People make institutions, not vice versa.

Nothing but heaven is impregnable to vice.

I've got two vices: cigarettes and taters.

Is pride, the never-failing vice of fools.

Vice may be learnt, even without a teacher

What's vice today may be virtue, tomorrow.

In the end, the sum of my vices is all me.

A man given to vice is always an idealist.

All virtue is summed up in dealing justly.

Our vices are the excesses of our virtues.

War with vices, but peace with individuals.

True enjoyments also keep people from vice.

The love of popularity holds you in a vice.

Good taste is the worst vice ever invented.

Sometimes virtue starves while vice is fed.

Virtue hath no tongue to check vice's pride.

A vice in the heart is an idol on the altar.

Vices are often habits rather than passions.

In general, comedians are attracted to vice.

Vice knows she is ugly, so puts on her mask.

Amplification is the vice of modern oratory.

One way or another we all work for our vice.

Hindsight is the historian's necessary vice.

Virtue by calculation is the virtue of vice.

Vice is perhaps a desire to learn everything.

Vice president—it has such a nice ring to it.

Vice is a peripatetic, always in progression.

Vice, like disease, floats in the atmosphere.

Sanctity and genius are as rebellious as vice.

In our ideals we unwittingly reveal our vices.

Hate no one; hate their vices, not themselves.

Thank you for your cooperation and vice versa.

Man should rule with computers, not vice versa.

The worst vice of the fanatic is his sincerity.

We can endure neither our vices nor their cure.

I prefer a pleasant vice to an annoying virtue.

The passions of the young are vices in the old.

Pitching always beats batting — and vice-versa.

What were once vices are the fashion of the day.

I'd just say that truth is power and vice versa.

Jealousy is the only vice that gives no pleasure

Nothing suits worse with vice than want of sense

Music is the only sensual pleasure without vice.

Vice knows [its] ugly, so [it] puts on [a] mask.

Happiness is a kind of gratitude and vice versa.

The French like burgers, Madonna and Miami Vice.

Weakness is more opposed to virtue than is vice.

Vice gets more in this vicious world than piety.

Art informs life in so many ways, and vice versa.

Black is not a vice. Nor is segregation a virtue.

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