I could have ended the war in a month. I could have made North Vietnam look like a mud puddle.

I learned a lot from Vietnam veterans, especially as some of them turned against their own war.

Cuba never had advisors in Vietnam. The military there knew very well how to conduct their war.

I think Afghanistan has turned into the Vietnam of my generation, only with a better homecoming.

I had been in that part of the world as a soldier in Korea, so I had been interested in Vietnam.

When I took command in Vietnam, I gave great emphasis to food and medical care - and to the mail

When I took command in Vietnam, I gave great emphasis to food and medical care - and to the mail.

If John Kerry had a dollar for every time he bragged about serving in Vietnam - oh wait, he does.

Normally, I try to get my haircut when I'm in a developing country. Last time, it was in Vietnam.

In Vietnam, we took a hill and defeated the enemy; then we retreated and let the enemy take over.

The Vietnam War soured President Johnson's legacy. We still have to recognize his domestic legacy.

Being in Vietnam and being around a major story of the time was always a great shot of adrenaline.

I have no interest in making a 'Vietnam' film, no interest in making a direct political statement.

The brave men who died in Vietnam, more than 100% of which were black, were the ultimate sacrifice.

When I was a boy we didn't wake up with Vietnam and have Cyprus for lunch and the Congo for dinner.

Being in Vietnam changed him [Johnny Cash] fundamentally. He was devastated when we went into Iraq.

It seems now more certain than ever that the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate.

In Japan people drive on the left. In China people drive on the right. In Vietnam it doesn't matter.

It seems to me the American people never really forgave the Democrats for being right about Vietnam.

From its inception, South Vietnam was only considered to be an outpost in the war against communism.

I wanted to have the opportunity to travel to Vietnam and Sydney, and have the chance to work there.

We have forgotten that Vietnam, and Iraq resent being invaded and know the ground better than we do.

Military school was great and especially great for leadership and then I spent two years in Vietnam.

I was the guy who was constantly speaking out against the Vietnam War. I have no regrets about that.

This is the voice of Vietnam Broadcasting from Hanoi, capitol of the Democratic republic of Vietnam.

When my dad was in Vietnam, we lost a parent for a year. Thank God we didn't lose a parent for good.

Vietnam and India are not just special friends; we also have a similar economic vision and approach.

By the mid-sixties, the United States had poured more than half a million troops into South Vietnam.

You really had to learn to protect yourself from all Gooks in Vietnam, or else you would end up dead.

Vietnam helped me realize who the true heroes really are in this world. It's not the home-run hitters.

The politicians in Washington just had no idea about the complexity of the situation in South Vietnam.

Philadelphia reflected the national turmoil over race and the Vietnam War, often exploding on my watch.

Obama avoided the Vietnam draft with a letter from his family doctor diagnosing him as medically eight.

In F-111, I question the collusion between the Vietnam War, income taxes, consumerism, and advertising.

I left the Democratic Party basically on issues of national security during the end of the Vietnam War.

From Vietnam's 'Deer Hunter' to Iraq, films are never about the person who has had his house destroyed.

Two thousand people a day were being murdered in Vietnam in a terrorist war, an official terrorist war.

We were sent to Vietnam to kill Communism. But we found instead that we were killing women and children.

I can remember as a young lieutenant being sent into the DMZ in the divided Vietnam, from North Vietnam.

Nixon did have a secret plan, and I knew that it involved making threats of nuclear war to North Vietnam.

I carry the memories of the ghosts of a place called Vietnam - the people of Vietnam, my fellow soldiers.

Kids flew B-17s in daylight bombing raids over Germany in World War II. Kids fought in Korea and Vietnam.

As the senior commander in Vietnam, I was aware of the potency of public opinion - and I worried about it.

I have a band that I started with a buddy of mine, a Vietnam veteran pal named Kimo Williams from Chicago.

Because the GIs were sent massively to South Vietnam, maybe it's a good idea to have a broadcast for them.

Let us understand: North Vietnam cannot defeat or humiliate the United States. Only Americans can do that.

My dad was a civil rights lawyer, and he was actually defending conscientious objectors to the Vietnam War.

I was born in Vietnam, and I was adopted by an Irish lady and a Hungarian man, and then I moved to America.

Millions also perished in the Chinese camps, and there have been terrible genocides in Cambodia and Vietnam.

I have to admit it that the large quantity of US money poured into Vietnam provoked ii...a lot of bad habits.

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