Quotes of All Topics . Occasions . Authors
I never tell the audience what to think of me. When I talk, how you consume it is up to you.
Your Destiny is chosen by God, Your future is certain, whether you arrive there is up to you
It's up to you how you waste your time and money. I'm staying here to read: life's too short.
You don't have to turn on the TV set. You don't have to work on the Internet. It's up to you.
Anyway, there's something wrong with everybody and it's up to you to know what you can handle.
There are the most fantastic, beautiful things and people out there. It’s up to you to find them.
There is such a thing as fate, but it only takes you so far. Then its up to you to make it happen.
It's much easier to have nothing to live up to. You surprise people when you form a full sentence.
What you do, who you’re with, and how you feel about the world around you, is completely up to you.
I believe every PERSON is beautiful. What you do with that beauty, how you develop it, is up to you.
I'm going to do my thing and if you react a certain way - with pity or with anger - that's up to you.
You can't imagine how gratifying it is to have a reader come up to you and say, 'You changed my life.'
Tommy Dorsey would walk up to you if you had a tuxedo on and make sure you didn't have on white socks.
A podium is something you walk up to, you say what you want to say and when you're finished, you leave.
I didn't show up here to give your life purpose now that your life's over. That's up to you to figure out.
If you want milk, don't sit on a stool in the middle of a field in the hope that a cow will back up to you.
Saints and sages are still alive. Great masters are still operating. It is up to you to find where they are.
God gives you the resources for success. But it is up to you to recognize them and use them to their fullest.
The truth has a strange way of following you, of coming up to you and making you listen to what it has to say.
I've learned that success comes in a very prickly package. Whether you choose to accept it or not is up to you.
People stopped me on the street and said 'I can't live up to you.' Of course, they're referring to June Cleaver.
There is no bad light. There is spectacular light and difficult light. It's up to you to use the light you have.
It's a great feeling when someone like Bernard Hinault comes up to you on the podium to say 'Welcome to the club
I think as you mature as an actor things open up to you in a lot of ways, especially if you do work on yourself.
Every scene you will ever act begins in the middle, and it is up to you, the actor, to provide what comes before.
Someone is always going to try to knock you down and take your place. It is up to you to fight for what you want.
If you believe in yourself, it doesn't matter what others might be telling you is impossible. It's all up to you!
Pilot season is always crazy because you audition for a million things, and really, in the end, it's not up to you.
... i didn't fall in love of course it's never up to you but she was walking back and forth and i was passing through
You can take as much as you can from the generation that has preceded you, but then it's up to you to make something new.
Success is achieved and maintained by those who keep trying with positive mental attitude. What you try for is up to you.
You will always be a monster - there is no turning back from it. But what kind of monster you become is entirely up to you.
This age thing is all up to you. It's like happiness is up to you. You just have to understand what it is before you get it.
A partner can encourage you, maybe even stop you from falling, but they can't get you to the top. That's entirely up to you.
There are two things that you have to do in life: You have to die, and you have to live until you die. The rest is up to you.
Inside each of you is a rich person, a poor person & a middle class person. It is up to you to decide which person you become.
Oh God, the terrible tyranny of the majority. We all have our harps to play. And it's up to you to know with which ear you'll listen.
Of course there’s destiny, but destiny doesn’t push you where you don’t want to go. You’re the ones who choose. Destiny is up to you.
If you take action, you will be judged. There's no way around it. The alternative, of course, is much safer. To be ignored. Up to you.
There is no ideal world for you to wait around for. The world is always just what it is now, and it's up to you how you respond to it.
Choose the way of life. Choose the way of love. Choose the way of caring. Choose the way of goodness. It's up to you. It's your choice.
When somebody comes up to you and shows you yellow underlining of something you wrote, that's such a high. It's a connection to others.
I believe God's keeping the records and I believe you will be rewarded even in this life; somehow, some way God will make it up to you.
Before you come alive, life is nothing; it 's up to you to give it a meaning, and value is nothing else but the meaning that you choose.
Sometimes I have to accept a job I don't really want. Hardly anybody comes up to you with a commission; it's all competitions these days.
There is some place where your specialties can shine. Somewhere that difference can be expressed. It's up to you to find it, and you can.
You know, these non-physical beings, it's very hard to tell what they're up to. You can't see them. How can you rely on them? It's chancy.
Bandwagons roll through our lives. Its up to you whether you jump on them unquestioningly or jump on them to overturn them and subvert them.
All fame is is having people you don't know coming up to you and saying, 'Hello.' I'm always polite and people are always nice, but it's weird.
Lift up your eyes, discouraged one. When you feel like giving up, when they say it can't be done, it's up to you to show them why they're wrong.