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We must not allow the Iranian regime to use the nation's vast energy resource as a financial pipeline for its nuclear ambitions.
For the vast majority of my adult life, I was a freelance writer, forever scrambling for work that paid an insulting non-amount.
The job creators are members of America's vast middle class and the poor, whose purchases cause businesses to expand and invest.
It might be arrogant to think that we're the only living creations in all of the solar systems that there are. Space is so vast.
The cemetery of the victims of human cruelty in our century is extended to include yet another vast cemetery, that of the unborn.
Five to 10 years from now, if not sooner, the vast majority of 'The New Republic' readers are likely to be reading it on a tablet.
The virtual world is a 'public square' much more vast than Tiananmen Square. And you can't send in the tanks to crush the netizens.
Put three grains of sand inside a vast cathedral, and the cathedral will be more closely packed with sand than space is with stars.
We're a trading nation. We need to have trade, we rely on it, a vast proportion of our jobs in our country rely on trade agreements.
It's not a vast right-wing conspiracy. It's a right-wing conglomerate. It's more sophisticated, it's well-financed, it's well known.
When we step into a new terrain, we experience vast uncertainty. Uncertainty is just a situation that you do not know how to handle.
Most of the money I make now comes from investments from CrunchFund. And the vast majority of that is what's called carried interest.
I join President Obama and the vast majority of Chicagoans who are tired of waiting for Washington to get serious about gun violence.
Society is one vast conspiracy for carving one into the kind of statue likes, and then placing it in the most convenient niche it has.
I think the supernatural is a catch-all for everything we don't understand about the vast other parts of life that we cannot perceive.
While the vast majority of hackers may be disinclined towards violence, it would only take a few to turn cyber terrorism into reality.
My wife has great taste in everything but men. The vast majority of the songs on my debut album, 'Traveller,' came from lists she made.
I'll declare my own interest right here at the start and admit that, like the vast majority of people, I find youthful looks appealing.
I understand how bureaucracies work. And that's important because our government has become a vast, huge, bloated, corrupt bureaucracy.
Therefore the vast majority of the people who affirm leftist beliefs think of their views as the only way to properly think about life.
Our intelligence agencies have vast powers, and Obama used them illegally to spy on political opponents. This can't be allowed to stand.
Does advertising corrupt editors? Yes it does, but fewer editors than you may suppose... the vast majority of editors are incorruptible.
The dangers of a concentration of all power in the general government of a confederacy so vast as ours are too obvious to be disregarded.
There's not a good poet I know who has not at the beck and call of his memory a vast quantity of poetry that composes his mental library.
The Internet has turned the world into one gigantic linked community, capable of instantly sharing vast amounts of incorrect information.
The best way to tell people about climate change is through non-fiction. There's a vast literature of outstanding writing on the subject.
When the vast majority of strangers you interact with are trolls on social media, it slowly begins to chip away at your love for humanity.
The differences between Rand Paul and millennials are vast - not just on economics, but on social issues that matter to young people, too.
I believe that a man is converted when first he hears the low, vast murmur of life, of human life, troubling his hitherto unconscious self.
Working with Woody Allen was extremely gratifying. He has such a vast catalog of great work that doing one of his films was somewhat unreal.
The vast majority of English folk cannot and will not consider a picture as a picture, apart from any story which it may be supposed to tell.
The number of people writing poems is vast, and their reasons for doing so are many, that much can be surmised from the stacks of submissions.
We lose stories every day because they drift out of use and into the vast limbo of in-copyright, out-of-print books whose ownership is unclear.
I get to choose things that interest me as opposed to trying to get any job that will have me, which for a vast majority of actors is the case.
Oh, these vast, calm, measureless mountain days, days in whose light everything seems equally divine, opening a thousand windows to show us God.
For me, the vast marvel is to be alive. For man, or for flowers or beast or bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly and perfectly alive.
What can the Church do? If she stands by her moral teaching, then she will be seen as standing in judgement over a vast percentage of Europeans.
Will and I are yin and yang. He's all sky, vast and bright and soaring, and I'm all earth. I'm here to ground him, and he's here to help me fly.
Modi has been the Gujarat chief minister for more than a decade, but there is a vast difference between controlling a state and leading a nation.
The horror genre is vast and full of brilliance. Stephen King, Shirley Jackson, Herman Melville, the book of Esther. I'll happily join that list.
I think there's all kinds of life out there, including intelligent life, but the reason we haven't found each other is because of vast distances.
As awful as the crimes of Stalinism were, the vast majority of the Russian population was trying to survive, to love, to have a sense of purpose.
The vast majority of what I've seen written about me is not true. My family and friends - the people who matter to me - they know the real story.
In the time when my mother began standing up against prejudice and racism, the vast majority of white Americans rarely thought about civil rights.
The novel is a highly corrupt medium, after all - in the end the vast majority of them simply aren't that great, and are destined to be forgotten.
Science and the many benefits that science has produced have played a crucial part in our history and produced vast improvements to human welfare.
For the vast majority of Americans who work hard and play by the rules, paying the bills may be hard some months, but it's something we always do.
You watch enough TV, and very soon the inside of your head has become a vast, arid plain, across which you cannot detect the passage of a thought.
One should indeed read Pope with his notes available, in the Twickenham edition possibly, to see what a vast amount he did understand about Homer.
There is a vast difference between games and play. Play is played for fun, but games are deadly serious and you do not play them to enjoy yourself.