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If you want to change things in the USA it's best not to spend all your time writing but to take action against the ol' sea of troubles.
Let's use the opportunities before us to stand for Christ. If we will do, God himself will honor our efforts and America can be restored.
It's terrible, the way obese children and adults are treated in this country [USA]. And I'm not leaving this Earth until that is changed.
Slavery is nothing to joke about! And the history of this nation's [the USA's] involvement with slavery is nothing to pass off in a joke.
How does it become a man to behave towards the American government today? I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
Aborigines, n.: Persons of little worth found cumbering the soil of a newly discovered country. They soon cease to cumber; they fertilize.
You don't have freedom because you are a hyphenated American; you have freedom because you are an individual, and that should be protected.
Donald Trump's message is that we in the USA, if we're going to have a country, it would be nice too know who is here and why they're here.
In fact Sarah Palin has created more jobs than Obama has. She created eleven jobs fact-checking at the AP just for the Palin autobiography.
Secular progressivism, which attempts to remove God from the public square, is not consistent with the principles that established the USA.
There is a gyre of discarded floating plastic the size of the continental USA in the ocean. In it, plastic trash outweighs plankton 40 to 1.
By giving every American access to quality, affordable health care, they will create a more competitive, a stronger and more secure America!
When I make an American movie it's going to come out all over the world-it doesn't happen the same way for an Italian film or a French film.
This is a strange, little, complacent country [Switzerland], in many ways a USA in miniature but of course nearer the center of disturbance!
King Abdullah has died. A divisive figure in the Middle East. The sad irony is that the USA preached democracy in the face of absolute rule.
I think USA has a great handle on programming and content. They know their viewers and they know what works... Character driven programming!
The architecture profession has lost a lot of its integrity, especially in the USA. The general architect here has no scruples, no ambitions.
Christ would not vote for Barack Obama because Barack Obama has voted to behave in a way that it is inconceivable for Christ to have behaved.
Yes, we [USA] can be safe and secure, if we stay on the offense against the terrorists and if we spread freedom and liberty around the world.
None of what Barack Obama is doing or wants to do to this country is anything the rest of the world hasn't seen before and already failed at.
Instead of sitting on the sidelines, President Obama has made it clear that the US is ready to lead a global effort to combat climate change.
Obama likes to quote great men but will never be a great man himself. I can't stand it when our leader goes around apologizing for who we are.
If we look far into the future, one can see a time in the 21st century when both Europe and the USA will be in dire need of Russia as an ally.
Whoever controls the flow of Persian Gulf oil has a stranglehold not only on our economy but also on the other countries of the world as well.
I don't like the current political system in the USA and some other countries. Increasingly democracy has been hijacked by corporate interests.
The dangerous American fascist is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way.
The liberties and freedoms which we hold dear and we recognize and cherish and respect guide the way we gather information in the United States
It's a problem that we [USA] think the Iranians are backing Hezbollah; the Iranians are backing terrorist activity in many parts of that region.
Given the daunting challenges that we face, it's important that president elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one.
In most of the USA, the three largest health insurance companies in each state control 80 percent of the market. No wonder premiums are going up.
If they asked me, I would have to say no. I made up my mind to play for the United States some day and I'm sticking to it. (on playing for Ghana)
Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
Many girls prepare their whole lives for this one moment. For me, I see Miss USA as an opportunity to reach new and greater heights in the future.
I love trade. I'm a free trader, 100 percent. But we [the USA] need smart people making the deals, and we don't have smart people making the deals.
The Chavez-Obama pictures will join a postmodern photo array that includes Donald Rumsfeld gifting Saddam Hussein with spurs from President Reagan.
It appears that President Obama is making great progress on climate change, he is changing the political climate in the country back to Republican.
I just think that all of us in this room should have a voice in how the USA is represented. And he don't allow us our voice, that's all I'm saying.
President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and their team have failed the American people, and that is why their majority will soon be out the door.
The Pledge of Allegiance reflects the truth that faith in God has played a significant role in America since the days of the founding of our country.
Two years before the last election you nor anyone else would have predicted that Barack Obama was going to get elected president of the United States.
We were from totally different social backgrounds. This is what is very hard for an American to understand, but we could have been five guys from Mars.
% of the American public are with us. We're preaching to the choir, but the choir's not singing, if all of the 58% started singing, this war would end.
If sexual intercourse, as the poets tell us, began in 1963, it was another decade and a half before the American political system began to take notice.
I feel that I am a citizen of the American dream and that the revolutionary struggle of which I am a part is a struggle against the American nightmare.
Many people leave the country to see beautiful places. I just look out the window and see some of the most gorgeous scenery ever, right here in the USA.
Al Qaeda is still a threat. We cannot pretend somehow that because Barack Hussein Obama got elected as president, suddenly everything is going to be OK.
I call the present system 'Post-Constitutional America.' As I sometimes put it, the U.S. Constitution poses no serious threat to our form of government.
Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here.
The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly held that marriage is one of the most fundamental rights that we have as Americans under our Constitution.
This radical transformation of world power relationships reflects primarily in the case of both the USA and the USSR the growth of the productive forces.