have conflict, you do not have drama.

The extreme form of power is All against One, the extreme form of violence is One against All.

To the youth who have taken up guns, I urge them to return to their parents and shun violence.

I do not regard killing or assassination or terrorism as good in any circumstances whatsoever.

Our glorification of violence is ripping society apart. I don't want my children exposed to it.

We do want to drive out the beast in man, but we do not want on that account to emasculate him.

Whatever has been achieved through pressure and violence is unstable, unreliable and incorrect.

I don't like violence in movies, I'm not a kind of Tarantino fan. But sometimes it's necessary.

Every woman who thinks she is the only victim of violence has to know that there are many more.

There is a capacity for violence we all harbour, and under certain circumstances, it comes out.

The world is ruled by violence, or at least the imminent threat of violence. It always has been.

The gaming world isn't filled only with violence and depravity. In fact, it's mostly enchanting.

The Koran says that there can be no heaven for one who sheds the blood of an innocent neighbour.

Of course I am frustrated with regard to extreme poverty, to violence that never seems to cease.

No kids should see that kind of violence where Batman is killing as many people as the bad guys.

The true master lives in truth, in goodness and restraint, non-violence, moderation, and purity.

When you practice a life of non-violence you no longer need seek the truth, the truth finds you.

Islam teaches tolerance, not hatred; universal brotherhood, not enmity; peace, and not violence.

One must do violence to the object of one's desire; when it surrenders, the pleasure is greater.

You cannot commit an act of violence against a non-sentient object, only against a living thing.

It's not enough just to treat women well. We have to work to make sure all men treat women well.

The same way that racism is a white person's problem, violence against women is a men's problem.

On this International Day of Peace, let us dare to imagine a world free of conflict and violence

It is bad for the soul to know itself a coward, it is apt to take refuge in mere wordy violence.

The threat and use of violence is stimulating nuclear proliferation along with jihadi terrorism.

India's freedom will not be won by violence but only by the purest suffering without retaliation.

I will try to be non-violent one more day this morning, waking the world away in the violent day.

Crime and violence is an attack on the poor and will never be accepted in a Trump administration.

Government is violence masquerading as answers to strangers' problems using other peoples' money.

Glorifying violence is terrible. Simulating sex is nothing - it's something so impersonal really.

The FA have given me a pat on the back. I've taken violence off the terracing and onto the pitch.

My moral compass swings far to the left, but when it comes to gratuitous violence, I have trouble.

Violence is bound sooner or later to exhaust itself but peace cannot issue out of such exhaustion.

Our nonviolence in respect of the Government is a result of our incapacity for effective violence.

You forget that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence: and the kingdom of heaven is like a woman.

Somebody's gotta stand up and say pubic hair is good, murder is bad. Sex is good, violence is bad.

I believe that the United States is not genuine regarding having a cessation of violence in Syria.

I don't think violence on film breeds violence in life. Violence in life breeds violence in films.

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