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I don't think there's a... boundary between digital media and print media. Every magazine is doing an online version.
When you take on a project, you have to be certain that you can make the best version of whatever it is you're given.
I think kind of what you see in the videos is true to me, if not maybe a slightly heightened version of my real self.
I started crying, because there's nothing like hearing that the artist who originally did the song likes your version.
When we launched the first version of Basecamp in 2004, we decided to build software for small companies just like us.
What you see in 'Daredevil' and 'Jessica Jones' isn't the Hell's Kitchen of today; it's a version of what it was like.
I have a singular focus, I'm a perfectionist, and I always want to prove I am the best and the best version of myself.
I see retirement as just another of these reinventions, another chance to do new things and be a new version of myself.
There is no picturesque version of what self-care looks like; it's different for every person who wants to practice it.
Well-being changes as we move through life, which is why a child's version of it cannot be the same as an old person's.
One of the things I wish Sony would do is get behind 'Borderlands,' because I'd love to see a Vita version of the game.
The original version of 'Nuthin' but a 'G' Thang' was made to a Boz Scaggs song; I can't remember the name of the song.
I was provided with additional input that was radically different from the truth. I assisted in furthering that version.
In order to be the best version of yourself, you have to dedicate time, effort, and support to other people who need it.
I drank the Kool-Aid of being a network star. Once it didn't happen, I realized it wasn't the best version of my comedy.
Already when I was very young, I was a fabulador. I loved to give my own version of stories that everybody already knew.
I don't believe in personal immortality; the only way I expect to have some version of such a thing is through my books.
In Hue, Vietnam, we had savory rice pancakes with crumbled shrimp and pork rinds. I've still never had a version as good.
I don't know what my version of a relationship or marriage is yet, because the typical model seems a little broken to me.
Every time I see something about the Wild West, I'm reminded that our version of history may not be what really happened.
I love the idea of not being able to afford something and just making your own version or buying a cheap knock-off instead.
You've got to stay super focused on shipping product. There isn't a version two or three if there isn't a great version one.
I came second in a 1,500-metre running race at school. I knew I couldn't have come first, so second was my version of first.
We ship a new version of Google Play Services every six weeks. Typically, 90 percent of users are on the new version of that.
I think the most productive thing to do during times of change is to be your best self, not the best version of someone else.
There are some decision-makers in the world whose version of sanity is a little different from what I consider the right one.
They call people who love London 'Anglophiles' and people who love France 'Francophiles.' I'd be the New York version of that.
When I teach writing, I have a mantra: 'Be a first-rate version of yourself, and not a second-rate version of another writer.'
My customer has her own sense of style and knows herself well. My goal is to help women become the best version of themselves.
There won't be a day when I stop working to be a better version of myself, so I'm going to keep working and I will get better.
Long Kiss Goodnight has a huge cult following. They could make another version of that movie right now and make a lot of money.
Memory is the way we keep telling ourselves our stories - and telling other people a somewhat different version of our stories.
I'm tryna figure out when I'm gonna do my version of the Moonwalk... It's coming, you know? That Dolla $ign moonwalk is comin'.
If you put a demo on the net and people say it was the finished version then they're going to say it sucks. I really hate that.
Almost every day, people will say to me some version of, 'You're so much nicer in real life.' I guess I come across as not nice.
I want to be free to be any version of me I feel like being. I don't want to be McDonald's that serves the same food every time.
I played Jonathan Livingston Seagull in a musical version of 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull' in Austin, TX. It was pretty special.
My path to motherhood was challenging, to say the least, and I always feel like I'm living a 'Sliding Doors' version of my life.
I like the idea that we settle into what looks best on us. Then it becomes a game of finding the perfect version of those things.
I just try to love my body, to embrace who I am and really be the best version of myself. You have to know how much you're worth.
Islamism is not Islam. Islamism is the politicisation of Islam, the desire to impose a version of this ancient faith over society.
Choosing sepia is all to do with trying to make the image look romantic and idealistic. It's sort of a soft version of propaganda.
I do love playing aristocrats, probably because it's so against type. So much more interesting than playing a version of yourself.
I love shopping for guys! A watch is a fantastic gift idea - an oversized, stainless steel version with links is classic and cool.
The idea that historians write the definitive version of something that will last for all time is less current than it used to be.
I truly believe that when you've found the one you're searching for, you become a better version of yourself. You're better for it.
We have a version of Firefox for mobile devices, codenamed Fennec. That's a type of fox - South American, I think, with giant ears.
It was always in the back of my mind while we were working on the first year of 'Rookie' that we'd do a print version at some point.
I'm a big techno fan. I love that thumping kick drum. We heard a version of 'Lost in Love' and it was thrash metal. It sounded cool!
A lot of big studio films, which are fun and great, tend to have a formula, and you've seen it before, and it's a new version of it.