Spaghetti Westerns are really brutal and operatic with a surreal quality to the violence.

Gun-related violence and murders are concentrated among blacks and Latinos in big cities.

Parents are the most likely to be victims of the violence of their mentally ill children.

For me popular violence is as much an obstruction in our path as the Government violence.

Answer violence with violence. If one of us falls today, five of them must fall tomorrow.

Most dramatically, and perhaps least noticed, is the violence inside Saudi Arabia itself.

The situation is getting worse, and people are losing hope. That despair stokes violence.

I do not hold to non-violence for moral reasons, but for political and practical reasons.

It's Ethan Hawke and John Travolta [in Valley of Violence]. It's awesome. They're awesome.

The present war is the saturation point in violence. It spells, to my mind, also its doom.

My whole life I had seen my father solve every problem he had through the use of violence.

Poverty does not cause violence and terrorism. Lack of education does not cause terrorism.

It's not that the film is violent, it's that people have an issue with violence right now.

Violence is a part of the world and life, and you shouldn't have to take it out of stories.

Kids shouldn't see all the violence they do these days. But the industry just doesn't care.

To use violence against a peaceful man is the greatest immorality and the biggest rot ever!

Fortune blinds men when she does not wish them to withstand the violence of her onslaughts.

Civil disobedience is the only nonviolent escape from the soul-destroying heat of violence.

I don't know any religion that promotes violence. It is the adherents of whatever religion.

I would risk violence a thousand times rather than risk the emasculation of the whole race.

We need to get serious about combating gang violence on Long Island, and the entire nation.

All you violated ones with gentle hearts; You violent dreamers whose cries shout heartbreak

I myself am a very nonviolent person and only resort to violence when I absolutely have to.

We all agreed that violence begets violence, and you can't solve issues with more violence.

Tortures are a dangerous invention, and seem to be a test of endurance rather than of truth.

One must acknowledge with cryptography no amount of violence will ever solve a math problem.

Protection of children from violence and abuse has always been my main activity or campaign.

Violence in any form is evil and to kill innocent animals in tantamount to blatant savagery.

I'm a very great non-violent character. I would never resort to violence to change anything.

No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for violence and terrorism.

The bomb-throwers have discredited the cause of freedom, in whose name they threw the bombs.

Let's start a movement - a movement of men who aren't afraid to stop violence against women.

One must do no violence to nature, nor model it in conformity to any blindly formed chimera.

I want the violence among young people in this country to stop - particularly gang violence.

I understand people who believe that without violence they will not achieve anything at all.

Passion is all but soft, it's not tender, it's violence to which you get hooked by pleasure.

When a man carries an instrument of violence, he'll always find the justification to use it.

What senseless violence does is to prolong the lease of life of the British or foreign rule.

I think violence in a cinematic context can be, if handled in a certain way, very seductive.

Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.

Any act of violence creates resentment and resistance, because humans were meant to be free.

A lot of people are scared to come visit my hometown, but to me, violence is everywhere, man.

Violence is anything that denies human integrity, and leads to hopelessness and helplessness.

Is this something new, having people stomp on you? Is it what I need to do for your pleasure?

If you love with violence and you hate with violence there is nothing that can be questioned.

Peace through superior violence inevitably leads to the atom bomb and all that it stands for.

We mistook violence for passion, indolence for leisure, and thought recklessness was freedom.

There is a legacy of violence against native women that has gotten worse and worse over time.

Language failed me very often, but then, the substitute for me was silence, but not violence.

Disapproving and boycotting is the Quranic thing to do, whereas violence and threats are not.

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