you can't be value free when it comes to marriage

I'm a human being, god-dammit. My life has value!

A good example has twice the value of good advice

We don't appreciate the value of humor sometimes.

Nothing of great value in this life comes easily.

I value comedy. I value somebody who can be funny.

From adversity we can learn the value of patience.

Find value in what we've been taught is worthless.

There remains an experience of incomparable value.

My secret agenda is to convey my values to my kids.

European and American values do not fully coincide.

Don't be a person of success, be a person of value.

Planned Parenthood, we're going to get rid of that.

To know values is to know the meaning of the market

The only thing you can never change is your values.

Death is a gift. Without it we wouldn't value life.

I believe that dignified work is a value in itself.

Value everyone you know they might be gone tomorrow

What is the value of light when it no longer shines

Value the relationship more than making your quota.

Value equals benefits received for burdens endured.

People don't like to buy things that are going down.

We do not choose survival as a value, it chooses us.

Some people always know the price, but not the value

The need for values is inbred. Their content is not.

Play is the creation of value that is not necessary.

We don't put the same amount of money in each stock.

I never confuse the cost of something with its value

Science is of value because it can produce something.

Lolitas value independence and beauty above all else.

Always, Sir, set a high value on spontaneous kindness.

The real value in everything you do is in the details.

We cannot measure, what it is we do not know to value.

Let ignorance talk as it will, learning has its value.

Capitalism is a system for determining objective value.

Anyone who values truth should stop worshipping reason.

The EU is a community of values, not military buildups.

Everybody has value; even if to serve as a bad example.

The value of the work we do is the value we give to it.

Timely service, like timely gifts, is doubled in value.

You've no future unless you add value, create projects.

There is a value to moving more slowly through a story.

The sex can stay dirty, but the values have to be clean.

Womens value has been under-recognized for far too long.

Instilling values of faith at an early age is important.

I really value passion for the product above experience.

You must value the business in order to value the stock.

If there is no price to be paid, it is also not of value.

Strategic partnership is based on a shared set of values.

Understand that the only possession of any value is life.

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