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Katrina Kaif is doing very well for herself and I'd like to wish her a very Happy Birthday
I became a full-time writer in 1993 and have been very happy, insofar as anybody is, since.
If you can only be happy with other people - and not alone - you are not a very happy person
What you get will never make you happy; who you become will make you very happy or very sad.
So if you see Ten Years After, it's not me anymore. I'm very happy with what I am doing now.
The fact is, I loved being English. I was very happy to be turned into an English schoolboy.
Everybody's got brain matter in their hair, and somehow that makes it a very happy workplace.
The only thing that disturbs me is that many psychopaths say they had a very happy childhood.
I don't feel like my money or my success defines me. I've always been very happy just bein' me.
I will always serve my country in any capacity, but I'm very happy with what I'm doing right now.
I'm very happy to be directing though. It's a challenge, and it's a lot of fun for me to be on set.
You’re not going to learn anything if you’re not prepared to go flat, so I’m very happy to go flat.
I have been very happy with my homes, but homes really are no more than the people who live in them.
It doesn't make me very happy to be on my computer all the time. I've never been drawn to that world.
I was very happy being a secretary. I loved working for the government. I was very happy with my life.
The minute you start assuming that the audience is very happy to see the same show again, you're dead.
I don't get recognized much, and am very happy with that. The fans I have met have all been delightful.
It's an honor to be compared with Terry Bradshaw. If I could do half of what he did, I'd be very happy.
I mean, I’m quite happy. I’m happy in all aspects of my life. I'm very happy in all aspects of my life.
I'm prepared for 12 rounds. I'll be very happy with anything else, but I'm prepared for 12 or 15 rounds.
Globally local commerce is a $12 to $14 trillion market. If we get 10 percent of that, we'll be very happy.
I was very happy to be living in New York at that time, more than in the present time. Now it's all commerce.
I feel very happy to be living in Berkeley because there are a lot of people who are politically active here.
The goodness you do when you are very happy is not as valuable as the goodness you do when you are very unhappy!
I really am planning on living to be 100. People ask, "Why are you so depressed?" I'm actually a very happy person.
When people have good energy, I feel it. And generally I feel that people do like me. And that makes me very happy.
I'm very happy to be back playing rugby for England again - there were times when I questioned if this would happen.
I'm very happy, very delighted. I'm setting to like a fighting cockerel, for I'm surrounded here by all that I love.
We have a really, really great dog. It doesn't bark. My dog almost smiles, which is weird. He's just a very happy dog.
I'm very happy to be employed. I always contend that in show business that if you're employed, then you're successful.
I feel like I've gotten to a point where I don't know if it can get much bigger. I've been climbing and I feel very happy.
Pittacus said, "Every one of you hath his particular plague, and my wife is mine; and he is very happy who hath this only".
My accountancy experience could come in handy if ever I find myself in the right position. For now, I'm very happy to write.
I feel like my grandparents and parents gave me a tremendous amount. And if I can pass some of that on, then I'll be very happy.
Capitalism was reasonably content under Hitler, happy under Mussolini, very happy under Franco and delirious under General Pinochet.
I hung up the phone, jubilant, and threw myself into a wall, then pretended to be getting electrocuted. I do this when I'm very happy.
I'm at a place in my life right now where I'm very happy, very content. I'm finally OK with the idea of who I love, who I want to be with.
I am the baby in the family, and I always will be. I am actually very happy to have that position. But I still get teased. I don't mind that.
I'm very happy with what the gods have given me. I take life as she presents herself to me, and whatever you see in my face is what I have earned.
When you've finished the film and everybody's already made back all their money, everybody just leaves you alone and I'm very happy. That's what it has to be like.
I'm really the addition of other peoples' imagination, quite honestly. It's what they see me as, and I'm very happy to comply. I find things are more varied that way.
I think anyone who's perfectly happy isn't particularly funny. And when you're very, very happy, you're not very funny. You're just happy. I'd rather be damaged and funny.
Actually they [ Netflix] were telling us to push it further and I've never gotten a nod like that from anybody in the industry, so it's been awesome to work with them. I'm very happy where we're at.