The sight of a drunkard is a better sermon against that vice than the best that was ever preached on that subject.

I think that reality is divorced from former vice president Joe Biden who hob knobs with these Hollywood dictators.

If you're wearing a pair of shoes that's a little flashy, then it's important not to be flashy up top and vice versa.

It's pretty hard to say no when a vice president-elect and a president-elect ask you to be part of the national team.

Dali is like a man who hesitates between talent and genius, or, as one might once have said, between vice and virtue.

I think musicians have always been drinking and sharing a good wine. It is, I hate to say this, another form of vice.

I'm vice chairman of the American Wild Horse Protection Association and honorary chairman of the Wildlife Federation.

Technology, we find, amplifies behaviours. If you want to be anti-social, technology allows you to be. And vice versa.

I think I really would have quit if I hadn't gotten 'Inherent Vice'. Or maybe I would have just shriveled up and died.

I didn't find it difficult to live in the 'Inherent Vice' world or play those scenes, because they just seemed so real.

There is a lot that horses and art share in common. I have found that most horse people are art lovers, and vice versa.

Back in England, a girl with thick black hair, dusky skin and big brown eyes will turn heads. It is vice versa in India.

A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities of virtue and vice- but as yet unstained.

There are some faults so nearly allied to excellence that we can scarce weed out the vice without eradicating the virtue.

I've learned that people will seldom let you down if they understand that your destiny is in their hands, and vice versa.

Vice is its own reward. It is virtue which, if it is to be marketed with consumer appeal, must carry Green Shield stamps.

Central heating is my vice - I have it on a bit too much as I am always cold. I try to make up for it in other green ways.

A live audience with live reactions feeds a different sort of acting that will then inform your film work, and vice versa.

The details are the very source of expression in architecture. But we are caught in a vice between art and the bottom line.

I do believe that during the Bush-Cheney administration, that Vice President Cheney set a tone and an attitude for the CIA.

So if the players trust the coach, it's not a problem. If the players don't trust the coach, it is a problem, and vice versa.

Old age adds to the respect due to virtue, but it takes nothing from the contempt inspired by vice; it whitens only the hair.

In high school, you don't play much defense. It's mostly offense. In college, it's vice versa, and that's what I tried to do.

I don't do the same food in Tokyo that I do in Vegas and vice versa. If I did that, two weeks later I would have no customers.

I recognized a lot of Vogue in me and vice versa. We fit, we were very compatible together - even my mum thinks we're similar!

Mom was the greatest influence of my childhood. She wanted to save me from the vice, lust, and drinking that was all about me.

I'm thankful for Sarah Palin's vice presidential bid, which taught us that Alaska is not in a box off the coast of California.

I don't doubt a number of those ballots, of those votes that were cast for me, probably were intended for Vice President Gore.

I like to eat chocolate and pizza - that's my vice! - just like everyone else, but if I do it I have to keep it under control.

Sadly, the timing's never been right. There have been men who would have married me but I didn't feel the same, and vice versa.

My freshman year, I ran for student class president and lost. The next year, I ran for student class vice president, and I won.

I think the coach-player relationship is a two-way thing. You have to be willing to take suggestions as a player and vice versa.

I was involved in a bunch of school activities - I was a cheerleader, I was on the chess team, I was vice president of my class.

If vice and corruption prevail, liberty cannot subsist; but if virtue have the advantage, arbitrary power cannot be established.

I grew up admiring Ronald Reagan and Vice President Bush, and if I were old enough, I would have voted for 41. I was glad he won.

Why not, when it can be done without exposure or expense, let me rescue some of America's miserable children from vice and guilt?

People think because 'Vice' is irreverent and because we're crazy, we're stunt journalists. You know what? I don't actually care.

My main vice is Herta frankfurters - it's amazing that they stay fresh for ages. They're not very healthy, but they are my treat.

My peoples told me they thought I should go talk to a therapist, and I went and talked to a therapist, and we let Vice record it.

Religion is a means of exploitation employed by the strong against the weak; religion is a cloak of ambition, injustice and vice.

The tongue may be employed about, and made to serve all the purposes of vice, in tempting and deceiving, in perjury and injustice.

It is the American vice, the democratic disease which expresses its tyranny by reducing everything unique to the level of the herd.

Cheney refers to his vice presidency... as one of the most consequential vice presidencies in American history. And it clearly was.

According to the Stoics, all vice was resolvable into folly: according to the Christian principle, it is all the effect of weakness.

The rhythm of sitar cannot be created with chords of guitar and vice versa as both the instruments have a distinct purpose in music.

The position of vice president does not exist in France; neither does a role comparable that of the first lady of the United States.

The reason we have Christian president and Muslim vice president or Muslim president and Christian vice president is to have balance.

When Roosevelt came along, I approved of his program, generally. I figured an economic system should work for people, not vice versa.

I'm not sure the people who are voting for Trump want to be pulled together with the people who are voting for Clinton and vice versa.

By vulgarity I mean that vice of civilization which makes man ashamed of himself and his next of kin, and pretend to be somebody else.

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