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Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people.
It is thus superstition infatuates man from his infancy, fills him with vanity, and enslaves him with fanaticism.
Art's the biggest vanity: the assumption that one's view of peace or fright or beauty is permanently communicable.
Now, being on the cover of Vanity Fair is as important as being in great movies. The lines are very, very blurred.
Nothing so soothes our vanity as a display of greater vanity in others; it makes us vain, in fact, of our modesty.
The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty, and truth.
The nicest gifts are those left, nameless and quiet, unburdened with love, or vanity, or the desire for attention.
Because handsomeness is always accompanied by vanity.And I suppose ugliness is accompanied by a wealth of virtues?
He knows which fighters to steal, how to exploit anyone's vice, vanity or insecurity and make a profit for himself.
Natural amiableness is too often seen in company with sloth, with uselessness, with the vanity of fashionable life.
Greater mischief happens often from folly, meanness, and vanity than from the greater sins of avarice and ambition.
For let us women be never so ill-favored, I imagine that we are always delighted to hear ourselves called handsome.
Madness designates the equinox between the vanity of night's hallucinations and the non-being of light's judgments.
There's nothing like getting yourself into character and seeing a different person. It really wears on your vanity.
--nor had I understood til then how the shameless vanity of utter fools can so strongly determine the fate of others
Every author, however modest, keeps a most outrageous vanity chained like a madman in the padded cell of his breast.
People who are very vain are usually equally susceptible; and they who feel one thing acutely, will so feel another.
Vanity is a silly thing to be obsessed with because... it sounds cliché but it leads you to emptiness; it goes away.
It is a rule of creative ability that it does nothing of any value, while it is possessed by this afflatus of vanity.
Let us think often that our only business in this life is to please God. Perhaps all besides is but folly and vanity.
The expression of vanity and self-love becomes less offensive, when it retains something of simplicity and frankness.
A vain man can never be altogether rude. Desirous as he is of pleasing, he fashions his manners after those of others.
Envy is the reverse side of a coin called vanity - Nobody is ever envious of others who is not first proud of himself.
Friendship is cemented by interest, vanity, or the want of amusement; it seldom implies esteem, or even mutual regard.
My vanity is not remotely physical, it is cerebral. I suppose feeling self-conscious might be a form of vanity, though.
....to abuse the intellect for reasons of pride, vanity, or escape from responsibility, is the fruit of that same tree.
The purpose of writing is to hold a mirror to nature, but too much today is written from small mirrors in vanity cases.
In a vain man, the smallest spark may kindle into the greatest flame, because the materials are always prepared for it.
Invest in vanity. Buy stocks in high-profile companies whose products are designed to make you feel good and look good.
I have a healthy sense of vanity. I like to look good for myself, which is what a lot of women say. I want to stay fit.
It is sure that those are most desirous of honour or glory who cry out loudest of its abuse and the vanity of the world.
The leap is made by dropping vanity over knowledge and by a willingness to become nothing in order to become everything.
From time to time, just about every Vanity Fair writer has a chance to sell rights to an article or a book to Hollywood.
What makes the pain we feel from shame and jealousy so cutting is that vanity can give us no assistance in bearing them.
Children live in the same world we do. To kid ourselves that we can shelter them from it isn't just naive it's a vanity.
The near touch of death may be a release into life; if only it will break the egoistic will, and release that other flow.
Vanity does not refer to the opinion a man entertains of himself, but to that which he wishes others to entertain of him.
Daily and hourly, the politician inwardly has to overcome a quite trivial and all-too-human enemy: a quite vulgar vanity.
If you want to succeed in the world it is necessary, when entering a salon, that your vanity should bow to that of others.
That is the happiest conversation where there is no competition, no vanity, but a calm, quiet interchange of sentiments...
Meek Nature's evening comment on the shows That for oblivion take their daily birth From all the fuming vanities of earth.
My father said, Politics asks the question: Is it expedient? Vanity asks: Is it popular? But conscience asks: Is it right?
Our vanity makes us exaggerate the importance of human life; the individual is nothing; Nature cares only for the species.
One of the main goals of self-education is to eradicate that vanity in us without which we would never have been educated.
The herd seek out the great, not for their sake but for their influence; and the great welcome them out of vanity or need.
I consider it an indubitable mark of mean-spiritedness and pitiful vanity to court applause from the pen or tongue of man.
Be good, be young, be true! Evil is nothing but vanity, let us have the pride of good, and above all let us never despair.
Moral capitalism is possible; if not, its strictures are only a kind of misleading vanity, the rhetoric of a secular piety.
The act of love . . . is a confession. Selfishness screams aloud, vanity shows off, or else true generosity reveals itself.
Vanity costs money, labor, horses, men, women, health and peace, and is still nothing at last,--a long way leading nowhere.