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Here I am Rock You Like a Hurricane.
What's the orbital velocity of the moon?
I use high velocity to keep hitters off balance.
Everything I do is somehow connected to velocity.
A Dalit needs Jupiter's escape velocity to achieve success.
One of my philosophies of building companies is the importance of velocity.
Everyone's got their own velocity, and there's no real time frame with comedy.
I haven't always thrown hard, but eventually my (velocity) caught up with my mechanics.
The velocity with which time flies is infinite, as is most apparent to those who look back.
Velocity is one thing, but the thing that worries me is my ball-strike ratio is about 1-to-1.
The issue is, you're not going to have a lot of inflation showing up when you have no velocity.
Find your speed, maintain your velocity, keep it up, keep it consistent, and stay in the pocket.
The velocity and volume on the Web are so great that nothing is forgotten and nothing is remembered.
My sailing system set sail, make it fast, no thoughts of energy or velocity, loll back, let boat drift.
Nonviolence, when it becomes active, travels with extraordinary velocity, and then it becomes a miracle.
When the velocity of progress increases beyond a certain point, it becomes indistinguishable from crisis.
Maybe in the minor leagues. With my velocity, they would pick it up and say, 'Hey, you dropped something.'
If the 1980s were about quality and the 1990s were about reengineering, then the 2000s will be about velocity.
Whenever the work is itself light, it becomes necessary, in order to economize time, to increase the velocity.
I came to realize in my late 20s that my velocity is not going to grow so I had to learn to utilize what I had.
Given the accelerating velocity of history, we should begin charting deliberately the next phase in its trajectory.
The great spirals, with their enormous radial velocities and insensible proper motions, apparently lie outside our Solar system.
The problem of defining exactly what is meant by the signal velocity, which cropped up as long ago as 1907, has not been solved.
An observer can't tell if a person is silent and still because inner life has stalled or because inner life is transfixingly busy.
Arc, amplitude, and curvature sustain a similar relation to each other as time, motion, and velocity, or as volume, mass, and density.
In this position I play, it's just repetition and continuing to throw the routes and getting that velocity back that you would throw in game speed.
Most people hoard their money - just keep it in the bank. Bitcoin will really take off when people start spending it, creating a velocity of money.
...(that) any general system of conveying passengers would ... go at a velocity exceeding ten miles an hour, or thereabouts, is extremely improbable.
With a smaller setting, you have a lot more freedom and flexibility within a given moment, but not necessarily the velocity you have with a big band.
She continued weeping until the heat of her tear water, the sheer velocity of its flow, finally obscured the already vague circumstances of its origins.
Making money, it seems, is all about the velocity of moving it around, so that it can exist in Hong Kong one moment and Wall Street a split second later.
A beam of luminous hydrogen canal rays has, owing to its velocity, exactly the same direction as that of the electric field in which it may be made to move.
I think we live in delusional times, whether it's with a great ability to totally distract ourselves with technology, or with speed and the velocity of life.
The velocity of decision making in government was extraordinary slow. It took 18 to 24 months and 15 to 20 trips to Delhi to get a license to import computers.
Market leadership can translate directly to higher revenue, higher profitability, greater capital velocity and correspondingly stronger returns on invested capital.
Market leadership can translate directly to higher revenue, higher profitability, greater capital velocity, and correspondingly stronger returns on invested capital.
The proportion between the velocity with which men or animals move, and the weights they carry, is a matter of considerable importance, particularly in military affairs.
That's why it's so important to have that gap between your fastball and off-speed pitches: then, when you effectively locate your fastball, it plays at a higher velocity.
In turning from the smaller instruments in frequent use to the larger and more important machines, the economy arising from the increase of velocity becomes more striking.
The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head than the most superficial declamation; as a feather and a guinea fall with equal velocity in a vacuum.
By allowing the positive ions to pass through an electric field and thus giving them a certain velocity, it is possible to distinguish them from the neutral, stationary atoms.
From a certain temperature on, the molecules 'condense' without attractive forces; that is, they accumulate at zero velocity. The theory is pretty, but is there some truth in it.
I'm pretty proud of my fastball. I can throw a screwball. It's not as accurate, and I don't have the velocity like I do with my fastball, but I think my fastball is not too shabby.
Your company is probably going to get hacked. The velocity and complexity of hacking attempts has skyrocketed, with companies routinely facing millions of knocks on the vault door.
I like physics. I think it is the best science out of all three of them, because generally it's more useful. You learn about speed and velocity and time, and that's all clever stuff.
In 2009, at the height of the global economic crisis, it was clear that we were seeing something new: the impacts of the crisis were flowing across borders at unprecedented velocity.
What people really haven't thought about with real estate is, if you get tax reform, you're going to see real estate now... the velocity of selling and buying real estate will just kick.
What is new is the multiplying reach and volume of the Internet, concentrating the toxicity of destructive emotions and circulating them in the political bloodstream with unparalleled velocity.
In bodies moved, the motion is received, increased, diminished, or lost, according to the relations of the quantity of matter and velocity; each diversity is uniformity, each change is constancy.
We shall probably never attain the power of measuring the velocity of nervous action; for we have not the opportunity of comparing its propagation through immense space, as we have in the case of light.